
Taboo: Harem of milfs

Upon reaching the age of 18, Jonathan's life undergoes a dramatic transformation as he uncovers his lineage as a descendant of a powerful witch, ultimately emerging as the strongest warlock.

Luciferjl · Fantasía
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6 Chs

Ambushed by a bear

The next morning, Jonathan and his grandmother, Alessandra, were ready to continue their journey deeper into the jungle towards her ancestral village. After a hearty breakfast, they were led by the estate staff down a winding path that opened up to a riverbank.


Jonathan's jaw dropped when he saw the lavish river cruise boat waiting for them. It was a top-of-the-line luxury vessel, with amenities like a hot tub, sauna, and even a rugged Jeep secured on the front deck.


"Holy cow! Is this really for us, Grandma?" Jonathan exclaimed, beaming with excitement as he rushed over to inspect the impressive Jeep upfront.


Alessandra smiled indulgently at her grandson's enthusiasm. "But of course, my dear. We may be venturing into the heart of the untamed wilderness, but that is no reason to forego certain...creature comforts along the way."


She gracefully stepped aboard the river cruiser as the crew descended into a whirlwind of activity, rushing to prepare for departure. Jonathan eventually tore himself away from thoroughly examining the Jeep, realising this was to be their mode of transportation once they disembarked from the river portion of their travels.


As the engines rumbled to life and the cruiser began nudging away from the riverbank, Jonathan went exploring below deck. He discovered a lavish lounge area fitted with overstuffed sofas, a minibar, and even an entertainment system for movies or gaming.


"You really went all out, didn't you, Grandma?" he asked in amazement when Alessandra joined him there.


"I absolutely did not," she chuckled. "This was merely a standard issue when your grandfather coordinated these river expeditions decades ago. The Graydons have never been ones to rough it."


Over the next two days, Jonathan and Alessandra passed the time enjoying the cruise's innumerable luxuries as the lush jungle banks slowly slid by outside. Jonathan took advantage of the onboard gym and spa amenities, while Alessandra spent long hours on the observation decks, seemingly reconnecting with the sumptuous, verdant landscape of her youth.


He couldn't help when his grandma wore comfort dresses around him, taking a peek at her curves, and even once tried to spy on her when she was taking a bath. He was surprised at himself at how daring he had become and these new feelings he had developed in recent days.


On the second afternoon, the riverboat captain approached them on the upper deck. "Pardon me, but we shall be disembarking soon. The river narrows too perilously to proceed much further by boat."


Jonathan felt his stomach do a somersault of nervous anticipation. This was it - time to leave behind even the isolation of this floating palace and finally breach the untrammelled inner jungles where the Amaîri village awaited.


As the cruiser nosed its way through a tight inlet surrounded by curtaining vines and gnarled trees, the shoreline opened to a small cove. The jeep was offloaded onto the muddy earth as the cruiser docked properly. Then the attendants loaded several supply boxes into the jeep.


Alessandra was already waiting with the nimble jeep prepared, having switched to more rugged clothing better suited for their impending trek through the jungle's interior.


"Are you ready, Jonathan?" She called out with an intensity that brokered no objections. "The heart of our ancestral homeland lies just a day's journey from here."


Jonathan stepped out of the cruiser, the warm breeze tousling his hair as he surveyed the scene before him.


There, standing before him, was Alessandra, clad in a striking ensemble that left him momentarily breathless. Her leather pants hugged her curves in all the right places, accentuating the subtle contours of her thighs with an air of effortless grace. But it was the snug-fitting shirt she wore that truly captured his attention—its fabric stretched taut over a bosom that seemed to defy gravity.


As his gaze travelled upward, Jonathan couldn't help but admire the way she carried herself, every movement imbued with a sense of confidence and poise. From the cap perched jauntily atop her head to the gloves encasing her hands, she exuded an aura of mystery and allure that was impossible to ignore. And those glasses, perched delicately upon the bridge of her nose, lent her an air of sophistication that only served to enhance her appeal.


But it was her long boots, gleaming in the sunlight, that truly completed the ensemble, adding a touch of ruggedness to an otherwise polished look. In that moment, Jonathan found himself utterly captivated by the vision before him, his heart racing with a mixture of admiration and desire.


"Jonathan, sweetie!" Alessandra's voice broke through his reverie, pulling him back to reality with a jolt. Blinking in surprise, he realised that she had been calling out to him, her gaze fixed upon his with a warmth that melted away any lingering doubts.


With a nod of his head, Jonathan snapped out of his daze, a sheepish smile tugging at the corners of his lips. "Sorry, lost in thought there for a moment," he confessed, his cheeks flushing with embarrassment.


But Alessandra only chuckled softly, a twinkle of amusement dancing in her eyes. "No need to apologize, dear," she replied, her tone gentle yet teasing. "Shall we get going? The day awaits, and we have a long journey ahead."


Swallowing hard, Jonathan climbed into the jeep's passenger seat and gripped the safety handle perhaps a bit too tightly.


"As ready as I'll ever be," he replied with as much conviction as he could muster.


Without another word, Alessandra gunned the engine, and they lurched forward, swallowed by the verdant emerald tangle of the wilds.

"From this point onward, we proceed alone," Alessandra stated solemnly. "Only the Amaîri tribesmen know the paths leading to our village's sacred grounds. Not even the most skilled guides or satellite tracking arrays can pierce the veil of ancient warding magicks shielding us from trespass."


As they lurched forward, quickly devouring the makeshift mud path inland from the riverbank. Towering trunks and latticed canopies rapidly enveloped them until the outside world disappeared entirely.


For the first few hours, there was little to distinguish their journey from any ordinary off-road expedition through formidable forests. Alessandra's decades-ingrained survival skills were put to use navigating the jeep over gnarled roots, washed-out ravines, and patches of head-high bottomless mud that would have stumped even the most seasoned explorer.


But then, as they continued penetrating deeper into the deep heart of the jungle interior, an eerie stillness seemed to gradually settle over their surroundings. Animal calls faded away into silence. The very vegetation appeared to be holding a reverent hush in the presence of these two interlopers.


The only sounds were the steady rumbling of the jeep's engine and the occasional crunch of debris under the tyres. Even the humid thermals wrapped around them in an oppressive, static-charged shroud, as if nature itself were waiting with bated breath.


Jonathan couldn't shake the feeling they had crossed over into a realm where all previous points of familiarity no longer applied - not compasses or maps, certainly not the illusion of mankind's dominance over the elements. In these patchwork remains of a primal world before human consciousness emerged, they were but motes at the mercy of ineffable primitive forces.


He looked over at Alessandra, her hands still gripping the wheel with that uncanny sixth sense and serene confidence. To his eyes, though, her features had taken on a timelessness, as if her very being had shifted into attunement with these immortal surroundings. His sweet, if somewhat eccentric, suburban grandmother had undergone an elemental transformation back to her roots as the true daughter of this sacred domain.




"Grandma, why is it so silent? It's really creeping me out," Jonathan said uneasily as the jeep continued its steady advance.


The oppressive stillness surrounding them made every crunch of debris under the tyres seem to reverberate unnaturally. Aside from the rumbling engine, there were no bird calls, no rustling of unseen creatures - just an eerie, weighted silence pressing in from the dense foliage.


Alessandra kept one hand calmly on the wheel while her other reached over to give Jonathan's cheek a reassuring pat. "It's alright; don't worry about the silence," she said in a tone meant to soothe. "We've entered the ancestral boundaries protected by the ancient wardings. The jungle goes into a consecrated hush in acknowledgement of the mystical forces at work here."


Jonathan gulped nervously, trying not to let his imagination run too wild. "You mean, like...magic? Actual, magic is making it this quiet?"


"Among other revered practices and spiritual attunements," Alessandra replied cryptically. "You need to learn to be brave and open your mind; otherwise, this awakening will be very troublesome indeed."


As if to punctuate her words, the dense canopy above seemed to abruptly darken as the last traces of purplish dusk light faded from the sky. The jeep's high beams automatically flickered on, casting just-powerful-enough pools of illumination amidst the shadowy trunks and tangled undergrowth.


Jonathan blinked against the contrast, suddenly feeling even more enveloped in this alien primordial realm where none of the natural rules he took for granted seemed to apply any longer. His heart started pounding harder as their path became increasingly shrouded in gloom.


"How much further until we reach the village?" he asked, trying not to let the tremor in his voice betray his rising panic. "Will we make it before full night falls?"


The massive grizzly burst through the foliage directly in their path, letting out a deafening roar that shook the Jeep. Jonathan froze in sheer terror as the huge beast reared up on its hind legs, swiping its massive paws menacingly.


"Grandma! Look out!" He managed to scream just before the bear's immense weight came crashing down onto the jeep's hood.

The vehicle careened off the narrow path as Alessandra fought for control against the bear's relentless onslaught. With an almighty heave, the grizzly managed to flip the jeep, and it didn't stop as it did one more flip to get it back on its wheels.


In the process, they were both thrown out of the vehicle.


Jonathan's world was a dizzying chaos of twisting metal, snapping branches, and his grandmother's cries as they were violently thrown from the wreckage. He landed hard on the damp earth; the wind knocked from his lungs as pain blossomed across his body.


Gasping for air, Jonathan dragged himself upright just in time to see the enraged grizzly swipe Alessandra from its path. Her slight form went tumbling through the mud before coming to a crumpled stop near the remains of the jeep.


The bear seemed to sniff the air for a moment, catching her scent, before turning and beginning its lumbering advance towards the dazed Alessandra.


"Jonathan!" she shouted, desperately trying to stand her ground. "The gun! In the lockbox behind the Jeep! Quickly!"


Despite his battered state, Jonathan managed to scramble towards the vehicle, yanking open the rear storage hatch where a heavy lockbox was secured. Prying it open, he grabbed the high-powered hunting rifle stored within, just as the grizzly had reached Alessandra.


The bear reared up again, raising its fearsome paws to strike as Jonathan aimed desperately at the beast's huge, muscled flank. With a squeeze of the trigger, the rifle bucked against his shoulder, the deafening report briefly stunning the grizzly.


It roared in pained fury as the bullet found its mark, wickedly sharp claws swiping towards Alessandra's fallen form.


"No!" Jonathan screamed, squeezing the trigger again in rapid succession.


Two more thunderous shots rang out, punching into the grizzly's back haunches. The bear stumbled, its wounded legs finally buckling as it crumpled onto the loamy earth, each breath a gurgling growl of agony until its body finally stilled.


Jonathan stood there panting, the rifle's barrel still smoking, as the jungle seemed to return to its eerie silence once more. His clothes were soaked in mud and perspiration, and streaks of blood trickled from several deep gashes and gouges incurred during the violent attack.


He staggered towards Alessandra, collapsing in the muck beside her trembling form. She too was drenched head-to-toe in mud and filth, but blessedly still breathing.


"Grandmother!" Jonathan rasped out, clumsily checking her over. "Are you alright??"


Alessandra's eyes fluttered open, instantly regaining that intense, focused look as she took in the slain grizzly nearby.


"I'll survive," she grimaced, allowing Jonathan to help her stand. "Though I fear I may not be able to walk right now," she added.