
Chapter 4 - Lily's plans

Lily was having a fun time with Linda and Setsu, until they were finished with making the animals set in their places. They had added the monkeys in the hotter climate, the wolves and bears in the colder climate and respawn locations for rabbits in all 4 locations but the middle.

Now that she was on her own, she got ready to do her part.

"Hmmm what should Lily add? Lily thinks Lily want a bit of this and that..."

She added under water plants for the fish to eat and bought the respawning points for stamina and health plants. These were her choice because they would help injured animals and were definitely a good basic starter pack.

Respawning packs worked different for plants and animals, plant respawns added a few more because they didn't grow as fast, but if you spread them out a lot they would spawn less in more locations. The rabbit spawn locations were in 4 spots, and spawned 10 in each location. The plants though, she put in 10 spots, which added 4 in each place, spread out a little.

She checked in on the animals, and they seemed to be doing fine, so she got back to her task.

She chose five a little more expensive herbs, the first was a plant which would help animals have a better chance of going through a evolution or mutation, which she added ten of. 5 of them were added in the different habitats of fish, one near the monkeys, one for each the wolves and bears' territories and two in the north and south parts of the plains, for the rabbits.

Next, she added a plant which would catch small animal's feet and one which would eat rotting flesh and bones slowly. The first wouldn't be lethal on it's own, but would make hunting a little easier, and if it were to mutate, it could become a horror. Lily added it to have a little fun with the rabbits though.

The other plant was not lethal, it was mostly for keeping everything clean. She added 10 of the first and 30 of the second.

Next were vines which had leeching properties, but also protected trees from a lot of smaller dangers. They were both harmful and helpful, and they had the property of helping blood flow and purifying blood. She added 40 of these, 10 in all regions.

The last were glowing root-like plants for under ground, since the rabbits were already tunneling and the bears were in caves, and she wanted to see them properly. These plants also had slight mana capacity, so they added mana regeneration. There weren't many animals yet, so she added these in every one of their territories. She added a few more in random locations near animals, and ended with using 10 currency.

The rare herbs cost her 80 currency so far, so the last currency was used to make berry shrubs, basic food produce like carrots, potatoes and a few grapevines. Also a few plants that glowed under water, but had no other properties and lotus flowers for in the eastern water basin.

Lily added flowers, wheat and river cane, also some mushrooms and other basic food ingredients. Then, she decided to add some dangers as well because having everything be safe to eat would beat the purpose of having the animals learn self protection and teach them, so she added poisonous plants like mushrooms, bad berries and some plants like nettles to either protect or hide specific things. She also added one more special herb at a few different locations, to protect her special plants from harm. She added plants that inflicted illusions near the plants which grant mutations so they wouldn't find them immediately, and hide them for a short time.

She did want them to find them, but they had to get some power of their own first, so the strongest would get the best chance at getting it.

This spelled the end of her progress. She had 25 points left, but she decided to spend them on making a little place she could call her own. She added her favorite flowers, and planted them in a circle, then she added a select few illusion and confusion plants so they wouldn't walk in here on accident and then she added a single small little mana pond with her last 5 points. This was the last she was able to do, so she found herself a comfortable spot and rested.