
System To Survive the Wizard Harem Corruption.

My life or theirs, which should I make twice as difficult? Most people would answer theirs, but I don't think I could live with that, because corruption is poisonous and brutal.

tuyw · Fantasía
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7 Chs

Shooting love and Touching Teeth Part 5.

Suki's view of the real world began to alter, the darkness began to consume everything in his vision until everything went black and he felt like he was falling.

Suki realized that he entered the wizard's domain as soon as everything went dark.

His body stopped falling and stood up, seeing the figure with purple hair and red dresses and an elegant voice in front of him.

"Have you been enjoying the game so far, little shark? When you wake up your situation and the way the game operates will have some fun changes, but I won't give any spoilers."

Suki looks her in the eyes and speaks with complete sincerity.

"I can pay you as much as necessary to have you by my side."

"That's not the point and even if that were the issue, nothing would be resolved like that."

'In my territory there is a desert area, so there is a possibility that my changes will affect here too.'

"I took action in all locations in my territory, the consequences should arrive in the next few days."

"Really? How would I trust the political power of this region if the situation is in this state?"

"Stop the game, come with me, I'll show you."

"And then you put me in prison the first chance you get. Could you get your entire staff to stay at your home and closely monitor the changes?"

'That would be impossible to do.'

Suki remained silent, trying to find an answer in her head, but the wizard already realized that it was a no.

"Anyway, I already said that this is not the point of the game. So before the punishment begins, I'm curious about two things, why didn't you keep shooting at the same target you hit?"

"Ah, I haven't been able to think straight for a while."

"You could have sent so many to my torture room, it's a shame."

"What was your reasoning to get to the point that it would be a good option to jump out of the aircraft while there were a lot of people in the field?"

'I don't think talking about milf dialogue would be a good idea, would it?'

"My life has become very turbulent in a negative way in the last twenty-four hours, and it will stay like this for the rest of my life, everything is happening so fast, and I don't have anything to lose. In these moments, the value I give to life decreases a little."

'Even though it wasn't the main direction my mind was in at the time, it's not a lie.'

The wizard immediately speaks with a bit of intonation in her elegant voice, becoming a little aggressive.

"What exactly happened in your life?"

Suki patiently told her everything that happened, her aggressive voice became softer and returned to its elegant form, although she still didn't believe him.

"Ah, I just remembered, I can show everything with my cell phone, I just have to charge it."

"You won't find chargers for these luxurious cell phones around here."

She gives a big smile, and starts with her orders.

"It's time to sit in the chair, and await your punishment."

Suki's body moved against his will, and he walked towards an ordinary wooden chair that had appeared there.

"Oh, fufufu."


"You have exceeded your negative score, which means we will skip a punishment stage."

An orb that emitted purple light began to appear from the ground, it levitated in front of the wizard

'My first corruption... What will it be?'

Suki was noticeably nervous, his breathing was constant, his legs were shaking, and everything got worse as he saw the wizard approaching.

She stretched that fruit into his mouth, and pushed it inside with a finger, then touching his lips.

A mild sweet taste poisoned Suki's mouth as the Wizard sat on her lap. Suki's veins began to heat up, giving a burning sensation throughout his body.

The wizard approached his face and kissed his lips, while intertwining her tongue with his, she was delighted by the strange energy that was transferred from his body to hers and Suki was excited by that passionate kiss.

That burning in his veins was reaching a very strong point, the only things he saw as an escape from it was intensifying the kiss and squeezing her soft thighs.

The power had already left Suki's entire body, but she continued to kiss him, bit his lips, hard enough to make a small bleed, but Suki felt little due to the explosion of events in his body.

In the middle of the intense kiss, she stopped and breathed, looking into his eyes.

Suki sweated and panted through the pain as the burning corruption in his veins descended, but his body remained aroused to the hilt, no thoughts were able to pass through his mind.

He wasn't completely alone, the wizard's body was warm, and she was slightly blushing, something so hidden that Suki didn't notice.

Something about her lips drew him in and poisoned his body and mind to crave more.

"You're a good kisser, aren't you?"

"Please… More."

"No, no, reset the points two more times and the next time will be my training again, or exceed the negative points too much to skip the stages."

Suki gradually woke up in a white bed with a gray blanket, his body seems rested and no longer excited, but still hungry, he looked around, and it was just a white room, with a pipe at the top, an iron door in the corner, and another bed like his, with the cowboy sitting on it.

His teeth had changed, they were like triangles and pointed like Suki's.

"Partner I didn't want to fill you with information now that you've just woken up, but we were caught and we're in some kind of room in a mall and there seem to be other people like us in this game."