
System To Survive the Wizard Harem Corruption.

My life or theirs, which should I make twice as difficult? Most people would answer theirs, but I don't think I could live with that, because corruption is poisonous and brutal.

tuyw · Fantasía
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7 Chs

Shooting love and Touching Teeth Part 2.

The aircraft approached a small farm and slowly landed in front of an old wooden house that had two floors. 

Suki notices that there was only one light on in the house, which was on the second floor.

"Before we go, hold this."

The cowboy held out a revolver to Suki.


"I don't know, it might be necessary, give it back to me when we get back to the aircraft, take a good care of my cutie."

Suki held the revolver and entered the dark house with the cowboy.

"See, I need to piss, can you call my daughter so she can bring dinner? She's up there."

"The stairs are on the left, and her room is the second on the left."


The cowboy didn't care and had no difficulty walking through the dark house, while Suki bumped into every wall and stubbed his toe on the corner.

Suki looked around but didn't find any switch, he took out his cell phone to turn on the flashlight, but it had no power. 

'I have to stop playing gacha games on my cell phone, there are so many and I don't even have time for them anymore. Oh shit, how am I'll call the military if I need to?'

Suki advanced in the darkness with a little fear, each step on the stairs made a bizarre noise, when he reached the top floor, he saw the light coming from under the door of the room that the cowboy mentioned.

Suki slowly brings his hand closer to the door to knock it, but he hears something coming from inside the room.

A strange sound like two tree trunks hitting each other quickly and constantly, that sound was unmistakable, there was a pursue inside.

Suki ran down the stairs desperately and knocked on the bathroom door. He was panting, and shaking.

"Call the military, the pursuers are here!"

"Huh? There's nothing bro, that's not even possible."

He left the bathroom after a few seconds and went upstairs, there was no more noise.

'Am I already at the point of hallucinations from exhaustion and hunger? I ran so much, I don't think I can run anymore for a while.'

He knocked on the door and waited for an answer.

"So, my daughter plays a lot of games, so it's common for you to hear something strange."


"Little pie, I came to get my dinner, where is it?"

"Oh yes, I'll get it for you"

A woman with long pink hair, wearing a blue oversized sweatshirt, and black eyes opened the door, seeing the two.

She was a little shorter than Suki and wore short blue shorts that highlighted her thick thighs and wide hips.

She walked past Suki and said a very shy good night, but soon stopped when she heard a loud gunshot.

"Shit, you two, stay in there, I'll go to the door and see who it is."

The cowboy looked straight into Suki's eyes and spoke seriously.

"Protect my little pie with your life."

"Father, wouldn't it be better to just call the police?""I've to know the situation outside first, depending on the person, the police will only make it worse."

The cowboy came down and the two entered the room, the room was simple except for the computer area, which had two computers, four monitors, two headsets, microphones and several electronic devices that Suki didn't even know about, everything had a pink design even the two chairs.

Suki noticed that two monitors were on, one with an fps game, and the other with a vtuber model that looked like a red-haired valkyrie fairy.

'She's Isshi, no, it's not the situation to think about that. Ham? what is that?' 

Suki saw a pixelated yellow number one appearing floating over his shoulder, he passed his hand but was unable to interact.

'I'm going crazy at this point'

"Is-hey, do you see this one?"

Suki saw Isshi touching her shoulder.

"Not in you, but in me there's an one too, what the hell is that?"

"I don't know."

"We'll think about it later, the best thing now is to see how the situation is going"

Suki went to the window to see what was happening.

As soon as he looked and saw that there were several armed people there in the dark, two of them turned their weapons towards Suki and immediately shot him, as soon as Suki saw them turning their weapons, he tried to get out of the window, but the two shots hit him.

The first shot hit his shoulder and the number one dropped to zero, the second shot hit his shoulder too and the number dropped to negative one.

Suki fell to the ground, but he felt no pain, his vision went dark, and he began to fall into a black cubic type of place, as if he had been teleported, his body fell to the dark floor.

"Welcome to my domain."

A strong and mature female voice with an elegant tone echoed throughout the place, Suki slowly raised his face, but he couldn't speak.

"I am the one who tortures those who reach negative points, but do not fear, my form of torture is stylish, and for now you can call me a wizard."

Suki saw a woman with long purple hair like her eyes, large breasts and a long elegant red dress, her red earrings caught Suki's attention without him knowing why.

Her smile was mischievous, from moment to moment she bit and licked her lips while looking at him.

"Stand up."

Suki's body rose on its own and didn't obey his own will.

"Sit and stay."

Suki sat on a chair and looked ahead, an anxious nervousness grew in his mind and body.

"This is your first torture, the more and more you enter the torture room, the worse it gets, but it also gets more delicious, when the third torture arrives then, it's going to be incredible, because I'm going to put a pursue fruit in your little mouth and give you kiss lovingly."

"But for now, what can I do to you, hum?"

"Ah yes, that thin face and that beautiful green hair, it's asking for shark teeth."

"Humhum, pointy teeth will make you so sexy."

She sat on top of Suki's lap.

"Now I'm going to get my tool. Oh yeah, you've got a good tool down here."

The Mad Stylist started to twerk and shake her soft ass on top of Suki, just teasing her prey, and she obviously succeeds, Suki's body becomes excited and hot, she licks his neck and his body agonizes.

"It's a shame this isn't the tool for today's job."