
System To Survive the Wizard Harem Corruption.

My life or theirs, which should I make twice as difficult? Most people would answer theirs, but I don't think I could live with that, because corruption is poisonous and brutal.

tuyw · Fantasía
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7 Chs

Shooting love and Touching Teeth Part 1.

"It would be good if it was just that, since you have little understanding of the subject, I'll explain it a little, and leave the details for later."

"Okay, I'm listening."

Suki offered her pilot's chair because it was the only place she had to sit. The interior of the aircraft was all black with red buttons, and had a long empty space in the back for additions and expansions.

"Humanity is currently at war with the Pursuers. These beings have an internal organ that looks like a purple apple."

"That's what gives me power right?"

"Exactly, the wizard who eats this apple will have two consequences, firstly, a system based on buying improvements with apples will be created."

"Second, this apple creates corruption which is a huge list of possible permanent side effects."

"I've heard that there is a side effect that is certain to happen, I can already imagine what it could be, huh."

"Pursuers will prioritize you, the more apples you eat the worse it gets, it may get to a point where they don't even need to use a sense to know where you are."

"Ah, I see, so… Huh, why the fuck is corruption so associated with naughtiness?"

"There are related side effects, and the act of 'filter' is a bit too."


"For the wizard not to be affected by corruption, a filter is needed, which is another human who will eat the apple, from then on, the wizard can extract the good part of the human's power."

"To do this, an internal part like an organ of the human has to come into contact with an internal part of the magician, a long kiss is enough."

"Well I think that's enough information for now, uff, I tried to say it as simply as I could, are you still coming with me? I'll make sure it's not bad, I promise, I saw some videos on the internet…"

"Uh hum."

Suki looked at her face and she looked like a tomato.

'What the hell is uh hum? What a situation I created, I should be like this too, but I think there has been so much internet in my life that I have no reaction to certain things. I better change the theme.'

 "Okay, so what's your name? Funny that we don't know each other's names until now, haha."


"I'm Suki, so… Tell me Sara, how the hell did you get on my aircraft?"

"Oh, I can teleport."

"But you collided."

"I still don't know how to use it properly and it has a limited distance."

"So you calculated to appear from the teleportation in mid-air and fell on top of my aircraft?"


Suki got poker face.


"So, um, are you sure you don't want to go to my house across the street? To think better about all this."

"Yes, I think you're right, I need to… think, yeah."

"You can go with my aircraft, my head housekeeper needs to recognize you in some way." 

The aircraft began to enter the ocean, and was heading towards an underwater city, it parked in front of a huge gray industrial design building.

Everything went well with the armed forces, with the meeting and with the bank. Suki was now in her father's personal office in the City Of Masters.

He sat on that uncomfortable wooden chair as dirty as the table in front of him, the wooden floor creaked as he stepped on it, and his foot collided with books that had fallen from the stand behind him.

Several paper holograms appeared on that table, along with a hologram pen.

'It's a relief that the military will help with manpower, but to maintain my benefits from being associated with them I will have to send 3 wizards ready by the end of the month.'

'The thing is that I owe 1 billion to the bank, I have to send twice as many wizards to cover this, otherwise by the end of next month it will rise to 2 billion, fuck.'

After a long day of work, Suki left his office. The City Of Masters is a place of unnecessarily luxurious houses in Suki's view, as they are only used for work.

'Shit, I forgot that I left the ship with Sara, I didn't give her my number, and I spent all my money, I have to find someone who will do the transportation service and let me pay later.'

'I remember there was an individual transport service parking lot around here.'

Suki went to a parking lot where there were old and dusty aircraft that made noise. He didn't even think much and was already going to the first one he saw, an red aircraft of a previous model to his, with some stickers of bullets and weapons.

The pilot came out of the aircraft, a man with a red cowboy hat, short black hair, and a red tank top that almost burst with his muscles.

"Hey partner, want a ride?"

"Yes, but I can't pay now, can I pay you double tomorrow?"

"Of course, I don't mind. My house is on the way and I need to get my dinner, do you mind if I stop there?"

'This guy really wants to kidnap me, he's not even trying to hide it.'

'I haven't eaten yet today either and I have several things to take care of today.'

"It'll be quick, if you agree to go with me, I promise I won't visit you tomorrow morning with my gun wanting my payment, I'll leave that for the day after."

"Okay, let's stop by your house."

They both got into the aircraft and it began to take its course. Suki opened the calling app on his cell phone with the police number open in his pocket.

"You know, you can eat at my house if you want, huh? You could end up departed if you don't eat for so long."


"I'm fine, don't worry."

"You know, my little pie and I are a very humble family, she is a hardworking woman, but she wants so much to stay attached to the farm. I think a lot about what I can do to contribute more to her future, you know?"

"I understand."´

'I already know where this is going.'

"If you are hiring people at some point, could you consider calling them? I'll even give you this ride for free if you give me an answer right away."

"I'll think about it, I've been moving a lot of things around in my city, and I've been hiring a lot of people."

The cowboy smiles and becomes more excited.

"Thank you, you will see what a good person she is when we arrive."

We're entering the first big arc called Shooting Love And Touching Teeth. I'm planning for this arc to mark and impact the protagonist permanently. I need some time to finish working on certain details, but I don't believe it will take so long for the next chapters to come out.

tuywcreators' thoughts