
System Template: Raiden Ei?

As a result of being killed by an unknown person, Lux suddenly found himself reincarnated into another world. Like most other reincarnations, Lux also had his own golden finger or cheat which was used to survive in the other world. There were two cheats namely, 'Divine Ice Emperor' and 'Mystic Eyes of Death Perception'. With those two cheats, Lux had no doubt that he would definitely become one of the strongest existences as long as he was given time. But recently Lux found out that apparently he still had a cheat in the form of a System?! Unfortunately, that System was still sealed. In order to open it, he had to complete all the requirements of the System. One of the requirements was to become an extraordinary assassin. Helpless, Lux could not help but become so. After three years and fulfilling the requirements of the System, Lux finally became known as the 'Frozen Assassin'. It was just that .... For some reason, Lux felt that his System was different from the others? [Ding! Requirements met, System Character Template opened!] [Ding! Character template randomized!] [Ding! The host successfully obtained the Character Template from Genshin Impact World! ] [ Earn achievement points with the Host Character Template, then you can shop anything in the Mall with those points! ] Watching his appearance change into a purple-haired mature beauty with a beautiful kimono reflected in the mirror, Lux's body trembled with a stiff expression. "Restore... Restore her male form like before..." A charming but cold voice sounded from the woman's lips... (Notes: Don't worry, he could go back and forth to her original appearance. he turned into a girl because of the template, she can deactivate it at any time) Support me by joining patreon and get the benefit of reading chapters faster PATREON LINK:patreon.com/touyama Thank you so much for your support!

Bakakeju · Cómic
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5 Chs

The Plan [EDIT]


"Fuck, what the fuck?! Why is the weather so bad all of a sudden?!"

"The feeling of the news says today's weather won't be cloudy!"

"The news can't be trusted right now!"

"Ouch, duh duh! The wind is too strong! And since when does lightning turn purple?!"

"Hey, isn't there going to be a flood like this?"

At this point, everyone is in panic. Most of them were confused because a second earlier, the weather was still bright and the next second, the weather changed suddenly like the apocalypse.

Although it is natural that news is often mispredictable considering that monsters can appear randomly.

But... Isn't this weather level outrageous?!

A lot of stuff like, chairs, umbrellas, and so on flew in here and hurt other people!

At this time, at the Hunter Association, some high-ranking officials have a serious expression when all their members try to find out.

"What's going on? Did Dungeon Break happen?"

The Vice Chairman of the Hunter Association, Mirai Falcon, asked with a squeak.

The weather suddenly changed for no apparent reason, no wonder they felt suspicious. So what crossed their mind first was Dungein Break.

The appearance of Dungeon Break is usually accompanied by weather changes...

But hearing questions from their youngest chairman in history... Their expressions are a little strange.

"No... It's not Dungeon Break..."

"Isn't it?" Mirai's forehead wrinkles are getting deeper. "Then what?"

"Err... It seems like the weather is scientifically unadulterated without a magical hand.... I mean, it's a weather thing."

"Do you think we're stupid?" One of the top brass was a little upset. "Is there a purple thunderbolt?!"

If lightning were a regular color, they might agree with that opinion, but the color they see is clearly purple!

No doubt there must be anomalies until the lightning turns purple!

"However... That's a fact. As for the color of the lightning..." He hesitated enough and said. "Likely, it's caused by [where] it spreads in the air."

Hearing this, they all fell silent until Mirai finally decided to end it all.

"That's a reasonable explanation. Maybe it's just bad weather, anyways we don't detect any anomalies."

"Because the Vice Chairman said so..."

So they stopped worrying about this weather. Maybe the weather's not good today.

But Mirai still feels a little suspicious. Just in case, he's still asking some Hunter Rank A to stay alert and investigate.

'It would be safer to contact the Chairman as well...'


Meanwhile, the person who caused the weather to change put on a cold look once he saw a beautiful woman in the mirror...

Long old purple signs, purple pupils with blue pupils, and beautiful kimonos, but now her body emits an uncontrollable purple lightning that seems to explode at any moment.

"Give me a good explanation for this."

[Ding! Please calm yourself Host! ]

Lux or now called Lux (Raiden Ei) said it's cold when the purple lightning around her body gets more intense.

Although Lux doesn't know if he can kill the system because he doesn't see the death line but right now... He only felt anger burning for the first time.

[Ding! Sorry this was a System error. When a Host installs a character Template, at the same time the appearance of the Host will also change according to the Character Template, this is done so that the Host improves character progress quickly and uses character power more efficiently when it is in that character's appearance]

"That's not what I asked," Lux's expression (Raiden Ei) was very cold when her gaze was full of murderous intentions. "My question is whether I can return to my original appearance or not?"

[ Don't worry, Host. You can return to the original appearance at any time that the Host wants by releasing the Character Template]

Lux (Raiden Ei) squints. "I hope you're right about this." The aura has become quiet again.

At the same time the bad weather outside also subsided immediately, which added to everyone's confusion...

[ Rest assured, Host. You can return to your form as you wish]

Shaking lightly, Lux (Raiden Ei) sighed while feeling a headache. Honestly... Who would have thought the system was a little different than she imagined?

If this system is obtained by a pervert, Lux (Raiden Ei) doesn't want to imagine it.

That pervert must have fumbled her body after turning into a beautiful adult woman...

'And I have no doubt that this woman named Raiden Ei is one of the most extraordinary beauties. Especially her birthmark and two assets that... It's pretty big.'

Looking at her body shape in the mirror, especially on the chest, Lux's lips (Raiden Ei) twitched.

Fortunately, her appearance is not permanent.

Otherwise, Lux would have killed himself right after killing the System!

Although Lux upholds the principle of 'a sacrifice is needed for profit', but being a girl is definitely not one of them.

He would never sacrifice her pride as a man for strength! He'd rather die than do that crazy thing!


"My emotions... A little more, huh?"

Staring at that rich expression in the mirror, Lux (Raiden Ei) a little... Surprised.

At first he thought that Raiden Ei was an emotionless creature, but it seems he was wrong.

'And the Shogun Raiden might as well be. Even though he's basically a puppet, her consciousness is real and there's no way she doesn't have feelings...'

Well... Although compared to Raiden Ei, the Shogun's Raiden is colder like a real robot considering he was born a puppet.

Raiden Ei at least still has a soft heart, but if Raiden Shogun...

"Those who rebel... Then die."

The Shogun Raiden's cold expressionless utterance reverberated in her mind for a moment.

' ...isn't it a little dangerous?'

Shaking, Lux (Raiden Ei) calmly clenches her hands and a purple flash runs through her body.

'I'd like to try the power of Electro Archon immediately but...'

Seeing her room quite messy, Lux (Raiden Ei) fell silent. Before that, she decided to clean up her mess room first...


Wosh...! Wosh...! Wosh...!

Nowadays, some Magical Beast with rabbit types jumps quickly, but even though it looks like a rabbit, their body size doesn't look like a rabbit at all. It's the same size as a regular human body.

The human rabbit is known as the Silver Rabbit. Magical Beast that can move at the speed of a bullet.

It's just, for some reason, the Silver Rabbit was moving a lot faster as if... Running away from something that's now after him.

Bztt...! JEDAAARR....!

The sound of lightning suddenly rustled and then a purple lightning strike moved quickly and then mercilessly burned the Silver Rabbit.


Some Silver Rabbit who saw this were frightened before frantically fleeing in all directions to make their attackers feel confused to chase them.

How wrong do they think so...


A few flashy purple blasts sped up and snatched the Silver Rabbit one by one.

And after one by one the lightning disappeared, all that was left in the flash was Silver Rabbit's core.

At the same time, a very beautiful purple-haired woman landed on the ground quietly.

Her cold expression was as if she didn't care about the world.

The woman is naturally Lux, who now looks like Raiden Ei/Shogun from the game Genshin Impact.

But even though her expression was very calm, deep down she raised her eyebrows...

' ...as expected, he's very strong.'

Feeling the energy in her body did not decrease even though she had been hunting for 5 days, Lux (Raiden Ei) was a little speechless.

Due to her title as Electro Archon, Raiden Ei himself was able to raise and control lightning at will, even manipulating lightning from nature itself (although it was difficult).

Basically, it's almost impossible for Raiden Ei to lack Electro's energy.

As long as Raiden Ei wants it, she can change the climate of part of the region to very bad weather!

And the potential of the lightning element is not that great. If it is developed much further, it is not even impossible to control all modern equipment that exists today.

I mean... Imagine Lux (Raiden Ei) blowing up all modern electronic equipment by spreading Electro around the world.

At that time, even a nuclear bomb would be useless in front of him.

The world will go back to medieval times so that the fighting power of the human race will weaken given that electricity is one of the important energy supplies for mankind.

'But applying it isn't as easy as what one thinks...'

Stop thinking about it, Lux (Raiden Ei) then says:

"Show Template status."...

<<[ Character Template : Raiden Ei Shogun ]>>

- [ Progress : 3.4% ] –

- [ Title : Beelzebub, Electro Archon, Raiden no Inazuma Tono, God of Eternity, The Almighty Shogun, Narukami Ogosho, Master of the Euthymic Plane ] –

- [ Origin : Genshin Impact ] –

- [ Species : God (Soul), Puppet (Physically) ] –

- [ Affiliation : Netral (?), Inazuma (?) ] –

- [ Weapon : Musou Isshin, Engulfing Lightning ] -


"3.4% ..."

Seeing Raiden Ei's progress so slowly, Lux (Raiden Ei) is silent. Well, it's only natural because it hasn't been a week when I got Raiden's template.

[Hosts can improve progress faster when the Host is behaving according to the template's original characters or the Host collects multiple Achievement Points]

"Ah... I almost forgot." Lux (Raiden Ei) tone was indifferent. "Can I see the number of my Achievement Points now?"

[Ding! Starting Host's Achievement Points count... ]

[Ding! The number of Host points is 1,500,000 Achievement Points! ]

" ..."Hearing that, Lux (Raiden Ei) didn't say anything for a moment. He's going to squeal. "I don't remember doing anything so great that I got a lot of Achievement Points."

[Hosts do it, that's when you're in Frost Assassin or Lux Frost's identity]

"Hm?" Lux (Raiden Ei) embezzled. "So I can also get Achievement Points even in my true form?"

[You get it, but the number of points received is lower than the Template form]

" ... "Lux (Raiden Ei).

Looks like...shestill has a lot to know from her system. It would be nice if the system sent all the information directly to her head so she wouldn't have to ask questions from time to time.

Unfortunately, the system isn't that sophisticated...

"Show me the contents of the mall."

[As the Host wishes]



- [Divine Item - Tears of Phoenix 1,500,000 Point]

- [Talent Rank S-Sword Mastery (2,500,000 Points)]

- [Talent Rank SS - Resistance to Element (50,000,000 Points)]

- [ Magic Weapon - Poison Dagger (500,000 Points]

- [Talent Rank SSS - Ice Monarch (100 million Point)]


" ... "

Looking at the items sold at the Mall, Lux (Raiden Ei) was stunned. Especially looking at the lineup of Talent that can be purchased... That's astonishing.

If this is known to people, Lux (Raiden Ei) can imagine what kind of commotion will happen.

But when staring at each item's price tag...

Lux (Raiden Ei) is silent. She thought her Achievement Points were not bad, but it turned out to be just a grain of sand on the beach and not worth mentioning.

It's just, Lux's target is not that...

Lux (Raiden Ei) types in the Mall's search column, and after a while, she manages to find what he's looking for.


- [Talent SSS - Divine Ice Emperor (200,000,000 Points)

- [Talent??? - Divine Ice Emperor, Complete Version (500,000,000 Point) ]


Seeing that she found her Talent, Lux (Raiden Ei) was a little happy, but after reading the price panel, her body seemed to have been splashed with cold water.

'Five hundred million Points...'

It's too expensive. Even to death, he's gonna have a hard time collecting that many points.

Why doesn't System just go robbing?

Also, is her talent so strong that the price is sky high?

[Divine Ice Emperor's potential is greater than the host imagined. This talent is quite similar to Talent Ice Monarch but both have some far-reaching differences]

[Divine Ice Emperor can evolve indefinitely and have an absolute destiny while Ice Monarch has boundaries that cannot be crossed]

[And needless to say the perfect version of Divine Ice Emperor, it's much more powerful than the host has]

" ... "

Lux (Raidei Ei) squeaks. Pressing her soft temples, she said. "I don't want to buy Talent Divine Ice Emperor because I already have it. I just want to remove the side effects, is that possible?"

[ Can. Host can remove side effects with Host's Achievement Points]

"How many Achievement Points does it take?"

[Ding! 200,000,000 Achievement Points]

" ... "

Two hundred million points. That amount can be used to buy hundreds of 'Talents', but here that much point is used only to remove side effects.

After exhaling, Lux (Raidei Ei) puts on a calm expression.

"I don't think there's any other choice..." A quiet, gentle voice came out of her lips. "I had to surprise the whole world like before."

In what way? Actually, a lot of plans have come to mind.

It wasn't too hard for him because she already had experience as the Frost Assassin, whose accomplishments are arguably insane.

The first plan is...

"By 'My Appearance' at the moment... There's no way I can't make a fuss."

Use the beauty of Raiden Ei or Raiden Shogun.


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