
System Slave: He want me to Ntr all Heroines of animeworld.

At first, it did not feel right! I passed away looking just like I did when I was fat and surrounded by people who thought less of me. However, I did not hate them; instead, I detested the idea of my sweating, pig-like body and did everything in my power to ensure that it would not bother anyone else. There was only one way to escape this world—following a screen in front of me to fuck the anime characters I used to like and admire—but I was sent to this dark place where I had no pain, no hunger, and even breathing was unnecessary. "I am sorry, but let me NTR you guys to stay away from that shitty black world." Warning!!! It is harem + r18, including incest, so who is not into stuff like this can drop this novel here! As for who is ready to read, welcome, brothers!!! /// The image did not belong to me. Please contact me at review if the creator wants to remove it from the image. ///

Shubham_gosai · Cómic
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14 Chs

Tachibana Hinata!

"This is! Where am I?" There was nothing to see or feel in that place, just the echo of his thoughts, which was reverberating enough to send his thoughts into a state of madness.

Itsuki had no idea how long he had been in this world, and his thoughts were beginning to become hazy.

He felt the need to cry and scream, but he did not have the tears or voice to do so. Even though he had no idea why he was receiving this kind of punishment, the icy world in which he had died was beginning to seem like heaven to him.

'Let me go out, please I will do whatever you ask, demon screen, just let me out.'

Itsuki, who was on the verge of losing his mind, finally gave in when he saw the blue screen that abruptly flashed before him and showed the time—5 years and 47 days—that he had spent on this void.

[Very well said; additionally, I do not think following me will cost you anything fatty.]

[All you have to do is Ntr the girls I will ask, and each of them will be beauties.]

[In return, you will gain many things from me.]

[Quest: Have sex with Tachibana Hinata at her home.]

[Reward: Unknown.]

[Condition: Hinata will be under control of the system threat and she will definitely listen to host, so make sure that, after sex, she will follow the host or will break-up with Mc in the story.]

[Host will be rewarded with Sex-points and Monetary fund.]


Itsuki, wearing a deep black shade on his eyes, stared at the screen with a confused and disoriented mind. He clicked the accept button as the entire area flashed and a room-like space appeared, with walls showing Hinata Tachibana's original placement.

In the meantime,.

Hinata was sitting in her room, with her eyes red with tears and anger, as she stared at the blue screen filled with disgust.

"Why are you doing this? I don't want to do it with that guy. I don't even know him, so why are you making it hard for me?"

Hinata was getting sick of it all and had asked several times why she was even seeing this screen, but the other person had not answered and kept asking her to go out with an unidentified man.

[I have already told you.] [This is your destiny; if not, your family will carry on experiencing life's misfortune until they pass away one by one, and this suffering would not end even if you were to pass away.]

[You witnessed how I can raise you from the dead, and their misfortune intensifies to preserve you; your brother nearly suffered a fracture, and it will go on.]

Though stubborn, Hinata was a kind and compassionate young girl. She decided to die, but it did not help the situation; it had been a month since she had this screen haunting her, and if she did not pay attention, the people around her would become tangled.

She was starting to lose it today when she noticed her brother's anguished expression as he comforted her, causing her to cry once more as she considered it.

"I will do it; please release them from their problem." With her teeth gritted in greeting, she submitted to the devil in front of her, holding out hope that the man from the devil side might be a good man.

[Hehe!] [That is good.]

[He will be in your room tonight, so get ready and do not throw these fits in front of him or else my reputation will suffer, bitch!]

She clenched her jaw at those words, but she had nothing meaningful to say about something that was just a blue screen.

'What they are talking about, and why is she crying like that.' Itsuki was curious because he could clearly recall her from Tokyo Revenge, where she played the sympathetic lead character, Tachibana Hinata. Although Itsuki had always found her to be a very lovely character with a kind heart, she appeared to be very unhappy at the time, which made him wonder if he would be able to have sex with her in her current state of mind.

[Don't overthink it, brat!] [If you refuse, I will find another person to rape her; after all, there are a lot of evil spirits leaving your world, and any one of them would be more than happy to have sex with this kind of attractive person without hesitation.]

[Her fate has been decided; now it is up to you.] [After having a lot of sex, you can toss her around or you can keep her beside you and make her happy; this is all up to you.]

[Teleportation will begin in 10... 9... 8...]

Itsuki witnessed her leaving the bath, having been forced to watch her in her underwear in order to trigger his body's medication to begin attacking his younger brother.

His senses grew weaker with each count of the teleportation countdown as his mind heated up at the sight of her flawless, nude body up close and the alluring sound it produced. And then, with a flash, his body disappeared from that place.

With teary eyes, Hinata opened her door upon seeing a flash of light emanating from somewhere. A boy with a chubby face, disheveled hair, and blood-stained clothes materialized in her room.

[Precaution: If you scream, the person who hears it will have a heart attack and will die.]

As Hinata opened her mouth to scream, a voice interrupted her. She turned to face the obese man, who had pain and exhaustion in his dark eyes.

She never would have thought that the boy the devil had sent would be such a fat guy, so unhealthy, that she would think she would die if she hit him with her fist.

"Sorry, I also do not have much choice. I am scared of going back to that place, so please let me have sex with you; the medicine within me is already taking a toll, and I do not want to rape you in your state."

"Do not worry; I am clean inside. I could only take a bath with water because these were the only clothes there, and there was no shampoo."

The boy explained, and Hinata kept looking at him strangely because she could tell by his expression that he was already going through similar pains as she was, and he was even willing to talk despite the fact that the aphrodisiac was causing him pain even now.

[Haha!] [You sure are a bitch.] [The boy is trying his hardest to hold back so that you will not suffer more because of him, but you are just letting him suffer like this because of your weak mind and heart.]

As Hinata heard him, her rage increased because she could not be certain if the man in front of her was truly suffering or if everything was just a performance.

Even so, she felt compelled to have faith in and confidence in him because, in the end, she needed to ensure that he would endure more suffering than this. After all, they could both become victims of that incident.

After biting her lip, she approached Itsuki, who was taken aback by her approach. He thought she was going to slap her, so he closed his eyes, only to discover a gentle kiss on his lips and the sound of a towel falling to the floor.

"I am sorry to make you wait!" She muttered as Itsuki opened his eyes to find her nude body pressing against him as she held her eyes closed with a red blush on her face.

[What brat! Still hesitant? Would you like me to increase the dosage?] [If I do, I am sure you will act more firmly and rape her without thinking twice.]

In addition, he grabbed her waist and drew her in closer so he could kiss her. Hinata felt a little weird with his awkward kiss because she realized he might not have known how to kiss as well as she did.

[Tachibana Hinata]

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