
System Restrictions: Transmigrated Into The Weakest Student.

Jayson Light, a transmigrated soul who has a great burden forced upon him wishes for nothing but his own death. Granted a system, he is faced with a task which he cannot accomplish. He later accepts his faith, but his trauma was one thing which didn't let go of him. A psychopathic sixteen year old who wished nothing but death for those who tried to harm him, that was what he became. He was a ticking time bomb and simply wanted to make the most of his now shortened life.

noob6 · Fantasía
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6 Chs

Chapter 2: Kill Me If You're Eager.

The hour came by with nothing much to his grand recovery. The room was filled with restless students as everyone waited in anticipation of how strong they had gotten over the past week.

The students were being called in alphabetically based on their last names and with his class's population being over two hundred, he had to wait for a really long while.

The acquisition test was a test of one's strength based on the amount of acquired energy one could conjure at a time. Unlike with innate energy, it was a test of how fast they were with instant intake and release.

With the majority of them being only tier 5 fighters, their scores were all ranging between twenty and twenty and fifty. This was due to the inequivalent energies they possessed and could possess at the same time.

It was a very different case for Jason, being inept in both aspects of energy. He could barely manifest even his own innate energy and acquired energy was a whole other story.

It was a whole hour before he was finally called up to the stage. Walking through the crowd and into the empty room, the only thing he could hear was the voices of all the other students mocking him.

The platform stood in front of him and he slowly walked towards it. As he stepped onto it, he slowly closed his eyes and gritted his teeth.

The worst moment of his life was soon to arrive and unlike with most, he couldn't feel anything even though his mind was fully focused as far as he believed.

It took a few seconds and the automated voice boomed throughout the entire room. A screen was shown before him and outside the room, a revelation of his previous and current score.

He could hear the loud laughter of the students even through the door but unlike last time, he had a score of three rather than two.

He slowly walked out of the room and through the crowd once more, his face held down and his fists clenched tightly.

Everything he felt was simply contradictory to every other thing he wanted, he wanted recognition but felt dejected when he got it, he wanted strength but felt hopeless when he got it.

After walking for a while, he took up his pace and ran straight for the exit. The room felt intoxicating and the overwhelming feeling was starting to get to him mentally.

His abdomen began to ache due to the stab wound which had yet to completely heal. He arrived at his usual resting place once again, breathing heavily as he turned his gaze to the ground.

He didn't go for any classes nor did he let anyone set their gazes on him once again throughout that day. The weekend arrived and the entire school compound began bustling with students once again.

He was left strolling through the street once again, his hands in his pockets and void of any goals set in his life. He was literally a walking corpse with the undying desire to walk among the living.

" I can only afford a decent meal with the money I have with me." He thought, slowly walking into a nearby shop.

It was a fairly decent restaurant with a two-star rating. There wasn't anything particularly outstanding about it and all he did was take a seat and place an order.

While he was sitting there, waiting for his meal with his gaze on the table, a man walked in and sat next to him. His hair was dyed red and he had a particularly evil grin on his face.

" Hey there kid, you haven't forgotten the deal we made right?" He asked, taking a seat right next to him.

He slowly turned towards the evil-looking man. There wasn't anything to him that sparked any worthwhile memories in him, not that he seemed any different than a meant-to-be-thrown-away piece of trash anyway.

He chuckled slightly and said, "Come on don't give me that look. You'll have to pay up, fifty, every day if you're to ever walk the streets again."

" Oh... So that's who you are." He said, staring blankly at the man, " You guys have become so many I can't remember who's which. Remind me again, which group of gangsters are you with?"

" Hehe, you can make fun of me as much as you want, but believe me when I saw that you're dead the moment you cross that door." He said, standing up and slowly waking away.

He turned his gaze away from the man as soon as he left. It was then that the waitress brought his meal only for him to realize that he had lost his appetite.

Slowly grabbing hold of the spoon, he didn't want his money to go to waste and quickly began stuffing it into his mouth. Students usually got food from the cafeteria but he just wanted to rest his mind even if it was for only a few minutes.

By the time he was done eating, he couldn't think of anything else but heading back to Stellar Academy. It was a weekend which meant time for sports events, not that he was a participant, but he at least enjoyed spectating.

A few meters away from the restaurant, he felt someone grab him by the back of his collar and quickly cover his mouth. He was helped by another person and carried to a place very well-known to him.

" This again, literally the fiftieth time." He thought as he watched them pin him down and bound his legs and hands to the floor.

A hard object went against his face and flung it to the side. His head was forcefully twisted and his gaze turned blurry, but he didn't care having endured far more emotional and physical pain that couldn't be compared.

" I warned you didn't I?" A familiar voice questioned.

He didn't reply and simply kept on staring blanket at the floor. He didn't know what it was he was feeling or what he wanted to do at that moment. His entire worldly existence simply felt meaningless.

" That's right, what I wanted all this time, I wanted to die, that's what I always wanted." He thought, slowly looking up at the man with a wide smirk on his face.

" Come on now, why don't you go ahead and beat me to death." He said as he began to laugh out loud in a sinister manner, "Trust me when I saw that not a single one of your words will get to me."

Right after that, his face was barraged infinitely from both sides until it was swollen red and bloody and began to gush out of his mouth.

His head was throbbing in great pain and his neck was aching so much that he couldn't twist his neck in the slightest. The feeling of helplessness overwhelmed him once more, this was simply an inevitable part of his daily life.

" Ki-kill me if... you want,... but I promise you that I won't do anything to appease until you bring a stop to this." He said, giggling slightly amidst his pain, " You can kill me if you're that eager, your choice for all I care."

His words left the gang in complete shock, so much so that even their leader quickly backed away from the mentally dismantled teenager.

Who in their right minds would solemnly ask their worst enemies to kill them if they wanted without struggling in the slightest? Could there be a power he was hiding or something even darker?

Whatever their thoughts, he simply didn't care, he had a place to be and wanted to be there as quickly as possible.