
System of verglas

currently on hiatus. What would happen if a young man died and his soul was lost? where would it go? while this has never happen before doesn't mean it couldn't happen at all The world had dimmed as dawn rose. He stumbled back against the wall and fell, butt first on to his spruce floor. The window showed no clouds over the sunlight, but it was dark. His heart sped up and he started feeling light, almost pushed out by mere breaths of air. Fell back as the world seemed to span outwards into blackness. Akio was 23 at his time of departure, with a normal and fulfilling life. He was a one sport athlete in school and collage, had a degree in architecture. He had a wife whom he had been dating for 6 years. But that didn’t quite matter anymore. ——-requirements filled—— Akio opened his eyes to darkness, nothing was visible and nothing was heard as the message popped in his mind —-welcome to the system of Verglas—- ——————————————————————————— Chapter frequency: my motivation NOTE, SLOW BURNER UP TO CHAPTER 14, THE FIRST 14 ARE JUST DIALOUGE TO GET FROM POINT A TO POINT B. ACTION,CHARECTOR INTERACTIONS AND MAIN PLOT LINE START AT 15 (pls give it a chance, i will edit the first 14 later on to make it interesting :D)——————————————————————————— *this is a work of FICTION all characters, places and events are not real *cover is not mine, PLEASE tell me if you want it removed and it will be removed immediately

frewdsfagr · Fantasía
Sin suficientes valoraciones
33 Chs

Two unfair matchups, can mean two different things

The silence was immediately broken by the scrambling off feet and the grabbing of spare equipment. The backline building was located on the border of the wall so they could fire outside of the town for longer range training. Exiting through that door I saw a large number of people head towards a group of plain deer feasting of the berries on bushes. The giant defensive wall disappearing behind us.

Ignoring them I turned another direction where I saw no one else run. I don't want to bring a simple level two, she obviously hinted that she expected more doing so would distinguish the people who do the minimum to what's expected.

'I'm also quite bored' I noted as my surroundings merged into the dark forest. Taking out oceans torrent as I sped through my surroundings. The trees here were thicker as the climate got colder during the winter.

The surrounding area her was also more rocky and had plenty more hills. Less farms we made here compared to Ardia.

"I really need to find a completed map of this continent… if there is one." I grunted as I jumped off of an upward facing rock.

'Hey system, are you able to track monsters?' I asked as I perched on a nearby tree.

[not currently, host needs to find a skill for that. Then I will be able to integrate it into my interface for you]

'Huh, not bad.' I smiled, it's better than not having it ever. I stood still for multiple minutes, taking in the surrounding environment. The high sun punctured the tall pine trees. Traveling forward would lead me to the top of a mountain.

'Actually that sounds cool. Maybe I could spot something from up there.' Returning my ocean torrent back into my storage, I ran forward. The soft breeze brushed my hair as I ran with near top speed. Only a couple of minutes passed and I was now jumping upwards rather than running forwards.

"HHUGH" I yelled as made one last jump. I hadn't made it to the top, I could even see the top yet. I turned around and saw the empires landscape span for hundreds of miles. But that's not the focus, I saw movement below. Taking out my bow I crept forward slowly, it was a large bear. Brown in color with large paws as it trudged forward. I looked at it with interest.



Race: grievous grizzly

3rd status

age: 32 years

Health: 98/100 (starving)






Mana: none

Condition: hungry (senses weakened, mentality down 80%)


Taking out one of the small spare arrows i grabbed in the scramble for equipment. I drew back my arrow and waited.

'I don't know how to use a bow.' Sweat dropped from the side of me head as the bear walked past. I kept taking deep breaths to calm myself, my aim doesn't have to be good. It just had to hit.

Of course I'd rather have it hit the heart or lungs than a toe, so I focused in towards its chest. It's large frame made for an easier target. I took one more breath in and released the arrow, sending it flying. The arrow collided with the shoulder of the bear and went in some more.


The wind around me seemed to repell from the roar of the beast as it recoiled in pain. It's teeth bared as it looked around for its attacker.

'Okay, one more.' I drew back one more arrow and took another breath, firing yet again.

This arrow collided with the bears underbelly, missing any major intestines. But the arrow flew through the bottom of the stomach creating a huge gash as it sliced open the flesh of the bear.

Blood pooled out the bear and it trembled with the amount of blood pooling out.



Race: grievous grizzly

3rd status

age: 32 years

Health: 48/100 (starving)






Mana: none

Condition: hungry(senses weakened, mentality down 80%) , severely bleeding. Losing 25 hp every 5 seconds


The bear collapsed on the ground and I crept towards it, drawing back another arrow. Firing this one at closer range. This one lodged in its throat, blocking its airway.


Enemy defeated!

Grievous grizzly- LVL 38

3rd status

EXP acquired: 11,600

Items acquired:

Bear Pelt x2

Bear fang x3

Earth orb x1



Level up! 30 -> 34

All stats up 12

Free status points 12

Blessing of verglas: 20 extra status points


"Nice!" I pumped my fist.

'Although I feel bad with my Terrible accuracy and it's hunger crippling it's movement.' I walked past the bloodied area and started to head back down the mountain, praying to find some other prey down at the lower levels.

[don't feel bad, it's how the world is. Besides, that bear was too dumb to even fight back. It's just a class difference, if you took a hit from that bear you would be sliced in half. It only uses physical enhancements after all.]

'Thanks.' I was a little reassured and a little offended, my strength wasn't too far behind right?


Name: Akio Sano

age: 15 years

HP: 100/100




Status points:92





Mana: 7700/7700

Skills: [appraisal (LVL 3)], [passive: blessing of Verglas],[passive: Mana absorption] [transformation LVL 1] [Flare LVL 1 (ice)] [lightning control(2nd grade) LVL 1]


'Oooh, I'm getting stronger!' I forgot my original intention and was fueled with enthusiasm

"Soon, they will pay. Oh I can't wait for this" I muttered excitedly.

I took out Wolfs last fang and returned Oceans torrent. The breeze around me was cool as I descended the mountain. Using the opportunity to scout for monsters, I found a couple phase 2 deer and few bears. But I wasn't aiming for a phase 2 yet, I wanted better and stronger opponents. I was eager for a tough fight.

"AAAAFGHHHHH" I heard the faint scream of a man nearby. I felt a cold chill run up the back of my spine. I ran towards the scream as fast as I possibly could. I could hear the pants of battle and the grunts of anger.

A bloodied man stood there with a missing leg, his back against a tree with a long sword held with on arm, the other propped up against the tree to keep balance. I continued to run towards him when I saw his opponent, a snow leopard. I turned to the leopard as I entered the clearing.



Race:6-clawed snow leopard

4th status


age: 54 years






Mana: ?????

Condition: normal


'What the fuck.'

[this is not your fight, I know it hurts but you need to run.]

I turned back to the man, who noticed me and smiled wryly.

"Kid, this isn't your place to die. Get outa here." His truffled voice rang out in my ears like an echo. I thought for a second as a hesitated to enter the battle.

'hey system thing, do you think I could one shot that this if I transferred everything to strength and used magic?'

[…. You're insane, I give up. Go ahead and try.]

I put all the remaining status points I had into strength and I pulled out my dagger.


Name: Akio Sano

age: 15 years

HP: 100/100




Status points:0





Mana: 7700/7700

Skills: [appraisal (LVL 3)], [passive: blessing of Verglas],[passive: Mana absorption] [transformation LVL 1] [Flare LVL 1 (ice)] [lightning control(2nd grade) LVL 1]


'Now how can I hit this monster.' I turned towards the man.

"Hey, I think I might have a shot sat killing this thing if I can get a guaranteed hit." I murmured to him, I was now close enough to converse with him.

The snow leopard then attacked, it seemed to have charged up a powerful cross slash as it jumped and swiped its two paws down. Red beams flew out of the paws and launched towards us. I grabbed the man and dove out of the way.

A loud boom as if thunder had erupted next to us and not in the sky took place as a line of trees fell down.

"Gah" the man grunted

"What the hell are you doing? I said get out of here." He looked at me with sadness and sympathy as well as a twinge of anger.

I sighed as I turned around, i already spent everyone of my points to kill this thing. I at least got to try. The leopard sat there charging another attack.

'It's playing with us' I realised suddenly.

I smirked as I ran forward and managed to slice the leopards from paw. Which earned a loud screech from the large leopard. The full swing of my dagger was only enough to cut its paw, but it cut deep.

[welp, since you're in this might as well help your dumbass choices.] I physically felt the mocking dissatisfaction from the voice.

[if your going to kill this thing you're going to need to not use magic unless absolutely necessary, if you manage too kill it using the dagger, it will bring you very good prestige for your first day on the knights. As well as the fact that 4th stage is around where they start getting elemental powers. Granting it said power might in fact buff them.] the lecture continued as I ran to the side to avoid the leopards pounce, it was fast. In fact twice as fast as me.

[your movement needs to be random. It can't predict you or your dead immediately. Without the chance to counter it.] I tried its advice and stopped randomly for a second and the ran towards it, avoiding all logic and reason.

[NOT THAT RANDOM YOU DIPSHIT] I heard a scream bellow throughout my head. I grabbed my dagger as I watched the snow leopard look at me with confusion evident on its face.

II looked at the dagger for a split second. Then back at the leopard

"Ah fuck it, I can get a new one if this backfires."I said as I got ready to throw the dagger straight at the leopard.

I looked at the leopard as I pulled back my arm to throw the dagger into its chest. It responded with glee as it charged its own attack.

I threw the dagger as hard as I could towards the giant leopard who instead of returning the attack, or dodging the current dagger flying at him. Fired the waves at the old man who lied down in the grass.

"SHIT" I yelled as the waves crashed into the ground. That pissed me off, after all that work to save him this leopard ends up killing him anyway. I ran towards the leopard who turned back towards me as the dagger impaled its chest.

"Grr" I could tell it felt something from that, after all it didn't have much defensive power. But then again, it was a phase 4 monster. Not something I should be handling. I jumped up as hard as I could to reach the dagger, which I easily reached. I used the extra force to punch it in the chest, with my momentum and abnormally high strength stat. The leopard took some heavy damage and was blown pack a little as I grabbed the dagger and twisted to hold on.

I found that the dagger was lodged and I was too high up to move it. So… I kept punching it. Each time I was doing more and more damage as I punched the same spot. The leopard thrashed around to get me off, it can't bite me or claw me without getting itself hurt. so it was utterly defenseless. Quite lucky on my part. But i was proven wrong as I saw it's paw reach up to me, I was too high up and this was my only chance of winning so I can't let the go. I held on for dear life.

The sound of spurting blood was the only thing I heard before I screamed in pain.

"HTCHAAAAAAAAAAA" I let out a pained roar, the power behind the strike was immense. I felt my knees detach from my body, the bottom half of my leg holding on by a couple of threads.

I didn't have time too look at my injury, his attack was a double edge sword. By blowing me away he gave force to the dagger allowing for a large cut to appear in its chest.

I used this opportunity for my do or die move. I grabbed a hold of its fur, which was now coated in its blood. And I released the dagger. Holding on the the clump of fur dagger in hand I stabbed the dagger forward into the wound, my whole arm encased in its organs and blood.

I vomited, due to pain? Or just how disgusting it was I didn't care. I swirled my arm inside as I panicked. I could hold on much longer with all this shacking the leopard was doing. I took the dagger out and drove it into another spot below the original cut and let the leopard carve its own grave.


Enemy defeated!

Six clawed snow leopard LVL 32

4th status

EXP acquired: 30,490

Items acquired:

Leopards boots x1

Snow leopard pelt x6

Leopard claw x6

Blade of the torn cat x1



Level up! 34 -> 43

All stats up 39

Free status points 39

Blessing of verglas: 65 extra status points


Relief was short lasting as I fell to the ground as the leopard collapsed to the side. I looked at my basically detached leg.

'Why the fuck arnt you healing?'

[because leveling only heals surface wound and mediums wounds, it will not heal life threatening ones due to the increased damage. But since you did level up quite a bit. It has healed a lot.]

He was sort of right as the leg healed a bit, but it was still basically detached.

[it seems I overestimated the opponent and underestimated the power of idiocy]

'Fuck you' I laughed. Sometimes sarcasm is refreshing

Hello! Sorry about the cliche plot armor that may or may not have just taken place. But I feel that it is necessary to progress and it’s hard to avoid all of them after all (^^;)

Thank you for reading! Please let me know if you enjoyed it or not!

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