
System of verglas

currently on hiatus. What would happen if a young man died and his soul was lost? where would it go? while this has never happen before doesn't mean it couldn't happen at all The world had dimmed as dawn rose. He stumbled back against the wall and fell, butt first on to his spruce floor. The window showed no clouds over the sunlight, but it was dark. His heart sped up and he started feeling light, almost pushed out by mere breaths of air. Fell back as the world seemed to span outwards into blackness. Akio was 23 at his time of departure, with a normal and fulfilling life. He was a one sport athlete in school and collage, had a degree in architecture. He had a wife whom he had been dating for 6 years. But that didn’t quite matter anymore. ——-requirements filled—— Akio opened his eyes to darkness, nothing was visible and nothing was heard as the message popped in his mind —-welcome to the system of Verglas—- ——————————————————————————— Chapter frequency: my motivation NOTE, SLOW BURNER UP TO CHAPTER 14, THE FIRST 14 ARE JUST DIALOUGE TO GET FROM POINT A TO POINT B. ACTION,CHARECTOR INTERACTIONS AND MAIN PLOT LINE START AT 15 (pls give it a chance, i will edit the first 14 later on to make it interesting :D)——————————————————————————— *this is a work of FICTION all characters, places and events are not real *cover is not mine, PLEASE tell me if you want it removed and it will be removed immediately

frewdsfagr · Fantasía
Sin suficientes valoraciones
33 Chs

Past the fence (2)

A spray of icy blue was shot out of Akio's mouth towards the goblin. It was cold, REAL cold. Akio shivered as he felt his teeth crystallize and his chin quiver. The goblins club didn't stop as it towered down words. He sprawled backward while his flame diminished, the club just barely missed his chest but hit his leg joint instead.



Enemy defeated!

Paunchy goblin- LVL 4

EXP acquired: 450

Items acquired:

Frozen club x1

Goblin ear x2

Paunchy goblin eye x1

Common orb x1


Akio wasn't paying attention to anything in front of him. His leg was backward, his knee was inverted making his calf stick up. He couldn't feel it at all; it hasn't even been processed in his mind yet.





Level up! 1 -> 4

All stats up 9

Free status points 9

Blessing of verglas: 15 extra status points


Akio was finally starting to regain focus from the shock, he was excited! He had leveled up three times and gotten a ton of status points! But because of that, his leg started to flare up.

"HOLY SHIT, OW. OW." He started screaming and clutching what was his leg joint. His bones didn't feel broken but they were extremely out of place. He turned around a started crawling back towards the town, like a disabled wolf trying to get food. He crawled dragging both feet behind him until he got to town.


He managed to get to someone's fence, he wasn't too far from his house but he was in an excruciating amount of pain. Not willing to go any further he called for help while knocking on the fence. The fence was made of wood and it wasn't very tall, just tall enough so dogs and goblins couldn't quite jump it. He heard footsteps crossing the yard behind the fence and he saw an old woman looking over at him. Once she saw him her face turned pale and ran back into the house. A loud shout could be heard inside the house and the woman ran outside the fence to pick him up. He was on the verge of passing out. The pain was too much for his 10-year-old body, along with the 4-hour crawl it was causing him so much exhaustion. He felt his head go limp and darkness cover him.


Akio was slowly awoken by the morning sunlight through a nearby window, he seemed to be on a comfortable couch, he slowly rose his head and looked around the room. Beside him was a young girl who looked to be around 7 helping the other lady from before unwrapping his leg. They both had a similar shade of crimson hair and large brown ears.

His leg seemed to have returned to its original shape but it was almost black around his knee and the bottom side of his calf, almost all of its bruises or dirt. The young girl looked at his face and when she saw that he was awake gave him a small smile. "Good morning, are you feeling well?" The lady from before who I now presumed to be her mother asked in a warm tone.

Akio was still in a dazed state as he looked towards her with a small laugh

"I think so, can't feel my leg if that's a problem" he smiled but was given a tap on the chest.

"Well, aren't you lively!" The mother gave a small laugh and went back to start wrapping his leg up. The wrap was a large leather strap that locked my calf in place.

"What's your name?" The young girl who sat next to him asked. With large eyes, pretty hair, and a small smile. She was a beautiful girl, cute with a happy smile. It gave me warmth and made me a little hyper.

"My name is Akio, what is yours?" I asked as a sat up and threw my legs off the side of the couch

"Nell! I'm named after the sun!" She stood up and gave a small bounce. How ironic, the name fit her perfectly.

The front door opened and I looked around the hallway and saw my mother, she has bags under her eyes and a tense look on her face. She walked inside with a hurried pace until she saw me and her eyes shone and she lit up:

"YOU'RE OKAY!" She trotted over towards him and gave him a big hug. But then picked him up and turned towards the other mother and Nell.

"Thank you so much, I'm in your debt" she bowed and took him out the door, she was in a little bit of a hurry.

'It seems that the town sent out a few people to look for me. This town is like one giant family.' He was being carried on his mother's back as they entered their own house. His father was nowhere to be seen. I was taken to the couch and was sprawled across it. Ari looked at me and took a seat on a chair that was nearby. Apparently moved from the table the night before. She looked at me sternly.

"Exactly WHAT the HELL were you even thinking trying to fight that monster? Do you even understand how lucky you are to be alive? LOOK AT YOUR LEG, THAT WAS FROM ONE HIT IMAGINE IF YOU WERE HIT IN THE CHEST DOYOUEVEN-" she started yelling at him and broke into tears. It lasted a few minutes of profusely apologizing and listening before she finally calmed down and then turned around to grab something. She turned around and gave me a book.

"Here is a book on all of the monsters as of a week ago, read it and memorize it." She gave it to me with a stern look and then turned around. "I'm not going to heal you so you can learn your lesson, now I'm going to go retrieve your father."

I looked towards the book and decided that now was a good time to look through his status


Name: Akio Sano

age: 10 years

Race: permafrost dragon


Status points: 34





Mana: 5107/5200

Skills: [appraisal], [passive: blessing of Verglas], [Mana absorption] [transformation LVL 1] [Flare LVL 1 (ice)]


'This is a nice start, I think I will put almost all of my points into strength and Dexterity. To make them each thirty.


Status upgrade:

Str: 17 -> 30

Dex: 15 > 30

Status points : 34 -> 6


Akio felt his body become extremely light and he felt a little bit like he was floating. He felt like he could slay as many goblins as he wanted. It was a rush and he loved it, he wanted more of it.


A new sound rang out inside of his head


System upgrade!

New function: missions

New stat: CON (can not be increased directly)


Akio looked at this message and pondered. 'I'm glad that I got a new stat that can improve my survivability, but won't a mission function make my system cluttered and confusing?

[while it may sound confusing at first, all of the hosts' system menus have shortcuts, they can be shortened down to just 4 if the host wants. In order for this to work, HP, MP, and system points have to be combined into your stats. Making your menu non-existent. Does the host wish to do so?]

'Yes, that would make this a lot easier. Thank you system' Akio was pleased, shortening all of this information would help him later on. Making his leveling system a lot easier.

'Hey system, what are my three commands?'

[your four commands are status, shop, missions, and inventory. Because of your action, many stats will be shoved into your status. But don't worry too much, another solution will show itself in the future]

'Wow, what a foreshadow. But thank you for doing this anyway! This really helps!' Akio was very satisfied with this and because he couldn't move he decided to open up his status once again


Name: Akio Sano

age: 10 years

HP: 100/100




Status points:6





Mana: 5150/5200

Skills: [appraisal], [passive: blessing of Verglas],[passive: Mana absorption] [transformation LVL 1] [Flare LVL 1 (ice)]


'Okay this looks quite simple enough, I don't want to spend any of my points just yet. I might need them later on. Let's try opening the mission tab'


Mission loading...




Mission found: save 2 people

Reward: 500 exp, HP regen, 100 system points, and 10 status points.


Before Akio could think anything of this mission a loud crash could be heard from outside. He sat up and peered through the window and saw a large group of men throwing wooden clubs on fire towards a nearby house. The house instantly went up in flames and multiple screams could be heard. Then the next club smashed through the window and landed on the carpet in front of them

I apologize for the delay, chapters will be resuming quickly and I will make up for them soon.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

frewdsfagrcreators' thoughts