
System of verglas

currently on hiatus. What would happen if a young man died and his soul was lost? where would it go? while this has never happen before doesn't mean it couldn't happen at all The world had dimmed as dawn rose. He stumbled back against the wall and fell, butt first on to his spruce floor. The window showed no clouds over the sunlight, but it was dark. His heart sped up and he started feeling light, almost pushed out by mere breaths of air. Fell back as the world seemed to span outwards into blackness. Akio was 23 at his time of departure, with a normal and fulfilling life. He was a one sport athlete in school and collage, had a degree in architecture. He had a wife whom he had been dating for 6 years. But that didn’t quite matter anymore. ——-requirements filled—— Akio opened his eyes to darkness, nothing was visible and nothing was heard as the message popped in his mind —-welcome to the system of Verglas—- ——————————————————————————— Chapter frequency: my motivation NOTE, SLOW BURNER UP TO CHAPTER 14, THE FIRST 14 ARE JUST DIALOUGE TO GET FROM POINT A TO POINT B. ACTION,CHARECTOR INTERACTIONS AND MAIN PLOT LINE START AT 15 (pls give it a chance, i will edit the first 14 later on to make it interesting :D)——————————————————————————— *this is a work of FICTION all characters, places and events are not real *cover is not mine, PLEASE tell me if you want it removed and it will be removed immediately

frewdsfagr · Fantasía
Sin suficientes valoraciones
33 Chs

Nells first shot

He walked side by side with Milda and Nell as he walked down the street.

"Hey, do you mind if I sell some stuff at the guild for some money? I don't know how expensive these weapons are going to be."

Milda nodded as she followed me towards the guild hall. It was a decent walk from the stadium, But not something to complain about.

Another tournament was happening in another larger stadium as we walked past. Grabbing our attention for a bit, we walked inside and watched for a round or two.

Two women in full metal armor were fighting at speeds that he couldn't even decipher. A large screen hologram floated above them in the air showing the fighter's information.


Emilia Pierce - lvl 246

Remaining hits: 21


A small picture displaying a pink haired woman with vibrant green eyes shown next to it.Her picture was her with a large smile staring outwards towards whatever took the picture. Akio turned to look at the second woman fighting down in the large concrete arena.


Zoe Mitchell - lvl 251

Remaining hits:67


Her face was a more mature and confident smile, less vibrant. More like a business centered smile. Her white hair dropped down to hips as she dodged multiple hits from the pink haired woman. It seems that someone casted a magical barrier recently around the two fighters, allowing everyone to see what exactly was happening. Emilia's face was contorted with rage and frustration as she jabbed her small sword forward at speeds even with the magic barrier rendered blurry.

Zoe somehow managed to dodge all of them with little effort while returning a flurry of attacks with her long slim sword. Landing multiple hits on the small pink haired woman. Knocking her back a bit, they both were wearing some sort of black jacket that seemed to absorb all attacks received.


Emilia Pierce - lvl 246

Remaining hits: 13


"Oh, that's the type of tournament they are doing. I've seen multiple types of ways competitions are held due to the variety of styles. I'm surprised someone is winning by this much of a margin in the second round.`` Milda commented as she walked forward a little more to watch the flurry.

Akio nodded in response to her statement as he turned around to leave. But he was held back by a small hand who was still watching the fight.

"Alright, you know where the guild hall is right?" He said turning around to face Milda who nodded softly.

He turned back around and walked out of the stadium towards the busy guild hall. The sun blazed high in the sky as he traversed through the crowd of people. Clouds dotted throughout the sky as he turned towards the old styled guild hall.

Entering the hall he saw rattling with people, drinking and dining as people partied or just ate their late lunch.

The same young man from before was behind the counter currently talking to another person selling materials. His small pair of glasses reflected the orange firelights on the wall as they finished their business.

"Ah, welcome back. Hopefully you have got something interesting for me today. Tag please" he smiled as he held out his hand.

'Oh I forgot about this tag.' Akio thought to himself as he pulled the small chained dog tag looking jewelry as he asked.

Once pulling out of his shirt Akio was surprised to see that the bronze hue was now a sharp silver.

"Woah, You've really been working huh?" he laughed in slight shock as Akio pulled out the small dagger. Who was staring at it in wonder as he handed it over to the young man.

Using his tag he placed it on a small piece of paper and turned back to Akio.

"Now what can I do for you today?"

"AH, I've come to sell a few things" He scrambled as he opened up his inventory.


Wolf's Last Fang x1

Blade of the torn cat x1

Oceans Torrent x1

bear pelt x 15

bear claw x 21

wolf pelt x 18

ice wolf pelt x 2

wolf claws x 32

boar pelt x 12

boar tusks x 2

common orb x 3

ice orb x 1

gray orb x 13


Taking out everything except the two weapons he slammed down the absurd amount of materials on the desk. To which the young man behind the counter just stared.

"Quite the bag huh?" he muttered softly as he rushed to sort through the materials. Silently muttering to himself as he did so.

After a very short while he scooped all of the materials and put them into separate rings stockpiled on the wall behind him.

Opening another large bag he handed Akio his payment for the large amount of materials.

"Pleasure doing business with you today sir. Have a pleasant day." he said as he handed Akio his tag.

"Thank you, erhh" Akio trailed off as he stared meekly towards the young man.

"Names Connor, don't worry about it." He bowed as he turned to serve another seller.

Akio turned to look for a small empty table, spotting it against the wall of the guildhall. Sitting down he poured out all of his earnings so far.

"Alright, 9 gold and 46 silvers. I wonder why so many people aren't just hunting instead of being knights. A gold per week is kind of measly compared to this." he quietly spoke to himself.

[Well, not to say that you've been lucky and kind of a cheap ass for using that cat's dagger. But you're a lucky cheap ass. Besides, the knight job you have is the bottom line. Of course you aren't going to be paid much.]

'You shut up.' I replied back with slight annoyance as he sweeped the gold into a small pouch on his hip. Turning back out the guildhall and back to the tournament stadium. The walk wasnt long as most of the mob traffic was heading away from the stadium.

"Looks like its over huh." Akio said to himself as he opened the door too look for Milda and Nell. They were sitting on the far end of the room on a small bench talking with rather large smiles. They turned there face towards him and stood up.

"You missed an awesome fight!" Nell called as He walked forward towards them.

"I believe it." Akio said as he stopped in front of Milda.

"Can i go get a weapon now?" Nell bounced.

"Sure" i responded as i walked out the front door of the stadium. The Weapon store was right across the road. We entered the store really quickly as too keep up with a running child.

"Once you pick a weapon out, well go out and hunt something. How about that?" Akio patted Nells head softly as she looked around the store.

"YEA IM GOING TO BE STRONGER THAN YOU SOMEDAY!" she excitedly said while picking up a small bow.

"I talked too her about maybe picking up the bow, its probably the most safe option for her. It also holds a lot of power when used correctly." Milda whispered to Akio as he watched Nell pick up a huge bow that was nearly twice the size of her.

'Can i give her my bow?' Akio asked his system with wonder. It could save them quite a bit of money and the bow that He has is actually quite good.

[yes you can.]

'Alright then.'

"Nell, i want you to follow me. I have a better idea for you." He said as he turned around to exit the small weapon store.

Milda and Nell both followed closely behind as Akio lead them outside of the large city. Turning towards a large field as they past small towns of farmers and other crop workers. The trail continued as they walked for a while. Chatting about how Nells first day of school went besides the fight and how Milda's waitress job was at the inn.

They kept walking forward until they were farther away from civilization and veered right off of the path. Akio took out the large bow from his inventory and handed it to Nell who had a large Dazed look on her face.

"Now walk slowly and close to me. Milda, can you stand back for a while to watch for other unwanted guests?" Akio turned to Milda after finishing who nodded reluctantly.

He then turned around and walked slowly forward so as to not scare off too many animals and monsters. He didn't want to go too deep as the deeper you go the more likely that something strong will show up. Being quiet keeps the weak ones ignorant of your presence.

Sure enough a fox jumped out of a nearby bush.

"Alright, here's your chance." He said to her quietly as the fox lowered its head to snack on some fallen berries.

Nell nodded slowly and started to pull back the empty string. A dim blue arrow appeared from the bow as she pulled her arm back.

"Aim for its body, it will allow you to have a bigger range to hit than its neck." Akio whispered to the struggling girl, the bow string attuned its strength for everyone as it was a system weapon and not a man made one. But Nell had little experience in shooting a bow.

Nell let out a short breath and let go of the arrow, the arrow spiraled forwards at a moderate pace. Fast enough so that the fox couldn't run.

A loud whine could be heard as the fox's chest was impaled by the blue arrow and both of them slowly dissolved momentarily.

"YES" Nell said excitedly and raised her arms in victory.

"Nice job, but keep it down. Lets get you a couple more before we go." He responded as he guided her forwards more into the forest