
System Of The Fallen

Please support, WPC entry. Kael Ravenwood, your ordinary teenage boy's life was cut short by a rare and incurable illness. He expected death as the only option to rid himself of the suffering. Finally, it came but not in the way he expected. At the point of death, he regretted living a plain life, but things didn't end there for him. Instead, he had been transmigrated into a fantasy world where the impossibility was just an illusion. In this new world, Kael discovered he had inherited the body of a Fallen, a body with mysterious origins, cursed yet powerful, granting him extraordinary powers. Kael found himself in a realm where legends and myths from his former world had become reality. With his newfound abilities and discoveries, he sets out to defy the odds and become the strongest! Dragon, demons, gods, angels, all shall bow before his might! ---- 100 Power stones= 1 extra chapter 200 Power stones= 2 extra chapters 400 Power stones= 4 extra chapters 10 golden tickets= 1 extra chapter 20 golden tickets= 2 extra chapters

Toppy_GF · Fantasía
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40 Chs


The trio, separated by a few metres, stared at one another. "Ughhh, screw this!" Duncan was the first to charge forward. With flames exploding from his feet, he propelled himself forward, heading right at Kael.

"Do you think I'm not strong enough or what?" Lucius angered by his move charged forward.

Kael was feeling his heart thump wildly in excitement. "This is it," he muttered as he prepared himself for a clash with Duncan.

"Taste my fist!" Kael exclaimed, clenching his fist tightly while charging forward.

"That's right, give me your best shot!" Duncan, filled with excitement, clenched his fist, swinging forward. Flames surged around his fist down to his elbow, propelling it forward.

"Shit!" Kael barely teleported, appearing behind the charging Lucius. Lucius sensing a presence behind quickly turned around with fist clenched.

Kael was much faster as his fist landed in his stomach, sending him shooting backwards.

"Ugh, that guy... this is going to be one hell of a battle." Kael muttered, holding his shoulder, which was slightly burnt. His main aim was on Lucius and had just used Duncan as a distraction.

"You! Face me!!" Duncan exclaimed with frustration. Charging forward once again, this time, his speed higher than before, he released a flurry of punches, forcing Kael to engage in close combat.

"Fast! And strong!!" A deadly combo backed up by his high combat skills. Kael struggled to keep up with a few passing through his defence.

"Ugh," spitting out a blob of blood, Kael teleported instantly. Damn it!" He exclaimed as he watched the previous spot he stood destroyed with dark flames surging wildly.

"Is this dude trying to kill me!" His eyes moved around, searching for the second figure. Feeling a sense of danger, he quickly activated the gravity shift.

"That won't work on me!" Lucius exclaimed with his body covered in golden energy. He punched forward, sending Kael skidding backwards.

Though he had increased the gravity around him, the punch still hurt like hell. Getting back to his feet, he felt a surge of energy coming from both sides.

"You guys are kidding, right?!" Kael exclaimed. Duncan and Lucius each covered in their unique aura charged towards Kael, who stood with a helpless look.

"Haha, pathetic! You think it's gonna be an easy fight!" Lucius muttered with a smile clenching his fist tightly.

Just a few metres away from him, Kael finally revealed his face, which was covered in a large smile. "You guys should keep yourselves busy, I'll be right back." Kael's form disappeared from the spot causing the charging duo to let out a frown.

A clash was inevitable and sensing that, they continued onwards with their aura surging fiercely.


The ground trembled from the impact leading to a large explosion with waves of flames and golden energy spreading over the area. The dust finally dispelled revealed two figures intensely battling it out with brute strength.

Duncan, not yet using his weapon, released a flurry of punches which were equally matched by the golden fists from Lucius. Duncan with an uppercut finally sent the stunned Lucius crashing to the ground.

Kael watching from afar prepared himself to attack. Teleporting across the area, he finally appeared behind Duncan grabbing his fist and then tried lifting him off the ground.

"I expected much from you," Duncan muttered, getting covered in dark flames.

"Shit!" Kael cursed, feeling a searing pain in his palms. Trying to let go, he felt his hand tightly held. Duncan, opening his mouth, an orb of energy was beginning to gather.

Lucius, watching from the ground, hastily moved backwards not wanting to get involved.

"Damn, this is going to hurt like hell, I need to break free from his grip." Thinking quickly, he swung his free hand down releasing a void slash. "That won't do!" Swinging his hands rapidly, Kael felt the grip getting weakened and pulling his hands with force he was able to finally break free.

"It seems he can't move much while gathering the flames in his mouth, but he's almost done," Kael thought, clenching his fist tightly. With his gravity aura wrapped around his fist, he punched out with his might, striking his opened chest.

Duncan, feeling a slight pain from the attack, was distracted causing the ball of energy to explode sending both figures hurtling backwards.

"Ugh," Kael groaned in pain while his body slowly healed.

Duncan was not much affected due to his high resistance to the fire element and was back on his feet, the little injuries obtained rapidly closing off. Lucius, not wanting to let go of the moment, brought out a long staff wrapped in golden energy.

Charging forward, he swung out his staff, cleanly hitting Duncan across his face. Skidding across the ground, Duncan was struck once again with blood splashing from his busted lips.

Appearing before him, Lucius let out a roar spinning his sword rapidly over the air before hitting his chest. Duncan was sent bouncing across the ground.

Lucius looked towards Kael's position but met an empty spot. "Huh?" Turning around, and rapidly swinging his staff, he noticed his swings were getting heavier.

Kael appearing above struck down with his legs hitting Lucius atop his head and sending him to the ground. Landing on the ground, he swung his hand down, increasing the gravity around Lucius.

"Ugh," groaning with a pained expression, he struggled to rise from the ground with trembling limbs. "Ahhh!" He exclaimed, getting covered in golden energy.

"That won't work the second time," Kael muttered quickly, swinging his hand down.

"Arghh! F*ck!! My hand!!" Lucius exclaimed, landing face first to the ground. Lucius with one of his hands cleanly cut off struggled fiercely but felt his bones getting crushed by the force.


A roar shook the area as a blazing figure exploded forward, his broadsword tightly held in both hands.

Kael sensing the approaching threat instantly teleported away not wanting to take the attack head on. Swinging his hands mid-air, a void slash streaked through the air striking his legs and only leaving a light scratch.

Turning around, in one sweeping motion, Duncan swung his sword leaving a large arc of flames streaking towards his direction.

Kale disappeared, appearing metres ahead of the arc of flames which continued onwards striking the barrier.

Duncan was already above and swung down at kael who had no choice but to block.


Kael crashing to the ground quickly teleported away. Duncan swung his sword releasing arcs of flames which kael dodged by teleporting across the area.

Lucius getting back on his feet with his legs healed charged towards the duo, his gaze fixed on Kael. "I'll fucking break you!" He exclaimed, exploding forward.

"He healed his legs," Kael muttered mid air. The fight was getting fun and his heart was beginning to beat rapidly. Swinging his hand out, a force was sent out sending the flames towards the charging Lucius. Swinging his staff down, Lucius easily cut through the flames and leapt up swinging his staff down.

Kael swung his hands towards the approaching staff changing the trajectory.

Duncan appearing above both swung down with the flames around him surging wildly. "Damn!" Kael tried teleporting away from the area but felt his throat tightly gripped by Lucius.

With the attack close, Lucius quickly let go of Kael delivering a swift punch to his face which stunned him for a moment, and began swinging his staff. A sphere of golden energy engulfed him as he prepared for the clash. Kael with the space getting disrupted from the duo auras was left with no choice but to prepare for the clash.

Not wanting to face the brunt of the attack, he quickly covered himself in his gravity energy. The trio clashed leading to a fierce explosion.


Yayyy! The book is finally contracted.

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