
chapter 1

Aquarius Pierce POV(7yrs)

Oman West Asia

Jan 1 2011

Aquarius looked around her now empty bedroom, they moved from Calgary City, Canada to Oman four Years ago when she was 4 years old  for her father job as one of the vice president of Legal pacific oil and Gas, She was very lucky that her childhood best friend Tate Mcrae and her family moved here as well because of their father the other vice president.

They been best friends since they babies because their Father are best friends, they both attend American International School Muscat in Oman were they learn dance and other things.

Until recently both fathers had a job transfer while Tate  going back to Canada, she going to Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, to tell the truth she super upset about being apart from her bestfriend not so much about not returning to Canada.

Aquarius look at the room one last time before grabbing her last bag before running down the stairs to get out of the house.

She and Tate already said good bye yesterday because they left at different timing.

Suddenly when she walked across the livingrrom  when a emotionless voice sound in her head.

"Ding! You have been bound to Entertainment System."

"System activated."

"Gifted a beginner package, obtain learning space, Lucky Wheel."

"System usage guide : Accumulated points through task or popularity. Points are currency, can be used to improve state or buy props, other information will be forward in minute"

Aquarius was shocked at first and then happy, She quickly sat down on the sofa to understand the information the system feed back to her.

She closed her eyes looking relaxed as the information rushed into head, the system is bound to her soul so if she dies so does it, so she not worried about it usually her, unlike what the other girl in school talked about previously, she only heard about system novels from girls in school talk about it.

The point of the system is to make a Superstar in entertainment industry in any choosen of field of or in multiple if she wishes, it very nice system for not forcing her to choosing , some task maybe mandatory or not.

Aquarius opened her eyes and looked at screen in front of her, the system inform her that other can't see it.

"Name: Aquarius Pierce

Age: 7

Weight: 56

Height: 4'4


Overall Stats: C

Charisma: B

Skills : Languages (2)

Education (A)

1 - Elementary proficiency.

2 - Intermediate

3 - Professional

4 - Advanced level

5 - bilingual proficiency. fluent in a language.

A+ (97-100) A (93-96) A (90-92)

B+ (87-89) B (83-86) B- (80-82)

C+ (77-79)C (73-76)C- (70-72)

D+ (67-69)D (63-66)D- (60-62)

F (below 60

Skills: Swimming (C)

Acrobat (C)

Gymnastic (C+)

Dances (D): Baller (C)

Acro (C+)

Lyrical (D)

Contemporary Dance (D)

Hip-Hop  (C)

Modern dance (D)

Jazz (-D)

Rate: (N class - Newcomer

E class- Bronze

D Class - Sliver

C Class - Gold

B Class - Pre Championship 

A Class - Championship (First class)

S Class - Elite (Highest)

(- +)


Learning space (skills& educ)Teacher or independent -Ratio 1:100 15 minute × 25 hrs (integrated body muscles, slow first and won't be weak)

Lucky Wheel

Aquarius looked at her skills and was shocked with some of the rates, she started learning Gymnastic, Acrobat and swimming since she was 3, she totally didn't agree with her low rate, she won a lot of awards and trophies for all three types of competitions.

She not surprised about some of dances types being low because she started learning dances later plus most of her time taking up by swimming, acrobat and Gymnastic class plus school work, leaving little time to develop so many dances types like jazz, Contemporary Dance, modern dance.

Her dance teachers always told she really talented in Ballet, Acro, Hip-Hop seeing the results it seem to be true.

Aquarius honestly enjoys dancing, it fun and interesting, she agree with her parent and aunt to start going to a dance studio in Pennsylvania, while she being homeschool.

She looked at last sentence Props:

Learning space (skills& educ)Teacher or independent -Ratio 1:100 15 minute × 25 hrs (integrated body muscles, slow first and won't be weak)

She totally going to use this for school work, so her has more time for Acrobat, gymnastics, dancing and swimming, her mother show her picture of her future house in Pennsylvania, it has swimming pool, gym, dance studio and gymnastics area it one of bribes she got for moving.

"Darling are you coming, we need be there at at 8 to catch plane." a calming voiced sound out for behind her.

Aquarius turned around and said "Yep coming mom." She doesn't spend so much time with her parents because of their busy schedule being a lawyers and surgeon but they always show her their love and care, specially setting aside some time with her, going horse ridding with father or shopping and spa with her mother.

Aunt Lily is the one who mainly looks after her, she her Father sister, who doesn't have kids and  is very caring, she already in Pennsylvania making sure house sorted, and contacting tutors for her, since skipped a two grade in school, she need to have more advanced tutors, since she doesn't like going to school.