
System in Attack on Titan

Eren after losing almost everything is determined to keep everything he has, and in his eyes it is Mikasa. And he'll do anything, even killing those close...

AlexWebNovel · Derivados de juegos
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11 Chs

My Burden

Hello! If you have read my other book then I'm glad to introduce you to another story I'm making, if not then welcome.

You may ask, 'Why did you stop adding chapters in Spiderman in RL?'

It was because I had hit writer's block, and reading other books I gained inspiration in making this story.

Anyways, enjoy!

And remember, we read to enjoy and this is only a fanfiction!



On a dark day, a building surrounded by quietness and some rare huddles of people outside. Inside those buildings where crates used to be stored, now stored clumps of people inside and toward the back was a blonde boy leaning on the shoulder of a brown-haired boy with a long black-haired girl laying on his legs.

The brown-haired boy had his emerald eyes looking at the girl on his legs, before looking up at a Dark Green sheet of paper with white writing and these writings spoke to the boy.

[Hello Eren Yeager. I am the System provided to you in the image of a piece of paper, and I am here to help you in any way you want.]

"Can you bring my mom back? Can you stop my father from making me eat him?" 

[I apologize, I cannot reverse the past. However, I can help you stop your closest from dying a bad death.]

He looked at Mikasa and looked at the paper again,


[You have to answer some questions. First, how do you think the world should be ruled?]

"Justice and power."

[Calculated. Second, what do you think power is?]

"Unyielding strength and determination."

[Calculated. Third, what do you think justice is?]

"Something the strong and right."

[Calculated. Fourth, what do you need?]


[Calculated. Fifth and last, what would you do to save your loved one?]

Eren then looked at Mikasa and stroked her hair away from her face to see her soft white skin and the peaceful expression on her face. He then raised a piece of her hair and sniffed her hair lightly, before he dug his nose into it and sniffed more harshly.

"I'll kill them." He spoke softly.

"I'll kill them all. Titan, animal, beast, monster, and human. They will all die before touching Mikasa, nothing will hurt her. I'll carve skin, muscle, and bone before they touch a hair."

There was then a long silence.

[Calculated but unexpected, I shall become the {Combat System} and you shall gain bonuses from the System and personal experiences.]

[You have gained the Titles: Avenger and Natural Combatant, from the system.]

[You have gained the Passive Skills: Calm-Mind Lv0 and Healthy Lv0, from your personal experience.]

[You have gained the Active Skills: Attack Titan Lv0, and Founding Titan Lv0, from your personal experience.]

Eren started feeling the System course through his body before passing out.

<Mikasa pov>

Waking up on Eren's legs like the past week or so was comforting, looking at Eren's green eyes when looking up reminded me how his personality became like the bread we eat, stale.

"Good morning Eren, did you sleep?" However, Eren did not reply. It's been 3 months since he last spoke, I would have forgotten his voice if I didn't remember how Eren would yell.

"Hmm." Moaned Armin as he awoke, he rubbed his eyes and sat up. He looked around and seemed upset, sadly I believe it was about his grandfather. 

"Hey Armin, how are you?" I asked,

"Fine, Mikasa. How are you and Eren?" I looked at Eren and back at Armin.

"I'm fine and he's alright." He may not speak or show any emotion, however, I barely realized that at times Eren grabs me in any way possible while also hiding it. So I actively try and have Eren grab me, it's nice to know he cares so I'll do my best to make him happy.

After a while, we heard the storage building's metal door open.

"Alright, I'll be taking you to the farm for replanting." Spoke to a Garrison soldier. Me and Armin stand, and then I grab Eren's arm which he raises for me to pull him up. 

Going towards the farmland, we looked at the field that was empty if there were no humans. We were given wheat seeds and told to start planting, however, on our trip here Eren was taken by a group of adults to go hunting for any small animals. 

Even though he's with adults, I can't help but worry for him. But I can't do much for Eren, I can just hope this day passes quickly. And hope that when he goes outside those walls, nothing bad happens.

<Narrator pov>

At the border of the Trost District, a group of men are seen with a 4ft boy near the middle. The boy Eren, wore an average-sized backpack with some bullets, two small leather bags for the meat and a rifle hung on his back.

Of course, Eren wouldn't be using the bullets or rifle which was a Rugger no.1, which was a hammerless falling-block single-shot gun. Eren carried one of the 2 they had as one was held by a man in his 40s while the other 2 were carrying hunting daggers, and they had one Garrison soldier with them.

When Eren looked at his back, the rifle had a Green Page with White writing, and remembered that this piece of paper had said it would help him read what it said.

[Rugger no.1 Rifle: Normal

It is a hammerless falling-block single-shot rifle. 

Quality: 87% 

{It was used a while ago and its maintenance is sub-par, however, it'll still operate as normal.}

Features: None

INFO: .25-06 REM Caliber, 1 Round Capacity, 2.4 Barrel Length, 8.6 LBS, and Iron Sights with a lever action reload.


It brought Eren a curious thought in his mind so he looked at the man in his 40s and then his rifle.

[Rugger no.1 Rifle: Normal

It is a hammerless falling-block single-shot rifle. 

Quality: 43% 

{It can be used once as the lever has been jammed shut, due to poor maintenance.}

Features: None

INFO: .25-06 REM Caliber, 1 Round Capacity, 2.4 Barrel Length, 8.6 LBS, and Iron Sights with a lever action reload.


Seeing this Eren tilted his head and walked to the man, the man was in the middle of a conversation with the soldier about how and where outside the wall they'll hunt. When Eren tapped his leg he looked down and smiled while crouching to Eren's height.

"Hey, little man! Are you scared? Don't worry you have a soldier to defend us from Titans." But Eren just had a blank face, and the man seemed to drop a little sweat from his forehead but he then realized that Eren was looking at the gun. 

"Ah! You like this girl?" He pulled the gun in front of him.

"It's the same as yours." And then catching him off guard, Eren pointed at the trigger.

"Stuck." That was all he said.

The man's eyebrow raised at this.

"No young man, to open the cartridge I just-." But as he tried to pull the lever he noticed he couldn't pull the lever, he looked at Eren a bit confused before asking.

"How'd you know?" Eren didn't reply, he just passed the rifle on his back to the man while taking the man's rifle. The man was struck quiet not quite understanding what just happened, but he just looked at the rifle in his hands now.

"OK." He didn't know how to feel, the boy realized a problem with the gun a first glance while he was holding the gun for an hour or so, never realized a problem.