
System for you darling!

Theodore is a young man who dreams of making his loved ones happy. but who would have thought that to make one happy It's going to be this difficult!! Follow the young man who will rise to the top for everyone's happiness...

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120 Chs

Chapter 34 Better than expected

Two hours passed. It's late afternoon now. Avina has now completed training her body.

Avina sat and looked at the clock. Theodore told her that he would hurry back and take her on a trip. Avina sat and waited intently. But how long he had waited, Theodore still hadn't returned.

“Why haven't you come back, Theo…”

On the one hand, Avina was glad that Theodore had grown up and had a girlfriend. But Avina's heart suddenly felt sad and lonely. She knew that Theodore would never leave her. But just thinking that someone else was important to Theodore. It made her feel a pain in her chest.

“What am I thinking? Theo should have a life of his own. I should also do the same.”

Avina sat down on the sofa. Thinking of the future that has yet to come She saw Theodore marrying a woman and she was at that wedding. She was the only family that Theodore had. And Theodore was her only family.