
System Error.

In 2345, the introduction of the NG Headset revolutionizes gaming, offering hyper-realistic experiences. With the release of the World of Celestial MMORPG, a conflict erupts between players and in-game NPCs. However, the world is soon rocked by a tragic incident of unprecedented proportions.

mszrswrite · Fantasía
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The beginning

In 2345 the AI became fully integrated into everyday life and with it came the NG games that some people have called just another life.

The term NG was shortened from the company that dominated AI, New Generation. Their aim was to bring new elements into the game that felt 'real'. And so the NG Headset was born.

The NG Headset made games look so real that they were already "more beautiful" than reality. It became such a success that almost every other publisher started developing games for NG Headset.

Games of all genres were released, from single-player, multiplayer shooters to MMORPG games where you could start a whole new life.

Then, a year after its release, NG announced the newly released World of Celestial MMORPG, which lets you earn real money. It was such a wave of success that the user base tripled, the NG Headset cost a fortune, but promised to make millions.

They kept their seemingly unbelievable promise with a very powerful trick. You could indeed earn money in the game, but all ingame purchases could only be made with it. The problem with this was that potions and equipment were incredibly expensive and there was also the 70% that went to the publisher from the money earned. It was almost impossible to actually make money, at least for the average player, but a new game type called "ZerotoHero" was released. These players played without equipment and potions and if they died they started from scratch.

It was these players who inspired the masses, and then the Heavenly Twelve appeared. It was the name of the twelve biggest clans that started training players and achieved results that almost bankrupted the company. 

So the company moved forward with an idea that not only made the game harder to play, but also made human relations more difficult.

They introduced PvP rules and WarAI.

The game had previously only allowed PvP in separate tournaments, but the biggest update was WarAI.

In World of Celestial, each of the selectable castes was designed for combat but you could do any job you wanted, shopkeeper, gardener, miner, and many more. The only difference between regular work and fighting was the quest. 

With average work you could get a maximum of Yellow for a quest while as a fighter Red was the maximum.

But that's where WarAI came in. Literally the whole point was to generate war between both races and the working class.

Barely a couple of days after the update, the entire World of Celestial was in flames with the Npc races attacking each other.

In addition, the players fought each other and Heavenly Twelve turned these fights into a full blown war between countries. 

If everyone in an area was in a clan it became a "Clan Country" which could only be conquered if the three leaders in the highest position died or simply gave up.

What was once a peaceful game of quests and teamwork has grown into the largest war game with 12 countries and all races killing each other.

After three months, World of Celestial had the largest player base ever with 57 million concurrent players, causing what would become the world's biggest disaster.

On 23 August 23, 2346, what people had never imagined in their worst dreams happened. 

A terrorist organization called Sephora took over the world's largest server, which was none other than the New Generation, World of Celestial. They completely took over what would later be known as the Digital Dark Age and the greatest terrorist attacks ever.

[System Error: System Error:System Error:System Error:System Error:System Error]

"System Error? If all the drops disappear now, I'll kick the developers' asses."