

In a futuristic world, where the world is ran by big corporations and people in power, a young man named Adam fortunately/unfortunately gets a system. His System grants him incredible physical abilities and combat skills,turning him into a lethal weapon and ordering him to complete the missions. Adam is initially excited by his newfound power and dreams of becoming a hero, but he soon realizes that his abilities come with a price. His System is also linked to his emotions and body, and the more he uses it, the more he suffers. Despite this, he decides to use his powers to help others and becomes a vigilante, patrolling the city at night and fighting crime. Updates: 2-3 chapters a week The cover doesn't belong to me. If the original owner wants it down please contact me.

BlAkE_M · Ciencia y ficción
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14 Chs

Chapter 3 : How it all began

As the group began to disperse, Adam's attention was drawn to a figure lurking in the shadows. He recognized the figure immediately, one of the gang members who had managed to slip away during the fight.

Adam's System kicked into overdrive as he focused his senses on the man. He could feel the fear and desperation emanating from him and could see the sweat glistening on his forehead.

The man hesitated for a moment, then turned and ran, disappearing into the night.

Adam could have chased after him, could have caught him and brought him to justice. But something held him back.

He couldn't help but feel a twinge of sympathy for the man. He knew what it was like to be caught in a cycle of violence and desperation, to feel like there was no other way out.

As he walked away from the scene, Adam made a vow to himself. He would continue to fight for justice, to protect the innocent and vulnerable. But he would also try to understand those who had been driven to do wrong, to see them as human beings with their struggles and pain.

For the first time since he had gained his System, Adam felt a sense of balance and purpose. He knew that there would be dark times ahead, but he was ready to face them head-on.

As he walked back to his apartment, Adam couldn't help but feel a sense of excitement for what was to come as he remembered how he got the system.

5 Months Ago

He had been living a relatively normal life as a college student. He was studying engineering at a local university and had a small circle of friends. However, his life changed on that faithful day.

It all started when he took a hiking trip with some friends up in the mountains in the North. They were exploring an area that was rarely visited by tourists when a snowstorm separated Adam from his friends.


I trudged through the snow, my heart racing with fear and worry. The snowstorm had hit out of nowhere, and I had been separated from my friends. I searched for them, calling out names, but the wind howled in response, drowning out my voice.

As the hours passed, I realized that I needed to find shelter. The snow was piling up quickly, and I knew that I couldn't survive much longer out in the open. Then, in the distance, I saw a small hill and a glimmer of hope sprang up in my heart.

With numb fingers, I began to build an igloo. I had been a boy scout in my younger days, and I had learned how to build a shelter in harsh conditions. I worked quickly, piling up the snow, packing it down, and shaping it into blocks. I was grateful for the shovel I had brought along, which made the work easier.

As I dug deeper into the snow to create the foundation for the igloo, my shovel hit something hard. I brushed the snow away and was amazed to see a glowing crystal. It was unlike anything I had ever seen before, and I couldn't help but stare at it in wonder.

The crystal was small, about the size of my palm, metallic but it shone with a soft blue light. It was translucent, and as I held it up to the light, I feel a surge of energy cording through my body, the fatigue I feel was gone. I could see specks of light dancing inside. I knew that I had to be careful with it, so I wrapped it up in a scarf and placed it inside my backpack.

Finally, the igloo was complete. I crawled inside, feeling the warmth radiating off the walls. I was grateful for the shelter, but my mind kept returning to the glowing crystal. It had a strange energy to it, and I couldn't shake the feeling that it was important.

As the night wore on, the storm raged outside, but I felt safe and warm inside my igloo. The crystal lay beside me, emitting a soft blue glow that illuminated the walls of the igloo. I couldn't help but wonder what secrets it held and promised myself that I would find out more about it when I got back home.

As I drifted off to sleep, I couldn't help but feel a sense of gratitude for my ingenuity and the strange, glowing crystal that I had found. Despite the danger and uncertainty of my situation, I knew that I would survive and that somehow, the crystal had played a role in my survival.

The next day, I reunited with my friends. Luckily, they had a flare gun which they fired, so, I knew their location. We decided to return as we don't want to risk our lives.

Over the next few days, I tried to research the crystal as much as I can while keeping it a secret. I tried to break it and see it under the microscope but I found nothing.

I sat at my desk, my eyes fixed on the crystal that lay before me. It is emitting a faint blue light that seemed to pulse in time with my heartbeat. I had been studying it for hours, trying to unlock its secrets, but so far, I had come up empty-handed.

I have spent the last few hours poring over books and articles, trying to find some reference to a crystal with similar properties, but I was drawing a blank. I leaned back in my chair, rubbing my eyes wearily.

"Come on, there has to be something,"

As I scanned the pages of yet another book, I noticed a figure in the shadows outside my window. My heart skipped a beat and I turned quickly, but it was just a tree swaying in the breeze. I shook my head and turned my attention back to the book.

As Adam leaned in for a closer look, he accidentally knocked over a glass of water, which splashed onto the crystal. He quickly grabbed a towel to wipe it up, but as he did, a drop of blood from a cut on his hand fell onto the crystal and merged with it.

Suddenly, Adam felt a surge of energy course through his body. He looked down at his hand and saw that the cut had disappeared as if it had never been there in the first place. His heart racing, he stood up from his desk, his eyes fixed on the crystal as it began to glow brighter and brighter.

Suddenly, a shockwave ripped through the room, knocking over books and sending papers flying in all directions. Adam braced himself, but he felt a strange sense of power coursing through his veins. He looked down at his hands and saw that they were glowing with blue light with a bracelet which was made of dark silver or black metal with a matte finish and at the centre of the bracelet, there was the crystal.

As he raised his hands, he felt a force emanating from them, like a surge of electricity.

Adam felt a thrill of excitement coursing through him. He felt like he could run around the world, and fight 100 men.

He hurriedly wore a hoodie and rushed towards his car to test his abilities in the empty parking lot which was located a few miles down.

As he gradually reached the parking lot, he was unable to contain his excitement. He stood in the parking lot, his muscles tensed as he prepared to test his new abilities. He was ready to test the limits of his powers. He took a deep breath as he turned his focus to his physical abilities. He leapt into the air, soaring higher than he had ever gone before. He landed with a powerful thud, feeling the shockwaves ripple through his body. He smiled in satisfaction, feeling the rush of adrenaline coursing through his veins.

Adam stood in the empty parking lot, sweat pouring down his face as he tested his newfound abilities. He had been given extraordinary powers from the strange crystal he had found, and he was determined to learn how to control them.

He had been jumping, running, and lifting objects, testing the limits of his enhanced strength and agility. But suddenly, he felt a strange sensation in his mind, as if something was calling out to him.

He turned his attention inward, closing his eyes and focusing his mind. He againfelt a surge of energy, a tingling sensation that flowed through his body. And then, he heard a voice in his mind, faint and distant but unmistakable.

"Move the car."

Adam opened his eyes, confused but intrigued. He looked around the parking lot, wondering which car the voice had meant. And then, he saw it: a small sedan parked a few yards away.

He focused his mind on the car, imagining it lifting off the ground and hovering in mid-air. To his amazement, the car began to rise, inch by inch, until it was suspended a few feet off the ground.

Adam felt a thrill of excitement, realizing that he had discovered a new power: telekinesis. He experimented with the car, moving it back and forth, side to side. He even lifted it higher, spinning it in the air like a toy.

But then, something began to happen. A searing pain erupted in his head, and he felt a wave of nausea wash over him. He stumbled, feeling weak and disoriented. He tried to shake it off, but the pain only grew more intense.

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