
Synergy: My System is Possessed

Dan's life has been on autopilot since a traumatic event, until he reunites with his old friend Melisa, who seems to have undergone a drastic transformation in a short time. However, Melisa is hiding a heavy secret that could change the world forever. Suddenly, Dan gains magical powers of a warrior, but he soon realizes that he is being haunted by the person who possessed those powers before him. As he struggles to make sense of it all, he finds himself trapped in a power struggle that could put his family and loved ones in danger. Dan's grip on reality begins to slip as his powers change him in ways he never imagined. But he is not alone in his fight. With the help of his companions, Dan must defeat god-like beings who are conducting simulations using different worlds, including their own. The truth behind these beings and their simulations is bigger than anything Dan could have ever imagined. As he slowly embraces his powers, he must also save himself and his family from the unknown dangers lurking around every corner. Join Dan on his journey as he fights to protect his world and loved ones against all odds. Will he be able to defeat the god-like beings and uncover the truth behind their simulations? p.s: mc will start out weak and timid. It will take him some time to change for the better. Also, he will not have issues with killing people, but he won't go out of his way to do that. A.N: This is my first story on this site. Please help me get better by leaving suggestions. Extra tags: #smartmc #averagelookingmc #weaktostrong

Karthik_Kumar_5864 · Fantasía
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30 Chs

Finding A Way Out

"Is this really the result of the system?" Dan asked the stranger as he ran into the hallway outside. "What's the point of doing this?"

'Communications were the first to be taken out', the stranger said in his mind, 'the best way to cause chaos is to not let people organize.' After a pause, he added. 'It's not a sure possibility that the person doesn't have a personal motivation.'

As Dan maneuvered through the frenzied crowd, his gaze scanned the faces surrounding him. Fear and confusion etched deep lines on their expressions, mirroring the turmoil within his own mind. People hurried past, their movements erratic, driven by sheer panic. It was a disorienting sight, impossible to ignore. He observed smaller groups hastily directed by staff members, moving with urgency toward a common destination. Their hurried steps and anxious gestures revealed a shared quest for safety and order. What stood out to Dan was how few people were present, less than half of usual, he assumed. They seem to have realized that it wasn't a normal fire alarm and were trying to make sense of things. He didn't join any of them and moved on his own. And he wasn't alone in this decision. Others, too, seemed to possess a similar resolve, their eyes focused ahead, oblivious to the surrounding turmoil. Survival became their singular obsession. Dan paid no attention to any of it as he raced, he shoved someone out of the way and they shouted at him but they received no response from him.

As Dan neared the main entrance, the building itself seemed to groan under the weight of impending collapse. Structures lay shattered, their jagged remnants a testament to the violence that had unfolded. Doors were torn from their hinges, revealing rooms in disarray, their contents mercilessly upturned and strewn about. Pools of blood littered the environment and vivid red trails traced the path of something dragged along. People in various states of anguish, some barely holding on to life could be seen.

But it was a particular body that seized his attention, lying motionless and face-down with something piercing its back, a silent testament to a merciless attack. Screams became louder and as he got closer to the source, he witnessed a gruesome scene. Multiple bodies lay on the floor in one of the classrooms, their condition showing that they were beaten to death. The assailant, devoid of mercy, continued his savage assault while a desperate victim pleaded for him to stop.

In the few moments that Dan's eyes scanned the interior, he could see a girl's body laying still to one side. Her clothes were ripped apart while her eyes stared blankly at the ceiling, the purple mark surrounding her and the various cuts on her body showing signs of cruel suffering before death.

Not far from the room, another girl cried out for help, clutching onto a battered body covered in blood and injuries. It was clear she was barely hanging on, fighting for her life. Some people stopped in their tracks, moved by her desperate pleas, while others completely ignored her. Dan fell into the latter category, choosing to keep moving without lending a helping hand.

As he hurried away, the sounds of destruction echoed from the same room he had left behind. A few brave souls may have stayed behind to confront the killer, but Dan knew deep down it was a lost cause. Normal human beings can't touch someone with powers.

Dan emerged from the building, his frantic sprint coming to a halt as he surveyed the devastation outside. The East part of the building was spewing thick smoke, engulfing it in an ominous haze as flames consumed the structure. Half the building had already crumbled, reduced to a pile of rubble. The rest of the campus fared no better, displaying signs of chaos and destruction.

Amidst the chaotic scene, a series of sharp thuds reverberated through the air. It took a moment for Dan to find the horrifying source. Bodies were being callously dropped from above, crashing to the ground with sickening thuds. The screams of the falling victims clashed painfully with the sinister cheers and gleeful display of those responsible for this heinous act. He looked up to see many people being thrown off the rooftop, their pleas for mercy drowned out by the chilling display of sadistic pleasure.

The gruesome scene unfolding before their eyes left many people rooted to the spot, their expressions etched with shock and horror. Urgent pleas erupted from their mouths, begging for someone to intervene and put an end to the madness. A few of them, eventually gathering enough courage, broke free from the grip of fear and dashed towards the rooftops.

Meanwhile, Dan's path became obstructed by a crowd of people, their bodies paralyzed by the terrifying scene they were witnessing. The sound of gunshots echoed through the air, growing louder as Dan approached the center of the commotion. Security personnel, armed with guns, desperately tried to stop an assailant, but their efforts proved futile. The assailant appeared invincible, brushing off the bullets as if they were mere annoyances. He ran up to them and crushed their skulls as he smashed them to the ground. The sheer power behind his strikes sent a couple of them hurtling through the air, their bodies crashing violently before lying motionless, never to rise again.

People scattered in panic as the last of the security personnel ran away, completely shaken by the horrifying fate of their own. The crowd became a frenzy of chaos, pushing and shoving, some unfortunate enough to get trampled in the frantic stampede.

Dan sprinted towards the main exit, his eyes fixed on the glimmer of hope beyond the chaos. But his hopes were dashed as he approached the exit. A jumbled mess of cars blocked the way, forming an impassable pile-up. Despite the efforts of those who had already made it this far, attempting to find an alternate route around the burning vehicles, the intense flames prevented anyone from getting close enough to pass through. It was a cruel and frustrating barrier, trapping them within the nightmare they desperately sought to flee.

Dan also noticed that in the world outside the campus, everything was falling apart just like within its walls. The wailing of police sirens filled the air, mingling with the smoke rising from burning buildings. Cars raced frantically on the roads, each driver desperate to outmaneuver the others in a frenzied bid for safety.

"How can everything go so wrong in such a short time?" Dan blurted out, disbelief lacing his words as he surveyed the mayhem unfolding before him. "It hasn't even been half an hour!"

'Many people were likely compelled to act,' the stranger interjected, his voice echoing in Dan's mind, 'fulfilling their purpose, as the system intended.'

Frustrated and overwhelmed, Dan struggled to formulate a plan. "How am I supposed to get to Audrey now?"

As panic threatened to consume him once more, Dan turned to see the campus buildings beginning to crumble. The section he had fled from finally gave way, collapsing in a cloud of dust that engulfed everything nearby. With no apparent way out, his mind raced while his eyes desperately searched the area. And then, amid the chaos, he spotted someone he knew—Brad. He and his three friends seem to be running toward the female dormitory.

'He might be useful to us,' the stranger remarked, 'his family is well connected, so they won't abandon him here.'

"Don't think he will help me." Dan retorted, his tone laced with skepticism.

'You have other ways if necessary.' The stranger concluded, suggesting that Dan could always use force.

Having made up his mind, Dan dashed towards Brad, determined to catch up with him. The sound of his footsteps caught Brad's attention, causing him and the others to turn around.

"Dan?" Brad called out, with panic in his voice but visibly relaxed as he recognized him.

"What's happening? Have you found a way to get out of here?" Dan ignored the reactions he received from everyone and cut straight to the chase.

"Not sure yet. We're trying to find Melisa first, then we'll figure out our next move," Brad responded, oblivious to the urgency in Dan's tone.

When Dan remained silent weighing his options, Brad couldn't help but ask, "Why don't you come with us?"

Reluctantly, Dan agreed, realizing he had little choice. For now, he didn't want to resort to force. The others seemed unsure of Brad's decision but the situation left them with little time to mull it over.

Feeling a growing urgency, the group picked up their pace, getting closer to the dormitory building. Strangely enough, a heavy silence fell over the surroundings, a stark contrast to the chaos that consumed the rest of the campus. Brad and the others exchanged uneasy looks, their anxiety intensifying with each step.

As they rounded a corner, their eyes widened in shock at the scene that unfolded before them. Four individuals had cornered a lone figure, who stood her ground, protecting three frightened girls huddled behind her. The tense standoff revealed the dire situation at hand.

"Melisa!" Brad's voice reverberated with a mix of relief and concern as he recognized the girl at the center of the commotion. Ignoring any semblance of caution, he sprinted towards her, his friends following closely behind. Meanwhile, Dan approached with a calculated wariness, his keen eyes scanning the dynamics of the confrontation, assessing the potential threat.

"I don't want to do this," Melisa's voice cut through the air, laced with a hint of threat and a strong dose of defiance. "Leave them alone and back off."

Brad hurried to Melisa's side, his presence offering support in the face of the looming danger. The surrounding guys, taken aback by Melisa's unwavering confidence, exchanged bewildered glances, their earlier aggression momentarily faltering. One of them couldn't contain his amusement and let out a mocking chuckle. "You don't understand what we're capable of, do you?" he sneered, attempting to undermine Melisa's courage.

Feeling the tension rise, Brad jumped in, his voice tinged with a mix of concern and curiosity. "What the hell do you want from us?" His question hung in the air, a desperate plea for an explanation that might shed light on the unfolding situation.

Dan, however, maintained his position, rooted to the spot as his mind raced with thoughts. Even in the face of the violence, she must have witnessed, Melisa's unwavering confidence struck him as peculiar. There was a distinct energy surrounding her, a sense of familiarity similar to the people he had encountered in his past fights. It was as if...

'She has a system,' the stranger's voice echoed in Dan's mind as he materialized beside him. Their combined gaze remained fixed on Melisa, their senses attuned to the shifting energy emanating from her. Something within her began to change, and an eerie sensation washed over Dan, triggering memories of his encounters with the system entity.

"She is so beautiful..." Ray's words interrupted the tense atmosphere, drawing Dan's attention. He turned to face him, his eyebrows furrowed in confusion at Ray's seemingly inappropriate response to the gravity of the situation. Dan's attempts to engage Ray in conversation were met with silence, as Ray remained entranced by Melisa, his gaze fixed upon her.

Baffled, Dan surveyed the rest of the group and noticed that Amber, Evelyn, and Fiona were also under the same spell, their eyes locked onto Melisa, oblivious to the impending danger.

'She's using some ability,' the stranger confirmed Dan's suspicions. 'Possibly limit break.'

Dan questioned the source of the stranger's knowledge. "How do you know?"

'I am able to perceive the underlying code after interacting with it through you,' the stranger explained, their previous connection allowing him to access hidden information.

Dan's focus sharpened as he studied Melisa more intently, recognizing the ominous aura that enveloped her as a manifestation of her unleashed abilities.

'The intensity of her ability surpasses yours and any others we have encountered,' the stranger affirmed. 'That could explain why everyone is experiencing such a peculiar reaction.'

Dan mulled over the stranger's words, finding it difficult to comprehend the purpose of an ability that merely made someone appear attractive. "So, it just makes her look appealing to others?" he inquired, his skepticism evident.

The stranger clarified, 'Not necessarily. It appears to be a form of mental attack, designed to disorient and manipulate people's perceptions. However, the effects might vary depending on the individual.' He then added after a thoughtful pause. 'You might need high enough defense to resist it.'

Absorbing this information, Dan contemplated why he seemed immune to Melisa's power. "But I have lower stats, why am I not affected?"

The stranger explained 'It could be our connection growing stronger, granting you an increased awareness of the system's influence manifesting in the real world.'

"Forget about the others," the men surrounding Melisa seemed to have succumbed to her influence, their judgment clouded by her alluring power. "She's way better."

One of them, driven by his twisted state and a disturbing smile on his face, impulsively lunged toward Melisa. Brad instinctively moved to protect her, but before he could intervene, the attacker was forcefully flung backward by an unseen power, crashing several meters away. Shock permeated the air, freezing everyone in disbelief. The assailant struggled to regain his balance, clutching his abdomen, which seemed to bore the brunt of a fierce impact.

"What just happened?!" one of the guys at the front exclaimed in astonishment. "She didn't even move."

While confusion gripped the onlookers, Dan pieced together the truth behind the extraordinary event. Just as he had tried to attack, some entity materialized out of nowhere and pushed him away. What made him heighten his wariness was how he barely managed to see it in action and how light of a force it seemed to have used.

'Hmm, it's like the ability the woman you fought possessed,' the stranger concluded, 'if She can also create multiple instances, she would be a direct counter to your foresight.'

His question was answered the next moment as three guys simultaneously lunged at Melisa, only to meet the same inexplicable resistance. They were effortlessly repelled, their attacks rendered futile by an unseen force that defied their every move.

"Melisa... What's happening?" Brad managed to utter, his voice a mix of confusion and concern. He looked at her, seeking answers amidst the bewildering turn of events.

Melisa met Brad's gaze, her composure unwavering. "I'll explain everything later," she assured him. "Right now, we need to get these people to safety." She extended her help to one of the injured girls, already supported by another. "There are more injured inside, and we need to get them medical attention as soon as possible."

Brad momentarily stood in awe of Melisa's calm and resolute demeanor. However, he soon nodded in understanding. "Okay," he replied, his voice filled with determination.

Dan's mind raced with conflicting thoughts. He had once believed in his ability to hold his ground against others with powers, but witnessing Melisa's incredible display of strength had shaken his confidence. If everyone else turned out to be as powerful as her, he knew he would be in deep trouble. His ultimate goal required him to confront others, especially the enigmatic savior, and the odds of coming out on top seemed slim. In a desperate attempt to find reassurance, his thoughts turned to his time-dilation ability, which had proven useful in the past.

'You're making the same mistake again,' the stranger warned, interrupting Dan's thoughts. He was about to respond when a loud voice shattered the settling silence.

"Hey! Bitch!!"

Melisa's attention snapped towards the source of the voice, her eyes widening in shock. Another member of the group had emerged, holding someone hostage. It was her brother, tears streaming down his face. The assailant had one hand raised menacingly over the child's head and the other wrapped tightly around his neck, poised to end his life at any moment.

Stunned and unable to process the unfolding horror, Melisa stood frozen in place. Her mind raced, grappling with the fact that her brother, whom she had believed to be safe at their home, had been abducted. She had taken every precaution, trusting in Celeste's assurances of her family's security. She couldn't comprehend how these people had found and taken him.

"You will do what I say." The guy threatened, lightly squeezing the child's neck making him struggle and desperately trying to remove the kidnapper's hand. After a moment, the guy relaxed his hand and allowed the kid to gasp for air.

Confusion clouded the faces of the onlookers as they turned their attention to Melisa, hoping for a decisive reaction. Yet, she stood there, seemingly lost in her thoughts, her gaze fixed on her brother. It was as if her mind was preoccupied with something far beyond the immediate danger.

"Is that her...brother?" Dan muttered under his breath. "Why isn't she doing anything? She is probably fast enough to take out the guy."

'It might not be a question of ability.' The stranger chimed in. 'She seems to be deliberating like she is afraid of the result.'

Dan's internal struggle intensified. Although Melisa and he were no longer close, they were friends once. Memories of the time he had spent with her brother flooded his mind, evoking a sense of responsibility and protectiveness. He couldn't stand by and watch an innocent child suffer, regardless of his reservations about revealing his powers or how capable Melisa herself was. So he decided to act.

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