

"What are you doing in here" she heard a cold angry voice in the small dark room."w-w- who is there " she stuttred looking around to see who is it, and 'click' the lights came on, her eyes widened in horror on realizing the locker room she ran into. She tried hard not to drool on his shirtless sweaty body and tatoo's,cause she ran away from a dog only to end up in a lions den. Such bad luck."a..a ..a"she said trying to find the right words." Am sorry I'll leave immediately" she said trying to bolt out of there but her arm was held in a firm grip. His dark eyes starring down at her with a sinister smile. "You wanna go just like that"he asked and tilt his head, her heart dropped into her stomach. She just got into a more bigger trouble. Jasmin snow a simple carefree girl,daughter of a multi billionaire who craves for a new environment, a new life a new highschool,where no one knows her as the billionaires daughter,she wanna have true friends.her wish finally came true as her family of three moved to new York ,and there she begins a new life in a new school,she thought she could finally have peace,but everything changed when she came across the wolves. Who are the wolves ? Will she find the peace she desires or will she be entangled in the games of love deception and lust. Find out in this interesting ride of teen highschool love

pixie_dust16 · Ciudad
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52 Chs

chapter forty four

School has really been boring for jasmine but it wasn't that bad,cause Chris is sometimes around.the wolves are absent today,teddy told her its because they re searching for evidence,and trying to sort things out. Sawyer,has been distant towards her since the other day.

But she won't apologize,she did nothing wrong.

luckily it was closing hours,so she hurried to the parking lot only to bump into Caleb and she almost fell but he held her waist stopping her from falling,jasmine felt cold shivers all over,and she saw with her eyes what Sawyer told her about him,his sleeves mistakenly went up and she saw many needle pricks.'OK this guy is deffinately into hard drugs.

"Let go of me...thanks" she added when he let her go.

"You're into drugs right,you inject your self" accused jasmine as she took steps away from him.

Caleb was shocked for a fleeting second,before his facial expression went back to normal.

"You're slandering me jasmine" he drawled with a low voice.

"I've seen cases like yours Caleb, you and I know am not slandering you,why won't you tell sawyer the truth why are you lying to her?" Jasmine asked in confusion.

"And so what jasmine,do you have any prove" he smirked dangerously as he approached her like a predator.

The parking lot was empty with no soul in sight fear slowly crept into her heart. She also took steps back and he kept on coming closer,jasmine had to gum her face to the wall,cause he's so close she could feel his breath on her face.

"Y- yes I do,am her best friend she'll b-believe me"

"Oh really guess I have to remove you from the picture then" he smirked with a menacing murderous look in his eyes,

He didn't like Jasmine since day look,cause she looks like trouble,and now he has the opportunity to kill her.

Jasmine gasped when she saw him remove a small pocket knife.

Oh no is she gonna die here today?

"No no leave me alone" she yelled and tried running away,but he pulled her back and tried to stab,luckily for jasmine the classes her father enrolled she and her sister really came in handy this time,as she knew a little bit of some self defense,so she also struggled,he pinned her and was about to stab her when he heard footsteps approaching,

"I'll surely kill you" he promised .

He immediately left her and ran off,leaving her in total shock and deep fear,shortly a teacher showed up and helped her up from the floor.

"Are you okay Jasmine?" she asked worriedly.

"Yeah -yeah a-am fine" she stuttered fear evident on her face and voice.

"Are you sure, you don't look… Fine"

"I said AM FINE" she yelled.

The teacher was surprised.

Jasmine gasped and ran away.


Brianna has been feeling down casted since the incident yesterday,so she was a bit low spirited.

She made the coffee according to his taste and headed to his office.she knocked and waited until she was given permission to come in.

'Darn he's so handsome' she thought.

"Good morning boss" she greeted politely,

Jason immediately raised his head up to see her, today she's dressed in a suit pants and long sleeves,with her usual hairstyle and nude makeup.

He has bren restless yesterday and was anticipating to come to office today to see her.

The hurt and disappointed look in her eyes yesterday hunted him all night.could she also feel what he feels?

"Your coffee sir"

She said and made to drop it on his coffee table but he stopped her.

"Bring it over"

Brianna tried To read his face but his expression is neutral.

"Yes sir" she answered and handed him the coffee instead.

Her hand mistakenly touched his,and Jason felt his heart jolt.

"Shit" he cursed out loudly

"Is there something wrong sir?"

"No nothing is wrong just drop the coffee over there" he sighed and rufled his hair.

Brianna was confused,he told her to bring it over and now he's telling her to take it back,,.'sighs,bosses' she thought with a headshake.

"Is there anything you need again sir?"

She asked?

"no u can go" he replied and watched her bow slightly and left.

"Shit!! He cursed out loud.


Jasmine drove frantically to sawyers apartment.she didnt tell her sister what happened,she just told her she's going to sawyers place.Judith noticed something's wrong with her sister,but she quietly went home taking a cab.

Jasmine roughly parked her car ran into the house,

"sawyer! Sawyer!"

"he told me u would come and here you are"

Sawyer answered while coming downstairs,

"He"? Who is " he?" And she could feel hostility in sawyers voice. But she just brushed it off

"Sawyer you gotta listen to me,your life is in danger,Caleb is a drug addict h-he tried to kill me sawyer,you gotta breakup with him,he's dangerous"

"He told me everything"

Jasmine was confused,why didnt sawyer show any reaction when she told her what happened,and wait...he told her everything.

"I can't believe you'll do this to me Jasmine you re my bestfriend"

"I don't understand,what d-id I do" Jasmine was confused.

"I actually didn't believe him when he told me this,but your actions right now and with the evidence proved everything….how could you"

"What the hell are you saying"

"You tried to seduce caleb,nd when you didnt succeed you tried to break us up,how could you stoop so low"

Jasmine was shocked by what she heard,and is right now looking at,on sawyers phone was a picture of when Caleb held her waist,but the picture was super edited and it made it look as if she's kissing him.

Jasmine scoffed with a teary eye.

."and you believed him without hearing my side of the story? Am your best friend,you should know I'll never try to hurt you"

"Lies since I told you my problem you kept telling me he's a drug addict just to break us up,well news flash Jasmine he told me the truth,he's not a drug addict He's sick,so stop trying to lie to me am sick of it"

"And you fucking believed him,instead of your best friend?" Asked jasmine in disbelief.

"Ooh you want her to believe you?"

Jasmine felt goose bumps on her skin when she heard Caleb's voice as he came from upstairs and held Sawyers waist kissing her lips.

Jasmine starred at them in shock.

"Jasmine I don't love you its sawyer I want just leave us alone." he smirked

"You heard him jasmine leave my boyfriend alone.

"You're a coward caleb,the truth will soon unravile,and as for you

sawyer,Brandon was right,you are just some stupid naive and foolish girl,the truth Is right beside you but you can't see it,

You'll surely regret this"

Said jasmine as a single tear slide down her eyes.she angrily cleaned her tears and turned to leave,but she paused.

"You're not even half the type of guy I like,so get that stupid fantasy out of your head"

she said referring to Caleb,

Caleb smirked and gave her I'll kill you sign when sawyer wasn't looking.