
Symbiote, Stoned world

Fanfiction for the Marvel Universe. MC is a reincarnator in symbiote. Fanfiction is written primarily based on the 1994 animated series "Spider-Man", any other sources are used only when it is beneficial to the author. link to original Part 1. https://ficbook.net/readfic/1056797 Part 2. https://ficbook.net/readfic/1057015

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About the essentials

Good people, give me a drink, otherwise I want to eat so much that there is no place to spend the night.

An old Slavic greeting.


The first step almost ended with the first fall. This aspect caused me some bewilderment - why would it suddenly? And then it dawned on me - while I was using the body in the 'basic configuration', the muscle memory and vestibular system of the host, tailored for a certain position of the center of gravity, allowed me to move normally and navigate in space, but then one overly proactive victim decided to 'pump' carcass, simultaneously changing this very situation and now cleans up the results of his labors. And the results were not very pleasant - I will not only have to learn to walk again, no, everything is much worse - I will have to relearn! And if you think that this is where my problems are over, then you are very mistaken. I wanted to eat, no, I wanted to EAT, HAVE, DESTROY FOOD. But the worst thing about this situation was that not only my new body demanded food, but I myself was terribly hungry.

And now the question for a million: what do the lumps of only god knows what, which we call Symbiots, eat for centuries wandering in deep space? Eeeee ... come on, your options? Quiet? So I also don't know. And if I don't find out in the near future, then this world has every chance of not gettig its master. (Of which, of course, it will be very upset). And why didn't I think about such an obvious option that, tortured by a long flight, and then by Parker's antics, Venom is somewhat out of shape. And what's the point in regrets, as one necromancer with an unhealthy sense of humor used to say (and where there are necromancers with a healthy one, I would not mind seeing this miracle) (Note: Look at the book "The Birth of the Patriarch" with this miracle in the title role. ^ _ ^) -If I know where I would fall - would put a zombie with a stretcher there.

Okay, I'll grieve about the imperfection of the world and the principle of instant karma (I didn't think it was a rake) some other time, but now I need to get to people and get food for at least one of my bodies. And gritting my teeth and trying to persuade the rebellious stomach to be patient a little (is it worth mentioning that this vile organ did not succumb to persuasion?) I walked in the direction of the lights of the city, located nearby, with the gait of a glorious descendant of nomads who became a hardened sea wolf and did not leave the deck of the ship for years. (and not to show, but I would say that the storm was not childish).

Trying to distract myself from the feeling of hunger, I began to think about my future plans (if I, of course, do not die in the near future). There were a lot of plans: I needed to understand myself, more or less legalize, collect a decent amount of money (not that I really needed it, but the poor ruler of the world somehow doesn't sound very good) and make a list of persons whose genetic material would be very useful ... and, perhaps, list of those guys from whom I should stay away, at least at first.

So, understand myrself. I myself will definitely not have enough knowledge - well, I'm not a scientist even once, and here you can't get off with anatomy of school course in biology, you need a certified specialist with a laboratory and finance. We are in the Marvel universe, which means that the concentration of mad scientists per square kilometer exceeds all reasonable limits. (There are a couple of pieces sitting under each bush and waiting for work). But those that meet my requirements are not so common.

I dug into my meager knowledge of this world (And if I don't move, I will also have to remember what they wrote about the afterlife).

Mr. Osborn - on the one hand, a very good option - an excellent scientific base, there are resources, plus he is not so much a scientist as an administrator and it will be possible to negotiate with him, but on the other hand ... communicating with a complete schizophrenic can be fraught with various troubles (like death or something worse, from us, psychos, van wait anything), and he is more for all sorts of technical problems than biology (although I would still grab a sample of gas)

Alistaire Smythe. The guy is a genius, versed in many areas and it will not be difficult to pick up a key for him - he had some problems with his legs, and with my current opportunities it will not be difficult to solve them, but here again the problem - he contacted or will soon contact Kingpin, the local king of the underworld, in fact, having sold himself to him for the laboratory, and for the time being I do not want to contact Kingpin at all - I am not sure that I have enough experience to suppress the consciousness of such a person, and with his resources he can quite find justice for me. Yes, and Alistaire himself is called a smart guy for a reason - he will casually poke all sorts of nasty things into me and what will I do then? No, we'll go to Alistaire last.

Who else, Stark? It's not even funny, on the day he was born, all the Jews and Ukrainians of this world cried. And the trolls zealously sang along with them ...

Hulk? More precisely, his 'good' part? As far as I remember, he is still more in terms of all kinds of radiation, and now he sits somewhere in the region of Africa and without a laboratory. (But how the radiation affected his DNA is worth seeing - it is also very valuable material)

And the last one who came to my mind is the Beast of the X-man with the letter 'H'. It would seem - the ideal option. At the laboratory, cockroaches in his head are almost domestic (conscience will prevent him from leaving all sorts of bad things in a carcass ... most likely), and even on all sorts of genetic abnormalities, transformations and mutations, he ate a dog* (not a dog, but a monkey, and did not eat, but turned !). And next to him there is just a whole crowd of such amazing, such delightful samples of various genetic structures that you will simply lick your fingers.

My mouth filled with saliva, and my stomach growled.

So, to put aside the thoughts of the cannibal, I need to focus on the case. The Beast ... everything is good, but there are a couple of small drawbacks, for example, he has such a kind uncle for his boss that he loves to delve into other people's brains, and also wash these brains to everyone, preaching friendship between people and mutants, which, however, does not prevents him from having a detachment of thugs with wunderwaffes. Yes, and sending almost children to the front line, for the sake of his understanding of the "greater good" is also not the most beautiful act. (Note for the future - as soon as the opportunity arises, it will be necessary to rummage around in his chambers, it seems to me that the old man should have some lemon slices somewhere) ...

Well, the second minus is the simple fact that I have no idea where I should look for the Beast, well, the rest of the team to the heap.

The situation is sad - scientists in bulk, and there is no one to turn to. Eat the entire biology department at some university? (At the thought of 'eating' my gut again twisted with a painful convulsion, I wonder if I am a hidden masochist that I constantly remind myself of food or has my memory already started to refuse?) Yeah, and I will get a whole bunch of knowledge, which is still unknown how much will be digested by my consciousness (fuck > _ <). In addition, knowledge is, of course, good, but only having received the memory of a scientist, it is not at all a fact that I will think like a scientist. Although this is also unverified data.

Wherever I go, there is a wedge everywhere, it's bad. It seems that I will have to learn about my abilities in the good old way of a scientific poke, which so often helped out with the guys during laboratory work. Okay, let's leave the question with the heroes of the microscope and test tubes open.

It seems the second point was the acquisition of a material base ...

My thoughts were interrupted by a rough voice.

- Hey, rich boy, didn't your parents tell you that walking around the city at night can be dangerous? But don't worry, my friends and I will happily accompany you ... for a ridiculous fee, of course. Right guys? - From behind a man about two meters in height, there was a friendly laugh and a couple of suggestions what kind of payment can be taken from such a cute 'boy'.


Fuck. This fucking chap was deleted 2 times while I was editing, before finally I finished it!!!

Hello, thanks for reading this.

Please check my other works, and have fun!!