
Chopping Parts Sold and Moonshine

A few days after they were grinding the Chop Shop the Shadow Monarch crew learned that the sewers were being opened up. Knowing that it was a good time to make money from the car parts they had staking up in the house in Fudge Lane Yuno called his crew to head over to their house.

30 Minutes Later

After everyone arrived they talked about the sewers and planned on using a crowbar to open one up. As this was happening they also talked about weed runs and how to get rep the fastest. Knowing how this was very profitable Yuno put GiGi in charge of the weed growing and had everyone vote on it.

With a landslide GiGi was voted before they got out Yuno's and GiGi's car before loading them up with chopped car parts before finding a sewer they could enter.

1 Hour Later

After an hour of searching they found one near to the hospital. Knowing the problem with the sewers Yuno had Freya get them all bandages before entering. With everyone geared up and full of car parts they entered the sewers hoping to sell the parts for some cash.

Soon after entering the crew felt some scratching on their skin. Quickly using some bandages to feel they're itching they moved through the sewer trying to find the middle. In half an hour they had managed to get to the middle and began to explore the center.

Moving in the center they found a group of people sitting around a trash fire. Talking to them the crew learned that they would take the car parts they got from chopping. Handing over the parts the had the crew waited until the group gave them $70,000 in rolled bills.

After handing them the bills the group said to hand them over to the Vanilla Unicorns manager to clean the rolls for clean money in a few days with the manager taking a cut. Talking to other members of the group they found a man that wanted to push moonshine in Sandy Shores. After talking for a bit the man said he'll sell them a basic stove for 2 and a half thousand while giving them a tip about looking for moldy food and water I the trash bags in the sewers.

Looking to Hazel for funding Yuno bought the still before asking if anyone else wanted to look through the trash to find the ingredients.

"I'll do it." GiGi said as the rest of the crew joined in and spent the whole night searching for foods to make moonshine.

Author Notes

Thanks for reading and I hope you enjoyed the chapters.