Mrs. Drezner, I do hope you find your future endeavors may be successful in the future, please don't hesitate to share more of your problems again."
The prisoner was weeping her tears flowed, drenching her uniform, her cheeks sulking due to her feeling that was bottled up inside, quite a tiring first session but at least it's not one of those incoherent patients that only knows how to mumble.
The prisoner was then escorted outside, her sobbing still was heard on the therapy room, Alexander ponders for a bit his mind is still occupied on how to make a good impression on Miss. Schwarz.
There still more patients to go, I already have a good grasp on what their personalities are.... Some are quite.... Eccentric, well let's just hope that they don't have violent tendency, it's quite a hassle do deal with that kind of patient.
The session continued some prisoners, are not mentally sane, one of them tried to stab Alexander with a makeshift knife that was hidden in his prison pocket, of course Alexander reacted quickly pointing a gun into his head, the AMCS then quickly responded and sedated the prisoner.
Morning turns to afternoon of course Alexander have his lunch at the cafeteria, he tried to contact Evan again, but there is only a ring that can be heard, he was still thinking about the 3rd video, his heart pounding for the anticipation, like a curious cat exploring a tall building.
Ahh..... Lunch break's over... I wonder what's Lily and Lilian doing in their cell.... Hmm anyway I should get going, I can't be late or it will deduct my paycheck.
Alexander rushed to the therapy room, he then composed himself and continued the therapy session, each of the prisoner have varied personalities, some of them are well-mannered, some are violent and some are a sobbing mess, Alexander was feeling a bit exhausted, what time is it again? Ohh, it's Miss. Schwarz session.... Okay just keep the momentum up.... I forgot I should request something now.
Alexander then stood up and walked outside of the room, he then requested something to the AMCS guard.
"Can I request two caramel macchiato, make it iced."
"Of course sir I'll be back shortly."
The AMCS quickly walked outside of the building, Alexander was waiting for Miss. Schwarz arrival, his nervousness is creeping up on him, his leg tapping as the time was ticking.
The alarm then quickly beeped,loud clacking of the footsteps echoed, the AMCS first entered,their presence are quite intimidating, 20 of them entered crowding the therapy room, their armor is much more different, they are much more sleeker with black and gold undertones, all of them carrying weapon of various caliber.
And then a tall masked person entered, her mask covered her face and hair, she was handcuffed in her arms and legs, the tall visage of her makes her more intimidating a 7'0 height that towers the AMCS and Alexander himself, the black windbreaker jacket covered her body, her black short and the black stockings accentuate her legs, her mere presence have mana constantly flicker around her, like a storm thundering upon the waves, she is The Warpath Goddess, the destroyer of Argonia.
Alexander was shocked this many rank SSS AMC guarded Katharina, the AMCS where silent and unmoving, they waited for Katharina to get her seat across Alexander.
The chains of the cuffs, creates a sound clicking for every step that Katharina takes, the red mask stare at Alexander in the eyes, this made Alexander a bit nervous.
'Okay Alexander this is the real deal, just try create a good first impression.'
Katharina finally was seated, the guards then took their leave, leaving both Alexander and Katharina alone in the therapy.
"Miss. Schwarz let me introduce myself, my name is Alexander Weiss, I am your therapist for the foreseeable future, it is a pleasure to meet you."
Katharina was silent, no words were spoken until Alexander heard a chuckle, a simple chuckle, yet somehow he feels that something is wrong.
"...he he.....hehe..... hahahaha, that is.... Quite funny comrade.... You just sound like one of those corpo executives."
Katharina was laughing at Alexander, he gave her a light smile, Katharina saw this and she just laugh at him more.
".....Hahahaha..... I'm sorry hehe the name is Katharina Schwarz, a merc for hire, if you want something dead or alive, I am the gal you want to hire."
"Of course Miss. Schwarz, but sadly I don't need your service as of now."
"Oh that is saddening to hear comrade, I know that you will need my services soon, a man with your stature are bound to have many enemies."
Alexander smiled at her, It feels the conversation is going well, but I can't get this feeling that somehow she is control of the conversation, there are no unnecessary movements in her actions, no habits to show, only straight rigidness, I need to find a way to crack her.
"Comrade? What's with the pondering, are you thinking of something right now?"
"Forgive me for that Miss Schwarz, but may I ask a question, why did you become a mercenary?
"That comrade is quite a long story.... So I will just summarize it, I become a mercenary due to some circumstances and that circumstances made me who I am today."
I can't help to shake this feeling that she is smiling inside her mask, still let's ask more information about her magic, there is some things are unclear.
"That is quite interesting Miss. Schwarz, but I can't help to ask your magic, It is quite intricate and the way you summon your weapon, your mana tends to clump up and get absorbed by your weapon."
"Ahhh that? Well I can't say comrade, I don't really notice such things, It's really simple as breathing for me."
Mana particles hover around Katharina, the cackling of the mana creates sounds of lightning, the cuffs around her suddenly break, Alexander was astonished it was quite sudden that it happened.
"Hey comrade want to see a magic trick?"
Katharina summoned countless weapons, each of the weapons have unique design and purpose, there are conventional weapons around such as the sniper rifle, and there is some unknown weapons, it's design is quite advanced, like a rifle that has a mana core in its barrel, the other one was really long rifle, with eyes and mana cores stuck on the side of the gun.
The alarm blared, SSS ranks guards and some others rushed instantly at therapy room, their weapon aimed at Katharina the building was then shut off tight to prevent escape.
"Stop don't fire! Just let me deal with this."
Alexander was nervous Katharina was chuckling again, the weapons still keeps floating around her.
"Quite brave for a therapist comrade, but don't worry I won't run, I am just giving you a good show aren't I comrade?"
Her voice was mocking Alexander, but he remained calm, there are still no habits on her.
"Of course Miss. Schwarz, I must say it really is a good show."
Katharina was silent for a bit, the guards are still aiming their at Katharina, Alexander meanwhile was finding a way to ask a question until she spoked.
"Do tell comrade have you killed someone?"
"And how does it feel?"
"Ohh so we are different then comrade, you see when I kill, i feel a great pleasure that surge within me, ahh specially when they fight back.... It does feel exhilarating.
"Miss Schwarz, how many mission have you accepted as a mercenary?"
"Quite a lot actually hehe, I have started being a merc even before I can read, that was one of the fun days you know."
Katharina was enjoying their talk, there was no malice yet she is in control, her demeanor is quite calm but I can't take no chances.
"But why did you let yourself get captured then Miss. Schwarz, If you enjoy being a mercenary it is quite counterintuitive if you just decide to hand yourself on the AMCS."
"... That comrade, Is a secret."
She was silent again, the weapons that was summoned disappeared, her posture seems rigid, she is hiding something.
"Well some secret must be kept silent Miss. Schwarz, maybe you have your reasons then."
Alexander gave her a smile, there are some reasons that why she won't tell any more information about why she is captured.
"Quite a good answer comrade, I like guys who are not pushy."
"... Understood then Miss. Schwarz but do tell how are you faring in the Citadel?"
"Bored, but peaceful, I am just honing some of my skills in that dingy prison cell."
Katharina body posture is quite relaxed, the guards that was pointing there guns quickly leave, a guard then arrived with the coffee and served with Alexander and Katharina.
"Ohh, I like this, such a good doggy giving us coffee right comrade."
Katharina was insulting the guard, her voice is somewhat relaxed, she removed a half part of her mask, and drank the coffee in one big gulp, her red lips smiled at Alexander, yet Alexander still feels that she is planning something.
"Heh the guard dogs are really all bark no bite here comrade, but may I ask why are you here in this place, a man that is from the Weiss family should not be here."
"... Miss. Schwarz I don't know what you are talking about."
"Heh..... You know as a Merc I need to know the information of my clients, especially the scary ones, hehe you know I think I met you somewhere, that familiar eyes bear the resemblance of your father."
"..... Miss. Schwarz I think you are mistaking me for someone else."
"Lie all you want comrade, but there is no mistaking your father hired us to do some cleanup if you know what I mean."
Alexander was silent, he is almost unable to come up with something, his mind was racing to rationalize his thoughts.
"... Miss Schwarz, I believe that you are severely mistaken, the Weiss family is situated on Germania, we simply have the same last name Miss Schwarz."
"Hehehe you are quite a joker then comrade, but I will just simply entertain that Idea then."
"But the rumors tend to say that, a young boy from the Weiss family escaped with her mother, due to some infighting within the family.
"I suppose you are not that boy right? Hahaha well that is simply an impossibility, since they are either dead or simply turned into a mindless servant, the Weiss family doesn't joke when it comes to that things.
"Hahahahaha, well that was a fun therapy session comrade, I will see you again later."
The Alarm then beeped, the silence of Alexander is still present, the guards then quickly entered and accompanied Katharina to the exit.
'..... So she knows right.'
Alexander quickly leave the therapy room his mind is full of thoughts, the session between him and Katharina provided some useful information to him.
Hey guys sorry for not uploading, being sick sucks, don't worry I will be uploading regularly so enjoy and read the novel