Alexander entered the door, there he was transported, in what looks like a maze, Alexander stood on the fleshy path, it convulses evertime he take a step, the walls are made of blood red flesh with eyes staring at him, it wiggles like a worm, Alexander was disgusted but he continued to walk.
'This is giving me the creeps, i feel like i want to puke,but is this the true state of Lilian's mind?, those other patients don't have this things..... Sigh, just tough it out Alexander, just ignore the eyes. Lilian should be given a good therapy that is all.
Alexander thought, every step he takes, Alexander was feeling a bit scared, he continued to walk until he reached a three pathways, the first path is made up of beautiful marble stone with white colored walls, with gold ornaments torches decorating the walls, there are no flesh that was covering any of the marble stone.
The second path is, made up of a dark void, only darkness can be seen, not even a single light illuminate around it.
The third path is much more disgusting, the flesh pathways have gone rotten, the eyes oozes black pus, the walls have gained darker sections, like a cancer spreading around.
'Yeah im taking the first path, screw the other two, i mean what the fuck look at it, that one looks like the fucking abyss, the other one looks like a literal cancerous shit hole.'
Alexander walked to the first path, the torches light up the entire path, after a while of walking he encountered, a white door, a calm aura surrounding it.
Alexander opened the door, then he sees a young 5 year old Lilian in a park, playing with his mother and father.
"Lilian come to papa, here have this small candy."
Lilian walked towards Rick she then hugged him on the leg, Rick patted Lilian short hair ruffling it.
"Hey lacey, look at our baby girl, she is so sweet right? Hahaha don't get addicted to candies Lilian or you'll be fat."
Rick smiled at Lilian, Lacey then picked up Lilian, as they enjoy the parks calm atmosphere.
"Rick, i hope that Lilian will grow up into a smart and lovable girl, hehe look she is smiling.
"Of course she do, lets just guide her to become the best daughter we ever had."
Rick stated, he then hug Lilian and Lacey, leaves falling around on them, the calm wind blowing around, creating a picturesque family.
Suddenly Alexander was transported again at the paths, he was baffled since it just happen suddenly.
'This is my first encounter having three doors with different colors, white is rare on the mind of the patients, on the other hand patients tends to have the black doors. '
Alexander ponders, since this is the first he encounter a red door.
'White doors hold the good memories of the person sometimes the conciousness will relived the memory, black doors are the traumatic ones, the conciousness tend to be there, but what about red doors?
Alexander deep in thought, he then walked at the second path, he's body melding the darkness of the void, after a while of walking he encounters a black door.
He then quickly opens it, it reveals a dark place only the nothingness, in there there was the current Lilian Carter, sitting in the void, silently staring at the darkness.
Alexander walked towards her, his footsteps echoes around, he then sits besides her, Lilian did not noticed, he then pats her head, it did not phase through.
"Hey Lilian, what are you doing here? This place is just dark, how about i get you out of here?."
Lilian was shocked that Alexander was here, her eyes gained a tinge of light, Lilian then slightly blushes as she liked her hair being ruffled, she then gained clarity and then talked.
"... Alexander? How did you get in here?
"Well i have my ways Lilian, Lily did give me a hard time though."
"Well she is quite a persistent woman, but i enjoy her company nonetheless."
Lilian smiles for the first time she is at ease, no worries, no fakeness, no guilt, her smile is genuine, a beautiful smile was created .
"You look much more beautiful if you smile like that Lilian." Alexander smiled at her.
Lilian blushes, she is whispering something, Alexander of course heard it.
"Me?.... Beautiful, maybe he did not get his eyes checked..... Still me being beautiful...."
"Well do i have to repeat a second time Miss. Carter? You are quite beautiful, you just need self confidence to see it."
Alexander reassured Lilian, but Alexander hear her whispering again.
"I did not catch that can you repeat again?"
Alexander asked.
".... Don't call me Miss. Carter... Only Lilian."
Lilian was pouting, her face gained a tinge of redness, of course Alexander then smiled at her.
"Of course... Lilian"
Alexander pats her head, Lilian's face was now full red, she was enjoying the head pats, both of them silent enjoying each others company, Alexander then talked.
"So how do we get out of here?"
Alexander asked at her, he then stood up, Lilian did the same.
"I don't know actually." Lilian responded.
"Hmmm, maybe we should wait a bit, how about we tell each other likes and dislike, while we kill time." Alexander exitedly asked.
"...Okay, umm can i go first?" Lilian asked
"Sure." Alexander gave a smile.
"Do you like..... Movies? Lilian was a bit shy when she asked.
"Of course! Have you seen the new trailer of Red Sun, man that was cool." Alexander was smiling while he responded.
"Yeah... I think that will be a good movie"
"So my turn, do you like the color black, i noticed that everytime we meet at the rooftop, you tend to wear black."
".... Its just that black is..... Supreme than any color." Lilian smiled as she said that.
"True, people tend to compliment me when i wear my suit." Alexander jokingly said.
"Yeah that is true."
Lilian whispered but Alexander didn't hear it, Alexander then noticed that the void, brighten a bit, after a while of talking both of them continued to share what their likes and dislike.
"Do you like video games Alexander?"
Lilian was now comfortable asking Alexander.
"Can't say im a gamer myself, so it's a maybe for me."
".... How about we play video games next time, so at least you can try... The new games."
Lilian shyly responded.
"Sure if it's all right with you."
Both of them continue to talk, the void was now being replaced by a white background, Alexander then notice a black door, he then asked Lilian.
"Hey Lilian, do you noticed that the place is now white, and there is a black door over there."
"What do you mean Alexander?... The place is dark and there is really nothing here.
'So she can't see that this dark place light up huh? Weird, maybe she is seeing things differently, or maybe this is her subconscious state that is improving, but she is not aware.'
"Yeah, maybe i am just seeing things, but let's continue shall we? it's your turn now. Alexander smiled
Lilian was silent for a bit, her face is really red due to her intense blushing, she shyly breathes and then asked.
"Hey..... Um Alexander do you.... Like me?
"As of now Lilian i do have a favorable impression on you." Alexander gave a smile
"...Really, what about Lily, i mean she can be aggressive but if you know her a bit more, she is quite cute." Lilian smiled at Alexander as she talked.
"Lily is.... Lily, well i do hope that we can be cordial in future, besides both of you are my patient, so we can try to understand each other more in the future.
"... Thanks you, Alexander, for helping me."
Lily's eyes shine like a ruby, she gave off a friendly demeanor to Alexander, her smile is angelic that Alexander notices that she change a bit.
"Your welcome Lilia-"
The black door then opened, Alexander was then teleported at the pathways, it was quick and abrupt, that Alexander finishes his words towards Lilian, he realize he was back at the pathways, leaving Lilian alone in the white void.
'Im back again? is the third path a red door?"
Alexander ponders, the cancerous fleshy exterior of the third path, gives Alexander goosebumps, he then walk towards the third path.
Cancerous dark flesh squelch underneath Alexander's black shoes, the eyes all looked at him as he walked by, time passes yet no doors are found.
'Shit, the eyes still gives me the creeps, fuck how many hours has it been?'
Alexander's mind was waning, the liquid pus of the eyes oozes, he continued to walk until finally a door was seen in the horizon. The door was fleshy red, with an eye in the middle. The eye looked like it was crying tears.
With no hesitation Alexander quickly opened the door, inside was all red, blood was everywhere it looked like it was Lilian's bedroom.
Hey guys!!! hope you are enjoying the story, still this my first time writing a novel so, if you have advice or critism please leave it on the comments!