Alexander completed his workout routine, he is sitting in a bench at the park smoking a cigarette. Alexander looked at his watch it 5:04 AM he then walked straight to his apartment.
'Its's quite peaceful this morning, no hobos and addicts pestering me, the sun is shining..... Sigh i just hope that Miss. Carter won't be a problem again.'
Alexander arrived at his apartment, it was now 5:30, he then go straight to his room using the stairs. He then opened his door, and noticed again that the curtain entrance to the balcony is slightly open.
'That's quite weird, did someone break in here? It is the ninth floor, that is just unlikely that they just entered using the balcony.'
Alexander ponders a bit, he then entered the showers, and removed all of his clothes and thrown it in the basket. After a while he was done showering.
Alexander then changed into his work clothes and completed his skin care routine, he then checked his phone and looked at the time it was 5:58 AM, he then heads toward his desk and wait for the time.
It was 6:00 AM now and Alexander then received a text message it was file document from an unknown number.
Lilian Carter, was born in 2035 in the Mayfield County, she was once a prestigious student in the Maybach Magic Academy, where she was one of the honor students, but due to the circumstances she was transfered to the local school of the Mayfield County where she was facing bullying, due to this she dropped out at school at age of 16 she then worked as a store clerk at a mall.
Lilian's Mother named Lacey Carter, was a flower shop owner in the Mayfield County, Lilian's mother abandoned her when she was 16, possibly due to Rick's abusive behavior.
Lilian's father named Rick James Carter was a drug addict and a alcoholic, he owes many debts at the bank and some gang institute.
Due to this Lilian suffered to mistreatment at the hand of her father, where everyday she physically and verbally abuse. The beatings is severe gravely injuring her, which resulted on bruises or sometimes lacerations.
'Poor girl, suffering alone, not all parents deserve a child, that is why she has many psychological issues, not all people are strong enough to handle there trauma.'
Alexander thought, he then start to write in his notepad, after a while, he then took a breather and walk outside of the balcony where he was enjoying the cold air breeze
It was now 1:00 AM alexander was driving his car toward the citadel, he was listening to the the radio called Station 9.
"Nina have you heard of a new space program that was now available to the public? The Enlytic Corporation have invented new ground breaking technology that is available to the masses!"
"Sure did Tom, people now can go on a holiday to the moon, of course we do hope the Enlytic won't overprice the masses."
Alexander listened to the radio for a bit, passing through many cars and large buildings with holograms. After an hour of driving Alexander arrived at the Citadel.
A large 10 kilometer wide prison, with force field covering the entire prison, it was guarded by the AMCS and some police force both forces are armed ranging from assault rifles to rocket launchers, CCTV cameras that can track heat signatures and camouflage trackers are present in the entirety of the citadel, they also have a large defence network made up of AI controlled defence platform, this defence platforms are made up of drones and large mechs and machine gun platforms, that where guarding all perimeters of the prison.
Alexander then drives at the guard station of the prison, one of the guards then halted Alexander.
"Good afternoon sir, do you have any Holo ID on you?" The AMCS guard demanded.
"Sure, here it sir."
Alexander gave his holo ID to the guard, the guard was a bit shocked, and then the guard gave the Holo ID back to Alexander.
"Dr. Weiss, welcome to the Citadel it is a pleasure to have you here."
"The pleasure is all mine, well then i should be off."
Alexander the parked his car at the designated parking spot, Alexander then got out of his car and head to the entrance of the Citadel.
An old man with a scar in his eye greeted Alexander, he was guarded by the AMCS, carrying assault rifles.
"Dr. Weiss, we welcome you here to the Citadel, My name is Evan Cullingham, i am the Head Chief Manager on this place."
Evan raised his hand to shake hands, Alexander respond in kind.
"Thank you for accepting me here Mr. Cullingham, it is a pleasure being here." Alexander gave a smile to Evan.
"No need for formalities Dr. Weiss, the board of directors have seen your performance on Miss. Carter's session, they are all pleased with the result, a young talented therapist such as yourself is greatly needed in the Citadel, Dr. Weiss."
Evan praises Alexander, Alexander scratch his head and give his thanks to evan.
"Well then i should guide you to your new office the Dr. Weiss."
Evan guided Alexander to his office, the hallways are white and clean, devoid of any color, after a while of walking they arrived at the entrance of the office.
"This will be you new office Dr. Weiss, the guards like to leave small gifts to new therapist such as yourself." Evan spoked.
"Quick question Mr. Evan, can i smoke in the office?" Alexander eyes is serious as he asked the question.
"Actually yes, but don't let the guards see you, since they will actually give you penalty if they do discover you."
Evan give a light smile, as he thinks, that the young therapist is a bit unruly.
'He reminds me a bit of myself' Evan thought
"Nah they won't discover me Mr. Evan i do have my tricks up my sleeve" Alexander jokingly said.
"You're quite humorous Dr. Weiss, but i should take my leave, if you have more question feel free to contact me in the intercom of the Holo computer."
Evans then leaves being followed by the AMCS, Alexander then entered his new office, the office is minimalist at best, white colored walls, furniture scatter throughout, a desk and a Holo computer at the center, Alexander then sat in the chair and opened the drawer.
Inside of a drawer is MRS (Mana Reinforced Sidearm), a pack of cigarettes and a vodka, there is a small letter attached to the vodka.
"Welcome to the Citadel, Dr. Weiss, we do hope you accept our gifts, as we the AMCS and the police force seen the footage, on you successfully subdued Miss. Carter, we find it commendable facing a SS rank, we do hope for long cooperation between all of us.
Alexander smiled as he reads the letter, he then closed the drawer and check on the time of his watch it was 2:30. Alexander then opened the Holo Computer.
'Never liked this things it is like playing a video game but with no vibrations on the controller' Alexander thought.
Alexander then used the port to connect his drive file on his phone uploading some documents, he then sorted all out and arranged the files.
After a while a knock was heard from the door, an AMCS personnel then entered.
"Dr. Weiss sorry for barging in, but Miss Carter's schedule is nearing, its best that if you follow me."
Alexander then stand up and follow the AMCS, they first travelled a corridor, that was guarded by the police, they travelled a cell block labeled as B Rank, some of the prisoner bang their cells, catcalling Alexander, some are threatening him
"Fresh meat, come here, i want to taste you!" The prisoner bang on his cell, while licking it.
Alexander ignored the comments and just continued to follow the AMCS, they first got outside and walked to the other building the holographic sign on the outside was labeled rehabilitation and therapy both of them entered.
"Dr. Weiss this entire building is the rehabilitation and therapy, the police force and the AMCS will always guard this place, we will also assist you if something bad happens." The AMCS personnel explained.
"Well then i will be in you care." Alexander responded
Alexander then observe the interior of the building, the interior is big, with a glass layer that separates the room of the rehabilitation and the therapy room, many AMCS guards are station outside of the glass layer.
Alexander then entered the therapy room, the interior of it is bare minimum, white colored paint some chairs and a desk and there are also some plants, it is a far cry on Alexanders building where it feel homely, here the building feels authoritarian.
Alexander then sat on the chair, and mentally focused himself.
The voice of the the intercom then talked, her robotic familiar voice boomed.
"Dr. Weiss, It is a good sign that you recovered quickly, Miss Carter will be entering now." The voice of the intercom talked.
The glass door opened, the guard entered first accompanying Lilian Carter then entered, her blood ruby eyes staring down at Alexander's, her smile looks innocent, her body curvaceous body sway around trying to tempt Alexander, but Alexander just smiled.
'Lets do this!' Alexander pumped himself.
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