

Torn between the past and the present, Sybil doesn't know what the future holds for her. She is faced with difficulties as her past comes back to hunt her. Her destiny becomes intertwined with a dark Garnet prince, Azriel who will subject the world to captivity and misery. Unexpected events occur for Sybil who is left to choose between Love and fulfilling her destiny. But is left shattered by the ones she trusted. Azriel on the other hand is a strong and domenering being who will stop at nothing in acquiring what he desires.....even if it means destroying what is dear to him. He is a nightmare dressed like a daydream to Sybil.

Black_Miee · Fantasía
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12 Chs


Sybil ran as fast as her legs could . She never imagined she'd encounter a creature as frightful as that. She was a writer but creatures like this only existed in her imagination and not real life.

Her heart raced with every step she took. Her breath itched quickly, air gushing in and out of her lungs. Her lungs felt like they were on fire, excruciating pain surging through her chest. Remembering the cold and murderous glare of the creature, she never wished she could run faster or go back home. Home? She missed her apartment so badly.

Sybil stopped abruptly in her tracks. She felt she ran two kilometres or so. She looked around and the woods felt hollow and void. Scarce of any forest habitat.

Still gasping for air, she turned around for a glimpse of the tavern and the creature with eyes blazing like the sun she just escaped from. Surprisingly, they had both vanished. It felt as if what she had just encountered was an illusion, her imagination.

She sat down resting by the side of a tree. Her mind was a disheveled mess couldn't think straight or process what was going on right now. She looked up at the sky and was astonished at what she saw.

The two colours were not contradicting each other. Their hue was a total blend of unison. A blood red moon and a flaming ethereal creature. Similar to the one she just escaped from.

The majestic beast spread its wings wide across the blood red moon. It's feathers were blazing with fire as red as lava.

The screeching sound terrifying and deafening. Suddenly it looked at her from above. Her breath itched. She was filled with fear and astonishment. Sybil got lost in the beauty of its captivating stare.

Suddenly, with speed as fast as light, it charged towards her. Her foot glued to the ground unable to move, she stood there awaiting the unexpected. Her life flashed before her eyes, her friend..."I don't have any friends except Diana. I promise if I get out of here alive I'd make friends tons of 'em". Sybil thought death had come knocking or rather searching for her.

With a force like she wasn't in control of her body, her feets began to move. Unaware of the direction she was moving in, she ran in unison with the wind across the woods.

Trees passed by one after the other like flashes. Determination overwhelming her, Sybil ran with all her might. She didn't want to die. She was just twenty six. She had just finally settled down after graduating college and getting her dream job. "I just got promoted six days ago. What time is it here? Am I still in Washington? where exactly is this place?" She asked herself.

Sybil ran without looking back for fear that it might be right behind her even though she know it is.

Her breath quickened as she ran. She didn't know where she was going all she knew was she didn't want to die. Not now not here not like this ,neither in her night gown. "My night gown?" she asked herself.

Sybil suddenly stopped in her tracks when she reached the end of a cliff. She looked down and was dumbfounded at the scene below.

Warriors fighting alongside hellish looking beasts. Giants and magician, demons...and fairies? Ethereal creatures in battle fighting for God knows what. "I don't think I'm in Washington". she gasped.

It felt like she was watching "the clash of the titans" but in live action.

They weren't carriages, battern ram or Giants in Washington neither were they in conflict with neighbouring cities. And a war in the middle of the night under a blood red moon?

Sybil looked up and the red moon had disappeared. Shocked she looked around frantically and noticed she wasn't in the forest anymore.

"I'm definitely not in Washington". she mumbled. Looking around and taking in her environment, her ears, eyes and feet active ready to run if need be.

Focusing on the scene before her, she sights a pair of eyes staring at her in rage. It felt like the eyes were piercing her soul and trying to pass an unspoken message of hate to her. Sybil couldn't bring herself to look away. Both eyes stayed fixed at eachother like they were in a staring contest. "Shit did he hear me?"

With an abrupt movement, his hand moved as if he had thrown something. She couldn't decipher what exactly. She paid intent attention to him because he seemed to be making her to. She was unable to look away from it captivating stare. The object was heading straight at her.

She couldn't move nor run. She only watched as the object flew directly towards her with speed as fast as light. To her, the object moved in slow motion. She hoped silently that this wasn't going to be how she died.

She prayed silently as her life flashed before her eyes for the second time.

Screeching sound was heard in the distant part of the night and suddenly red dust spewed from behind her and clashed with the object racing toward her.They both vanished into thin air and Sybil was blown away by the forceful impact.

Caught by someone, she opened her eyes slowly to see who her saviour was and was left in awe at who he was.

Started my first book ever. Creation is hard, cheer me up! VOTE for me!

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