

Torn between the past and the present, Sybil doesn't know what the future holds for her. She is faced with difficulties as her past comes back to hunt her. Her destiny becomes intertwined with a dark Garnet prince, Azriel who will subject the world to captivity and misery. Unexpected events occur for Sybil who is left to choose between Love and fulfilling her destiny. But is left shattered by the ones she trusted. Azriel on the other hand is a strong and domenering being who will stop at nothing in acquiring what he desires.....even if it means destroying what is dear to him. He is a nightmare dressed like a daydream to Sybil.

Black_Miee · Fantasía
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12 Chs

Anthony Coleman

"Umm...sure Mr Anthony" Sybil replied shyly.

"Mr?" he muttered the word to himself. He didn't like being addressed formerly when he was outside work. He had purposely followed her to this neighborhood. He didn't even know this neighborhood existed till now. She seemed down and he wanted to cheer her up and also get to know her more.

Sometimes, he just want to be Anthony Coleman for a little bit. Simple and ordinary. Far away from social lifestyles and magazine gossips.

The media was surging with his photos and articles about his life Nd achievements that he became fed up and just don't want to be the talk of the globe for at least a day. Even though no one knew his story.

He remembered seeing her face this morning and how he wanted to console her dearly but he knew better not to. He knew about the gossips going on at his company but decided to play dumb concerning it. That's why he decided to become stern and scold Sybil for slight mistakes made so that she wouldn't be the talk of the company. Some even regards her as his mistress. How childish and obscene of them.

He scolded her for coming late to work and her emotions were perfectly masked. No one could guess what she was thinking. Her facade could never be broken.

"I mean Anthony" she finally succumbed to his request. The wind blew calmly as they sat in silence together in the park. Smirking he remembered how silly he behaved this morning debating on whether he should have lunch with Sybil or buy her a meal.

Remembering the words he uttered to her this morning when he saw her at the elevator and how her eyes gleamed with worry, made him worry to."When I gave you a promotion, it was because I trusted you and believed you wouldn't let me down. Heading a department comes with great responsibility and hardwork. I expect you to be more responsible now as you are a team manager. You won't let this mistake happen again."

Turning on his heels, he went to his office. He didn't know if what he said had hurt her or motivated her to be more efficient in her work. He recalled when she came for an interview five years ago after graduating highschool. He want sure if she was capable of doing the job or if she was knowledgeable enough to know what to do but he decided to trust her since she seemed adamant on working as an editor.

He agreed to hire as because she proved herself worthy of getting the job but she was somewhat ignorant. when she began her internship program, she'd never pick a fight with anyone who insulted her or called her a 'good for nothing black girl'.

Seeing how she has grown over the years and becoming a master her masking her emotions made him realise how mature she has gotten. But he didn't like this new side of her. He didn't know what happened to her and what made her suddenly close up to the world and became unapproachable. He was scared and bothered to know her story.

"Bring the documents over to my office" he said over the phone. He used this as an excuse to see what expression she had on but he was disappointed when it was still the same as five years ago. They were somewhat alike but character wise they were the opposite. He was a cheerful and open person only to those who he wanted to know him would be open up to. The media surging with article achievements about him not knowing anything about his life except what he wanted them to. He to was a man of mysteries.

When she came into his office that never shaken grim expression still labeled on her beautiful face was still there. He decided not to try his luck today. At least not then.

She walked in calmly and how so professionally and handed him the documents he requested for. The documents were not necessary but he just wanted a glance at her. Fortunately she didn't refuse and obeyed.

After dropping the documents on his table, she turned around to leave but stopped in her tracks at the words he spoke. "You won't repeat this mistake again" he remembered the the words clearly in her head and how she waltz out unshaken. She didn't even turn around to glance at him. She just left.

"Neil!" he called his assistant. "Go see if she's had lunch yet. She probably did t have breakfast this morning because she had raced to the office to beat time. She must be hunry. It was lunch time and he wanted to make sure she had something to eat or maybe they could go out for lunch.

With that said, Neil left for the cafeteria to attend to his errand. He stopped at a safe distance from her and watched her as she ordered. Some colleagues came by and bad mouthed her but didn't seem fazed by their cheap tactics. This has been going on for years and had gotten used to ignoring their pointless remarks. She headed for her office with her lunch.

He went back to report to Anthony but Anthony didn't seem satisfied with the result. They waited. Ten minutes passed and Neil was sent again to Sybil.

On getting to her office floor, She was coming out from her office. He grabbed his cellphone from his picked and decided to call him and report.

Shocked, he turned to the sound of the ringtone and found him standing behind him. He wondered why he kept doing that. They weren't there anymore.

He to left on reading the situation. He stood in the elevator waiting for her arrival.

The elevator door opened and she was standing in front of him unfazed.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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