
Syanic Earth: Worldwide Cataclysm

In a future Earth where humans live alongside a race of fox-eared and tailed Vulpi, most of the globe has fallen under the new Kneapexist government established by the Global Federation of World Justice. With the Vulpi being persecuted by the new order, the US struggles to remain in democracy. Shien Niang and his friends who play the UICA's MMORPG, Syanic Earth: Year 3225, find themselves trapped in the very game they love as their families in the real-world are endangered by a Federation plot against the UICA. Real-world or virtual world, neither world is safe. Even with the coming war, an ancient musical evil is awakening...

PhilipHShen · Ciencia y ficción
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37 Chs

Quake with Dosigma

"Here it comes," Mivangeline said as the rock music finished pounding onto her body.

"Get ready everyone," Chloridium told the group.

As Naivern and Ampyria flew above the group, a small white cube appeared in the air. It grew into an enormous entity with arms and legs made of cubes. Two cubed fists glowed with orange power as the rectangular armored feet stomped onto the magenta ground. A big block sprouted from the body, extending into a large rectangle as the head with a glowing red eye and a pair of spiky antler horns. As the humongous being made a bone-shaking roar that made everyone tremble within the magenta air, the stats of the boss appeared.

Macrocube Dosigma

Level 200

HP: [200,000/200,000]

Trait 1: Pressurized Vicinity

Trait 2: Valor Cubed

"That big?" Ritom's jaw dropped. "That's a whole lot of HP…"

"Can we… really beat that?" Mivangeline looked at Chloridium.

"Hey," Chloridium nudged her. "Don't forget. We got a good plan. We will help you the best we can."

"I hope I don't… um..."

"Don't worry, Commander. I will be right beside you. Just remember to keep everyone focused on your strategy even when things get rough."

Mivangeline nodded.

"Guys?" Naivern pointed to the ceiling.

They saw two cubes protrude from the ceiling, releasing swarms of scrounger drones.

Cubic Scrounger Apiary

Level 50

HP: [50,000/50,000]


Cubic Scrounger Apiary

Level 50

HP: [50,000/50,000]

"Ampyria," Mivangeline said. "You remember your role?"

"Yes, Commander!" Ampyria signaled a team of police droids to fly with her. "My team will eliminate the apiaries and distract the scroungers' attention!"

"Good. Front team!" Mivangeline turned to Shien and his group. "Ready?"

"Yeah!" Shien jumped.

Ampyria's team of aerial droids commenced their dogfight with the scrounger drones. As her droids fired rockets at the apiaries and blasted their flamethrowers at the buggy drones, Dosigma charged towards the group on the ground. The entire team noticed their stats of attack, defense, agility, and all others decrease the closer Dosigma ran to them. However, all of Dosigma's stats were rising.

"Already?" Ritom exclaimed.

"Yes. Dosigma's Pressurized Vicinity decreases our stats when our proximity to Dosigma increases," Phoenicia held her fists up to activate her gauntlets. "Simultaneously, Valor Cubed increases its stats for every stat decrease caused by Pressurized Vicinity."

"Naivern!" Mivangeline turned to her.

"Got it!" Naivern slid her fingers onto her guitar to activate her traits. "I will keep everybody's stats up and the boss' down!"

"Good. Back team?"

"Yes, ma'am!" Ruddigus grinned as his minigun barrels rotated with high speed. "We will protect Naivern and cover you! Blasting my cards at the boss is going to be fun!"

"Okay. Let's go!" Mivangeline and a team of police droids wielding titanium police batons dashed towards Dosigma along with Shien, Ritom, Phoenicia, Elysia, and Chloridium.

Dosigma roared, throwing a huge burning cube fist at the front team. The group spread away from the attack as the boss' punch cracked the ground with a shockwave that damaged the team's health. While the back team of Ruddigus, Esarin, Enshiron, Naivern, and the rest of the police droids fired at the Dosigma's head at a distance, the front team surrounded him.

Mivangeline led the front group to attack Dosigma's lower body half to distract his attention from the back team's powerful ranged attacks. They jumped about the boss room, doing their best to avoid being stomped on by the boss' large feet or being fried to a crisp by his flaming punches that set the battlefield on fire. The team kept Dosigma at bay by bombarding him with various status effects: Antijuvenoid Prozosis from Shien, Metal Poisoning by Elysia, Appendicular Static from Phoenicia, Tainted Chlorine from Chloridium, and Plasma Burn by Ritom.

Macrocube Dosigma

Level 200

HP: [159,555/200,000]

🕱 Antijuvenoid Prozosis 🕱

☣ Metal Poisoning ☣

🦴 Appendicular Static 🦴

🔥 Plasma Burn 🔥

☣ Tainted Chlorine ☣

"Dang!" Ritom jumped at Dosigma to slice his fiery sword at the head. "Despite all the status effects we do, its defense is still too high!"

Dosigma shook his head to shake Ritom into the air before punching a fiery blow at him in midair. While Phoenicia jetted away to catch Ritom

"Could be worse without Naivern maintaining our stats!" Chloridium attacked Dosigma's feet with his arm blades.

"As long as we keep this momentum," Mivangeline rolled away from being smashed by Dosigma's hand. "We can beat Dosigma!"

"Come on!" Elysia stopped firing at Dosigma with her machine pistols, jumping at Dosigma to pummel him with her brass knuckles. "Ya want some?"

Dosigma slapped Elysia away with a burning hand, sending her plummeting onto Shien.

"Oh my gosh!" Shien whined.

The boss clapped his hands together to create a huge orb of flames, holding the huge ball of fire up towards the ceiling before slamming it onto the ground. It made a destructive explosion that sent the entire front team flying in different directions with less than a quarter of their health remaining. Several police droids were destroyed into blue particles.

As the front team lay injured on the ground, Dosigma pounded his fists onto his chest before charging towards Shien.


"Oh no, jose! I don't think so, you no-brain blockhead!" Esarin fired a hyper ray from his launcher, paralyzing the cube titan from moving.

Dosigma roared at the back team, facing a flurry of YuGiOh cards from Ruddigus' minigun. The boss covered his face with his fiery fists to protect himself from the exploding cards.

"Oh yeah! My monster cards deal damage equal to their attack points no matter what your defense is!" Ruddigus said proudly as the police droid of his team fired their rockets at Dosigma. "Taste my Blue-Eyes! 3000 damage each!"

"My front team comrades!" Enshiron fired a blood-red typhoon arrow at Dosigma. "With my traits, I shall heal you all!"


As the boss flinched at the catastrophic wind arrow, the front team members saw their health increase to about 50%.

"Awesomeness!" Shien hopped up to smack his clarinet staff at Dosigma's leg. "You're the best buddy!"

"I always am, my quaint boy!" Enshiron smiled from afar.

"Thank you, Enshiron!" Mivangeline nodded to him as she helped Chloridium up.

"Wait, how did Enshiron do that?" Elysia stood.

"Enshiron's first trait is Vampiric Zephyr. With a skill cooldown of 30 minutes, he can launch a powerful wind attack that restores his health equal to the damage he deals onto an enemy," Phoenicia said, dodging a fire breath from Dosigma's mouth. "His second trait, Nebula's Communal, allows all of his nearby allies to be healed whenever he is healed."

Enshiron Kiiros

Level 86

HP: [78,895/78,895]

Trait 1: Vampiric Zephyr

Trait 2: Nebula's Communal


Naivern hovered above the back team, using her Hyper DJ to protect the entire team from losing stats from Dosigma's Pressurized Vicinity. At the same time, Naivern's Symphonic Jammer was countering Dosigma's Valor Cubed from strengthening him.

Everything seemed to be working as Mivangeling planned. While Ampyria's team of aerial droids kept the scrounger horde distracted from the others, Mivangeline led her group in attacking Dosigma close range while Enshiron and his back team provided Mivangeline supporting fire from a safe distance away from the boss.

However, as the apiaries continued to release more scroungers, the swarm was slowly getting larger. Some of the buggy drones darted out from the aerial dogfight to attack the other two teams.

"No, you don't!" She slashed synth waves at them.

"Our rockets can't hit the apiaries with that many scrounger drones protecting it!" A police droid told Ampyria.

"How about spawn jammers?" Ampyria ordered her droids as her dice smashed onto the wasp-like scroungers. "We just need to get close enough to the hives to plant them!"

The droids nodded as they fought the horde of Cubic wasps. Ampyria and the droids flew towards the apiaries, dodging the scroungers' stingers and tail lasers.

"Ouch!" Ampyria felt a scrounger sting her arm.

After kicking away a scrounger, she looked at the hives. The apiaries were releasing scrounger drones at an exponential rate. The monstrous horde buzzed about the apiaries, which could be barely seen.

"Flamers? Where are you all?" Ampyria shouted. "I never told them to stop!"

"The flamers were destroyed!" A police droid said.

"What? How can we use the spawn jammers now?"

"Ugh! I can't concentrate on them!" Naivern struggled to destroy the drones that attacked the other teams. "I need to maintain our stats!"

She jerked about to dodge a scrounger's stinger. Enshiron quickly shot the drone down with a cyclone arrow.

"Look out, sunny boys!" Esarin launched a frag bomb at an incoming cluster of scroungers. "Those good for nothing pests won't leave us alone!"

Ampyria and her aerial team struggled to fight the scrounger swarm, unable to find an opening to attack the apiaries. She signaled the rest of the aerial team to retreat away from the swarm before more police droids were gobbled up by the miasma.

Cubic Scrounger Apiary

Level 50

HP [8,982/50,000]


Cubic Scrounger Apiary

Level 50

HP [14,871/50,000]


"Commander!" Chloridium fired his machine gun arms at an approaching cluster of scroungers. "Those scroungers are attacking our other teams!"

"Oh no!" Mivangeline exclaimed after swiveling her daggers at Dosigma's feet. "Um… do we have flamers?"

"They're gone! Only if we could plant the spawn jammers somehow. Ow!" Ampyria was shot by a scrounger's tail laser.

Dosigma positioned his head to face his antlers at Mivangeline. The huge rectangular head darted towards her.

"Mivangeline!" Shien clashed his clarinet staff against Dosigma's antlers.

"Eep!" Mivangeline flinched as Shien protected her from Dosigma's attack.

Dosigma grabbed Shien onto his fist, squeezing him with his rectangular fingers.

"Oh no," Mivangeline shuddered.

"Do not worry! I will rescue the little Niang!" Phoenicia jetted up towards Dosigma to save her friend.

"Hey!" Chloridium turned to Mivangeline, blasting his arm cannons at the drones along with Elysia and Ritom. "You got this, commander! Time for a new plan, right?"

"Um, right," Mivangeline replied. "We need a new way to help Ampyria get the spawn jammers in place."

"Agreed, but what can we do without the flamers?"

Mivangeline jumped away from being stung by a scrounger. She checked if her Paladin's Aegis was available to lure the scroungers away from Ampyria's team, but it still was under cooldown for ten more minutes. Meanwhile, Ritom struggled to slash down small chunks of the drone cluster with his fiery sword.

"His pyrotechnic blade," Mivangeline had an idea. "Ritom! We need your flamethrower to blast through the scroungers! Ampyria's team needs an opening to plant the spawn jammers!"

"Uh, okay?" Ritom blocked laser shots from the scrounger tails. "But my flames aren't enough to destroy that many!"

"Ampyria just needs an opportunity! Perhaps if focused your fire close to the apiaries, it may provide the aerial team the moment to plant the spawn jammers. Can you do that?"

"It will take a load of my flamethrower's energy to focus my firepower. Plus, it will overheat."

"But can you do it?" Mivangeline sliced a scrounger drone in half.

"Well, I won't be able to use my flamethrower mode for a while, but I could," Ritom's blade transformed into his huge flamethrower, looking for the hives within the swarm.

"Good," Mivangeline then pointed at the middle of the miasma where the corners of the apiaries were slightly visible. "See the apiaries there? Aim at the center of the swarm!"

"Okay, then here goes nothing!" Ritom fired his flamethrower at the huge horde of scroungers.

He concentrated his weapon's trajectory at the heart of the swarm. As the beam of fire burst through, the scroungers buzzed away from the scorching heat.

"There's our opening!" Ampyria pointed at the visible hives through Ritom's path. "Let's go before the scroungers regroup!"

"Hey, beauty brat! Less talking and more doing!" Ritom clenched his teeth. "I can feel my flamethrower overheating!"

While Phoenicia slammed her crackling knuckles onto Dosigma's fingers to free Shien, Ampyria and the droids darted through a hole of scroungers, zigzagging their way to the apiaries through the passage.

"Ow!" Ritom felt his hand burn as he dropped his smoking flamethrower, which turned back into its blade form. "Aw, man! Hurry up, Ampyria!"

As the flame dispersed, the scroungers began to close in on Ampyria's team. Ampyria used her exploding dice at the scroungers to maintain her team's path the best she could. When they were close enough, they plugged the spherical devices into the two hives, turning the knobs to activate them. The gadgets blinked red as they dug into the apiaries, making them implode onto the ceiling.

All of the remaining scroungers disintegrated. The three teams breathed heavily, relieved that the apiaries were finally destroyed.

"Ey!" Naivern cheered. "Now that's what I call a fiery forte!"

"For once, you did something right, Ritom!" Ampyria grinned.

"What do you mean, you brat?" Ritom jumped. "You don't even say thank you?"

"Calling your android guide a brat is a code violation 55578, especially since I am the most beautiful android!"

"Why you little-"

Dosigma kicked Ritom into the air while he wasn't looking.

"Ritom!" Shien and Phoenicia clashed their weapons with Dosigma's fire punch in a deadlock.

"Here's your thank you!" Ampyria caught Ritom unto her arms, only to immediately throw him onto Dosigma's head.

Ritom landed on top of the boss' head, making Dosigma lose his focus on Shien and Phoenicia. Ampyria commanded her dice to attack Dosigma's arms before the boss could swat Ritom off.

"What the? What are you doing, you numbskull?" Elysia jumped to cut Dosigma on the knee with her tungsten machete.

"I don't know!" Ritom frantically held onto Dosigma's horns.

"Hit the eye, you dope!" Ampyria yelled.

"With what, smartypants? My blade is down there!"

"Isn't it obvious? With your fist!"

"Um, fine," Ritom grumbled, clumsily punching Dosigma's eye.

Dosigma roared as he shook Ritom off onto the ground.

"Nice one, Ritom!" Shien ran to his friend.

"Ugh," Ritom rolled his eyes. "This is why I don't like her."

Dosigma smashed his fists at the two. Shien and Elysia dragged Ritom away as the fists made the ground crack, releasing another shockwave that severed a portion of the team's health.

Mivangeline and Chloridium ran on top of Dosigma's arm spinning about and slashing at his arms. Dosigma growled, swatting them off. The two landed beside Shien, Elysia, Ritom, and Phoenicia, looking at Dosigma's health.

Macrocube Dosigma

Level 200

HP: [99,843/200,000]

"Good job, everyone!" Mivangeline told her and Ampyria's team. "We can do this!"

"Yes!" Shien jumped, pointing at Dosigma. "This is what you get for trying to choke me to death!"

"My cards will protect you all!" Ruddigus reloaded his minigun with another deck of YuGiOh cards.

"The boss's traits are no match for my forte!" Naivern kept on playing her guitar to counteract Dosigma's traits.

"Ah! There's my trusty sword!" Ritom grabbed his blade that exerted steam from its tiny pores. "Ow, still a bit hot, but better. As long as I don't use my flamethrower, I should be good."

However, when the two teams charged towards Dosigma, the entire room shook with buzzing vibrations. The cadaverous upheaval made everybody fall onto the floor.

"Ugh! What is this?" Ampyria fell face down onto the ground.

The group gasped to see a large tab appear in front of Dosigma.


💀 Phase II Begins! 💀