
SWTOR Reincarnation: Warrior

A small group of friends decide to come back to Star Wars: The Old Republic and all make new characters... Only as they finish their character creation they are transported into the world of Star Wars! May the Force be with them.. This will follow the Warrior's story and be from his point of view. The Story will follow the class missions pretty linearly for a good while until I get more comfortable writing... I obviously don't own Star Wars: The Old Republic so all rights for Star Wars: The Old Republic goes to Bioware and their Overlord, Electronic Arts Inc. alongside Disney and Lucasfilm. Releases will be Monday with two chapters and Friday with three chapters around 2:00 Pacific Standard Time

Edgy_Elite · Derivados de juegos
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9 Chs

Korriban and Overseer Tremel

Kadon steps forward, into the private cruiser for House Sothis. Upon fully arriving, he turns back just as the cruiser's door starts to close, catching sight of his family possibly for the last time. The twins Salem and Horus are clutching their sister's, Haven's, dress trying to hide their tears, but still bawling their eyes out. Haven stands there, her arms resting on the twin's shoulders, a kind smile on her face as if to reassure Kadon. Solem stands tall and straight, in the military position Kadon had to spend ages trying to get him to learn, his left arm behind his back and his right above his heart. A cold face with a single tear going down his red skin from his eyes.

[Please be safe you all...]

Kadon waves at them all, and the door closes. Kadon stays a while, staring at the door, before he turns around and enters the main living quarters. The ship is empty besides the pilot. Leaving Kadon to his devices for the one day trip to Korriban. Food is prestocked, and will last one day despite Kadon's usual large appetite. Kadon walks through the ship, going down into a large-ish room with various weapons (Blasters, Vibroswords, and Training Sabers). Kadon grabbed a Training Saber off the wall, and started practicing his sword swings. An overhead swing targetting Zone 1, the head. Next, a wide horizontal swing targetting Zone 1. Then one on for the opposite side. Kadon then pauses, before alighting his Training Saber and taking A Form Seven: Juyo stance. After waiting a second, taking a wide step backwards, and closes his eyes. He then opens his eyes, and a illusory image of his Father, lightsaber ready, appears. Seeing the image, Kadon's eyes harden, glowing red. He then rushes forward, aiming for a Cho Mok on Zone 5, a amputation of Kelruin's right leg. He swings, but stops, hovering above the dummy's right leg before moving quickly, blocking a few imaginary blows. While trying to block the many illusionary blows, Kadon is forced to break his Form Seven stance, stumbling on his own foot and falling down. The illusory image, backs off in response, goading Kadon. Kadon gets up, and changes to Form Three, Soresu. He then moves forward slowly, goading Kelruin to make the first move, which he takes and gives a strong overhead swing intent on bisecting Kadon right into two. Kadon deflects the blow, shifting the blow to the right side, making the swing go wide. Kadon immediately switches to Form Four, Ataru and bombards his Father's illusory image with attacks. Left arm, blocked. Right side, blocked. Sun djem, success. The Lightsaber flies away. Kadon quickly follows up with a Shiak, a thrust. The blow hits the left side, piercing through the image and dummy. Kadon then rips the lightsaber out of his left side, sending stuffing flying and goes for a overhead Sai Tok. The Training Saber cuts right through the Dummy and illusory image, dissipating the image as the Dummy was bisected into two vertically.

"*Haaah Haaah*. Not good enough." Kadon says, breathing heavily while sitting down, closing his eyes and picturing the fight again. The battle goes the same, only his deflection fails this time, nearly cutting off his right arm. His arm hanging by a thread of sinew and muscle, he admits defeat. His father glowers at him, before he wakes back up.

[Same as always. I always fail to harm him, no matter it be in my mind or in the real world.]

Shaking his head, Kadon gets up, then starts practicing his Forms, starting with Soresu.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Eventually, while training a voice rings out.

"My Lord, we have arrived on Korriban."

Hearing it, Kadon stops mid-swing. His shirt off, leaving only his pants. His skin covered in sweat, he walks out of the room to the cafeteria. Once there, he finds all the prestocked food ready, on one large table ready for consumption. Seeing it, Kadon sits down, the seat sinking slightly before rising back up and he begins to eat. His appetite voracious, the food goes down quickly. Disappearing into his gullet. Quickly, the food on the table disappears, and Kadon gets up and goes out of the ship. Outside a female Imperial officer in outfit is there.

"Uh-uhem." The officer cleared her throat, a slight blush on her face but she quickly clears it, "My Lord, we have an outfit ready for all Acolytes, alongside a standard-issue Training Saber." she says, pointing towards a rack with clothes hanging up and a Training Saber hanging on the side.

Kadon simply says nothing, and simply grabs the clothes and puts them on right away, much to the surprise of the Imperial Officer who blushed greatly.

"Where." Kadon asked after finishing changing his clothes.

"Uh-uuhm.. Please, just continue that way.." The Officer replied, looking down shyly and pointing towards a nearby flying vehicle.

Kadon simply nods, and marches to the ship, getting on it, and starting his travel to the start of the game.

After some time, the vehicle finally arrives at a small landing space, and Kadon steps off onto the catwalk above a cliff.

[Finally on Korriban. This place is much bigger than the game..]

Kadon looks down from the cliff, and sees the glorious scene.

[Kinda reminds me of the grand canyon..]

He stares at the scene, his face unmoved, then looks back towards the structure ahead of him, seeing a stern-looking black man waiting for him. Seeing him, Kadon starts moving forward.

[Overseer Tremel. He looks exactly like in the game. I should probably try to save him..]

"At last, you've arrived. Good, good. There is much to do and every moment is critical." Tremel starts, "I am Overseer Tremel. For decades I have administered the Trials that prove who is and is not worthy of joining the Sith Order. I assume you know already from your father the point of the trials, so I will not get into it."

"Yes Overseer." Kadon replied sharply.

"Good. Obey me, and your father and I's plan will go perfectly. I assume you know Darth Baras is searching for an apprentice, yes? Currently, it looks as though some mixed-blood slave named Vemrin will become his apprentice. That will not do. You must quickly breeze through the trials and prove yourself to be better than him. Your Father commands you to do it." Tremel explains,

Kadon stays silent.

"Quiet... good. I will assume you agree completely then. Your first trial is to acquire a weapon that suits you more than that flimsy blade you have now. In the Tomb of Ajunta Pall there is a Sith Warblade ripe for the taking." Tremel explains, "The Tomb is infested with K'lor'Slugs, alongside some Tomb Raiders, be careful. I do not know how strong you exactly are, but we will see when you acquire your Warblade. Go now, time is of the essence."

"I will carve my way through the enemy to acquire the blade, Overseer." Kadon replies, trying not to cringe over his answer, and walks out of the room into the blistering heat of Korriban.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Gonna go over each form of Lightsaber combat:

Form 1: Shii-Cho - The simplistic and most used form. Consists of wide swings and a little bit of every other Form.

Form 2: Makashi - The duelist form, great in single target combat and created to counter the Shii-Cho form. Elegant, and precise.

Form 3: Soresu - The Defensive form, used to deflect other's attacks and stall for time. Focuses on survival, not victory. Obi-Wan's favorite Form

Form 4: Ataru - The most used for Sith. Aggressive and acrobatic fighting style that uses the Force to allow them to do superhuman maneuvers. Anakin's favorite form before he had a very hot bath.

Form 5: Shien - Subform of Soresu made to completely counter blaster-fire and deflect the blasts back at enemies. Every Jedi and Sith member were required to learn a bit of the form.

Form 6: Niman - Style for Duel-bladed individuals. Turned into a jack-of-all trades style after some time.

Form 7: Juyo - A duelist form created to give Jedi power against the Sith. It channels the hatred of the enemy to increase the wielder's power.

It is common to mix styles but Kadon will primarily focus on Soresu and Ataru. He will have preliminary knowledge on the other styles but will focus on those two.

Boring chapter with some necessary knowledge of Lightsaber combat.

Edgy_Elitecreators' thoughts