
02 : Reputation VS Family

Nanatsu no Okoko no Kenshi

Season 01 : The New Generation Rises!

Arc 01 : The Tournament of Candidates

Episode 02 : Reputation VS Family

[[OP : Unravel]]

[Living Realm, Arena C15]


"Um..the winner is Chiaki Hoshinomori!!" The lady in the commentating booth above the stands of the arena as the crowd went completely quiet, shocked at how the girl who had not used her Special Sword Skill had defeated a member of the Raserei clan. It was a few more seconds of silent shock before a single individual began clapping and the entire arena followed. From the stands, a higher area where certain people were allowed to sit; the Clan Leaders' stands. A man who looked to be around his forties had been watching the man intently. He had pale skin, vermilion eyes, black hair that was neatly slicked back and a frown adorned his slightly wrinkled features. "Ayato, your daughter did good there, she didn't even need to use her Special Sword Skill." Another man on the side said and the man now named Ayato; the Leader of the Hoshinomori clan, the second strongest Swordsmen in the Living Realm and the disappointed father of Chiaki Hoshinomori. He stared down at the battlefield with a disgusted expression as medics carried both Kai and her daughter out of the arena. Ayato stood up to reveal his full outfit which was a crimson kimono that stopped at his shins and had a sort of tree branch design of sorts as he walked out of the stands. 'That girl, she's embarrassing me! How long will I have to pretend that she's some sort of prodigy? It's sickening!' The Hoshinomori leader wanted in his mind, walking to the medical room to give her a piece of him mind while the next match started.

[Demon Realm, Arena A09]


There was an arena filled to the brim with an audience in an area that was void of land, only a swirling smoke of sorts that had a mixture of different warm colors, the crowd going wild. "The fifth Matchup is Ryū Mitabashi VS Junsei Suzuya." A deep voice called out and from different entrances in the arena that were directly facing each other, the two set for battle made their way out. On one end was a male who looked to be around 15 years old. He had dark brown skin, grey horns sticking out from a little bit above his forehead, crimson eyes and pitch black hair. He held a grin on his face that was either confidence or overall happiness. He donned a black kimono with red ends that had no sleeves and stopped at the middle of his thighs, tied together by a red belt, a black long sleeve t shirt underneath, black pants and black boots. His tanto was on his back, the hilt red in color while the sheath was red. "Ryū Mitabashi, next member of the Swordsmen of the Seven Realms, happy to make your acquaintance. The teen now named Ryū said to the person on the other end, his opponent. It was a female of the same age as his own, she had crimson skin, shining golden eyes, brown hair that was tied into a ponytail with a red rope, small brown horns protruding from slightly above her forehead and she had a well developed body. She wore no t shirt but instead had bandages wrapped around the private part of her chest while her toned stomach was still showing, she wore a small jacket that a dark shade of grey mostly while it was a lighter one on part of the arms as well a deep crimson along the ends of the jacket, the ends of the arms being red ropes that were tied into knots. She wore black tights that stopped just under her knees, a blue robe tied around her waist to form a large bow behind her with many other objects tied to said robe that were either red or grey. Her katana was on the left side of her waist in a black sheath with her hilt being the same color. She wore no shoes, but instead had bandages all around her shins and her feet aside from her toes, this being the same with the bandages and her forearms and hands. She had a black choker and blue diamond shaped earrings as extra accessories.

Naturally since Ryū had already been determined, this was Junsei Suzuya; the daughter of the Demon Lord. Now one expected the daughter of the most powerful entity (politically) to be content with life, she was rich, beautiful, intelligent and physically blessed in terms of skill, but that was not the case. Junsei showed up to this tournament to prove something to herself, to show that just because she was the Demon Mistress, that did not diminish any of the skill that she possessed. After all, she was number 5 in the top 10 Strongest Swordsmen in the Demon Realm. Junsei did not even acknowledge Ryū's greeting from before as she reached for her katana, unsheathing her weapon and pointing at the opponent. "Let's get this started." The Demon Mistress finally said in a gentle but dominant voice, her voice void of any emotion but one could tell that she was eager to get this battle started. Ryū unsheathed his tanto, which he held in reverse grip as the two walked closer to each other, the jog becoming a run and then a full sprint and the two met each other at the center of the arena, their weapons clashing causing a few sparks to fly. There was a look of determination in the eyes of both contestants, they were not going to lose this but one of them had to sadly. Junsei jumped backwards before charging again, her katana ready to perform the finishing swing, or that was what Ryū thought was going to happen but he could not have been more wrong. Junsei performed a baseball slide under the demon's legs meeting him from behind as she planted a powerful kick onto his back that sent him flying forward, sticking an uncomfortable landing in the form on his laying on his neck while his legs were flailing in the air. Junsei's looked as if it had become lighter, lifting off of the ground as she gripped her weapon tightly. "She's using her Hakai...." A few people in the crowd gasped as she swiftly descended and her blade embedded itself into the ground while she kneeled in front of it, her eyes closed. "Hell's Eruption : First Step!" She shouted out as a red circle of energy with different forms of writing upon it and a crest that was a ball of flames with the hands of people reaching out and burning within; the Demon Realm's insignia. The same circle formed under Ryū who had just gotten to his feet and in a matter of seconds, an eruption of flames occured, roasting Junsei's opponent alive for only a split second so as not to inflict any damage that could have disqualified her for excessive force or killing. Ryū now had multiple third degree burns all over his body as he fell to the ground, his body twitching involuntarily. The circles disappeared and Junsei returned her katana back to it's vessel. "The winner is Demon Mistress, Junsei Suzuya!"

[Living Realm, Arena C15 Medical Room]


Ayato opened the door to the room in such a violent manner that it was suprising that it even managed to stay on it's hinges. Inside the room was Hanaki, Druvious and a lady who looked to be around her thirties. She had tanned skin, vibrant blue eyes and blonde hair and had a nicely developed body. She wore a white knee level dress of sorts that was a little too close to hugging her body tightly, white leggings and and red heels. She had a knife in her hand that was emitting a green energy at the blade and she was running it through Chiaki's midsection, the deep cut that was made closing up with a sizzling sound and steam emitting from that area as the daughter of the head winced in the slight pain that this caused. "Oh? Lord Ayato." The lady said in shock and Ayato had a passive look on his face. "Would you mind giving me and my daughter a few minutes alone?" He asked in a respectful tone. "No, not at all!" She said a bit frantically as she grabbed the body of the unconscious Druvious out of the room. Ayato walked over to the door and closed it, a clicking sound being heard to indicate that he had locked it. He slowly walked over to her daughter, who had a frightened look on her face as she knew what was to come, it always happened. Ayato's right hand swiftly swung from the back to the front, striking Hanaki's left cheek so hard that she flew into the wall and dropped to the ground face first. There was a bad bruise on her face now as she looked up at her father with tears threatening to fall from her eyes. "You little bitch...where is your Special Sword Skill?" Ayato asked in a bitter tone, an angry expression gracing his features. "Answer me! Where is it?!" He shouted, now infuriated at the that he was not answer. "I....d-don't have one father..." Chiaki whimpered as she tried to stand up but was stopped by a boot to the gut as she gagged involuntarily, almost vomiting. "I'm sorry...." She did her best to plead for mercy but she knew that it would not help. Ayato cared more for his reputation than his own daughter.

[Living Realm, Arena C15]


"The eighth and final matchup of the first round is Kagura Inuyasha VS Shun Beifong!" The lady in the commentating booth shouted and the crowd went wild at the mention of the Beifong prodigy. He was the Beifong clan's golden boy of sorts, the only swordsman of his current era that had made the list of the Strongest Swordsmen in the Living Realm at comfortable number 18. He was also one of the only swordsman in history aside from Ayato Hoshinomori to awaken a lightning based Special Sword Skill. From the ends of the arena, two people walked out and stopped once there was a distance of 10 meters between them. On one side was the infamous Kagura Inuyasha who was a male that had pale skin, chocolate brown hair that was wildly flailing around and green eyes. He wore a black gi that had short sleeves and stopped at the middle of his thighs with orange ends while it was held together by a black belt, black pants, white boots and white gloves. He had a frown on his face as he reached for his sword that was in a green sheath while the hilt was also the same color. Unveiling his blade pointing at his opponent he glared. On the other side, was the golden boy; Shun Beifong. He was dressed in shining silver armour in most of his body aside from key areas so as not to hinder optimum mobility, a black bodysuit underneath, a sky blue robe went over his right shoulder and was tied to a brown belt around his waist that was slightly tilted. He wore black boots that had armoured shins. His blade was on his back, in a silver sheath while the hilt was a mixture of different blues. Shun himself had neat brown hair, blue eyes and fair skin. His right hand moved to his back, gripping the hilt and unsheathing the sword Shun charged, moving at near godly speeds compared to the rest of the contestants in the tournament before him as he trusted the blade towards Kagura's chest who jumped above, landing on Shun's sword for a mere moment before planting a roundhouse kick that was swiftly blocked by Shun who sent a fist into Kagura's midsection, sending him staggering backwards to create some distance and try to recuperate.

"So you're impulsive, cringeworthy." Shun muttered, his voice lacking any apparent emotion while the statement annoyed Kagura and caused him to glare at the prodigy. He charged towards him once again, his sword in his left hand held in reverse grip as he swung from his left to his right, aiming for the neck but Shun ducked and to his suprise, Kagura expected this and so ducked even lower, the blade of his sword striking the armoured leg of the Golden boy, the strike did not carry as much force as he had hoped due to the change in movement he had to perform but it was enough to dent the armour and cause Shun to fall over. Jumping backwards about 6 meters, Kagura waved his his sword over his head, moisture gathering as it spun around the blade forming a few drops of water and not long after Kagura was in the eye of a large vortex of water that stood a good 15 meters in height. "Poseidon's Realm : Liquid Cyclone!" Kagura yelled in fury as the water began to spin at thrice the speed it was moving at before. By this time, Shun was already on his feet though he was limping as the cyclone of water charged towards him at speeds that were faster than even him. Now only 3 meters between him and the cyclone, Shun quickly leaped to his left, luckily avoid the attack by a close shave. Looking up at his opponent he saw that he was preparing the same attack once more. Wishing to intercept the attack this time, he quickly covered the distance between the two once the vortex was in it's first stages, jumping up with a wince as he planted a multitude of swift kicks in the face of his opponent, continously pushing him back before planting the final one, the one that sent Kagura flying backwards. He gripped his sword tightly, the sound of lightning being heard as his entire body was soon enveloped in lightning, Shun charging towards Kagura in a matter of seconds. "Blade of the Lightning God : One Thousand Fireflies!" Shun yelled as the lightning around him transformed into a 1 000 fireflies that bombarded Kagura, a surge of lightning coursing through his body. "AAAAAH!!" He screamed and after a few minutes, the fireflies disappeared. Kagura was smoking, paralyzed, and had multiple third degree burns all over his body as he dropped to the ground, passing out. The crowd went completely wild before the conclusion of the battle was even announced, confident that Shun had won. "The winner is Shun Beifong!! We will resume the Semi-final matches after a short break." The lady spoke and once the crowd finished cheering, they began to file out.

[Demon Realm]


"Your daughter's doing well, I didn't expect such adept combat ability from the Demon Lord's daughter." A man spoke, or demon to be more precise. He wore red boots, black pants, red armour that covered his upper body but not too much so as to hinder movement with black mesh armour underneath. On the left breast of the armour there was the Demon Realm's emblem. His sword was a broadsword that was on his back with the sheath being red in color and the hilt being a mixture of black and red. He had brown skin, ram shaped horns, long white hair in a low ponytail and piercing crimson eyes. "I thank you, Kyro, but I honestly don't support od this decision. I don't want my child to get hurt when she already has everything. Why do this?" Another man asked with a frown. He had red skin, goat horns, chocolate brown hair that was neatly slicked back with only a few hairs popping out at the front and onyx eyes. He wore a crimson robe with black accents and had a golden crown over his head with rubies on it. "Lord Shinso, I think that's a question you should ask your own daughter." The man now dubbed as Kyro said, this man was the Demon Realm's member of the Swordsmen of the Seven Realms, the strongest Swordsman in the Demon Realm and the most powerful Swordsman in the group of Swordsmen representing the 7 Realms, capable of obliterating an entire galaxy at his most powerful. The Demon Realm had a track record for producing the most refined Swordsmen in all of the 7 Realms, the Realm having produced Swordsmen that have made it into the top 3 strongest Swordsmen in the coalition in the past 1100 years, so there was not even a bit of doubt they had in their candidates, it was simply the fact Shinso was worried about her daughter. Why continue to fight when you have everything? Looks, money, power, status. What more did she want? Now onto Shinso. The man next to Kyro was Lord Shinso Suzuya, the current Demon Lord, the 6th in succession and this was because Demons had a long lifespan, being a good age over 500 years, he was considered to still be an eligible bachelor since he was a single father. "Right..." Lord Shinso trailed with a sigh as he turned to the arena. The break was over and the Semi-finals were starting.

"Let us resume the Tournament of Candidates, here are our second brackets." A male voice spoke and from a screen at the far end of the arena, there were pictures of 4 people, the screen split in half where two people were on one side, and two on the other. "The first matchup of the Semi-finals is Uzme Kagami VS Junsei Suzuya!" The arena that was filled to the brim with an assortment of demons went wild and both contestants stepped out from their respective ends of the arena. Junsei had her trademark blank expression as she unsheathed her katana, waiting for her opponent to do the same. Her opponent, Uzume was also female, who had long vibrant white hair that stopped at her lower back, red skin that was of a lighter shade than Junsei's, small red horns protruding from above her forehead, emerald green eyes, and a curved body shaped like an hourglass with an endowed chest. She wore a red kimono that had a flower design on it but it was not the standard one, this one stopped a little below her shoulders and was widely opened on the sides, allowing for the legs to be exposed. Black straps connected to the kimono that was tied with a red and black belt, wrapped around Uzume's left shoulder and the right side of her neck to help keep the article of clothing on. On her curved waist, there were two black straps that formed an awkwardly shaped X to hold up a 6 pointed star along with her dual katana that were in black sheaths with hilts that were bandaged on her right hip. So as to keep her decency, she wore black tights, black knee guards that had a unique pattern and black boots. On her right hand, she had a standard black glove on while on right, she had black glove that had claws that were definitely not sharp enough to hurt since she was adhering to the rules. The glove had the same pattern as her knee guards and stretched up to the middle of her forearm. Grabbing one of her dual katana with her left hand, she unsheathed it and placed it to her side like Junsei as the two walked closer to each other, now being inches from each other. They stared each other down, Uzume being a little taller than the Demon Mistress.

Almost as if they were thinking the same, both Junsei and Uzume jumped backwards, now 12 meters separating them as they charged towards each other, both moving at extraordinary speeds as they met each other in less than a second, their blades clashing causing sparks to fly around as Junsei quickly pulled away, bringing her katana down towards Uzume's head but it was blocked. Junsei smirked because now her opponent was open and she took advantage of this as she kicked Uzume in the stomach as she gagged a bit, almost vomiting as she staggered backwards while clutching her stomach, a dry chuckle emanating from her mouth. "You're good for a prissy rich princess, but that spot on the Swordsmen of the Seven Realms is mine." Uzume said and Junsei glared, charging at her trying to take advantage of her weakened form as she swung from right to the left but she was denied by Uzume's katana, sliding the blade of her weapon across Junsei's own until she found the weakest point of her hold on the blade pushing on it and the result was her katana digging into Junsei's left shoulder. "AAAAAH!" She screamed in pain as she jumped backwards to create some distance, giving Uzume an opportunity to stand. Junsei glared. 'She means business, guess I have to take it to the next level...' She thought. The Demon Mistress was not in the least worried about her injuries since Demons could heal quickly than normal people but an injury of her own could take about an hour. Steam emanated from the injured shoulder, a blue liquid dripping down onto the bandages that kept her breasts in place and hidden from view, staining them in blue a bit. "Let's stop playing around, show me your full strength." Uzume ordered as she planted her katana into the ground. "Hell's Liquid : Ocean from the Devil!" She yelled as the arena floor began to crack, lava spraying out. "Shit..." Junsei muttered, desperately looking for a plan to get out of this predicament. "Better think fast." Uzume said and Junsei looked up to see that she was standing on the lava, she looked beyond her to see the wall that separated the arena's battefield from the stands. It was tall and durable. "Well I've been practicing, so let's hope I can get this right." Junsei mumbled.

Junsei sheathed her sword and she held her hands up close to her face as each of the tips of her fingers were engulfed in flames, the same with her toes as she jumped onto the wall, less than 2 seconds before the entire arena floor was covered in lava. Her fingers and toes dug into the surface of the wall, allowing her to scale it. From there on, Junsei ran across the wall like some sort of quadrupedal animal at high speeds, now being behind Uzume as she glared. Uzume turned to face her, a smirk on her face. She had unsheathed her other katana as she completely turned her body to face Junsei, forming an X with the two weapons. "Hell's Liquid : Magma Wave!" Uzume yelled as a wave of lava formed from the pool below standing in front of Uzume as it moved towards Junsei who jumped off of the wall, unsheathing her katana as it sunk into the lava the moment she made it down. Burns began to form on her legs, her clothes burning off as she winced. "Hell's Eruption : First Step!!" Junsei yelled and the result was a large explosion in the entire arena. Once it died down, there was smoke everywhere, the audience unharmed thanks to Kyro, a red field of energy covering the stands while he sat still in his chair next to Lord Shinso. "Thank you Kyro." He said and the swordsman nodded. In the arena the smoke had slightly cleared, the lava had dried off and and both of the girls were on the ground. The smoke was still too thick to see through as Junsei began to stir, opening her eyes as she winced in agonizing pain. She managed to make her way to her feet to leaning on the wall. Her clothing was mostly burnt off, her tights showing off a little too much skin, the bandages on her chest were completely burnt off, but she thought quick and zipped up her jacket, thanking the First Demon Lord that it was not damaged. She also had multiple burns across her body as she looked over to Uzume to see that her tights were completely burnt off, her kimono hiding her important areas and she also had a large amount of burns, more than she had. Untying the blue robe that was half burnt, Junsei dragged herself over to Uzume, tying the article of clothing around her to form a makeshift skirt. She might have been an opponent, but she did not want her to be seen as indecent. Now on her knees, the smoke cleared as the commentator gasped at the damage dealt to the arena. "Uh....since she's the last one standing, the winner is Junsei Suzuya!' The man stuttered from his booth as she cracked a small smile, falling onto Uzume's body. "You've got quite a daughter there, Lord Shinso." Kyro said with a smirk but Lord Shinso had a worried look on his face. Why would she want to put herself through so much pain? He sighed, it was something he planned to ask her personally.