

"Your Majesty, Chang has declared War" the despatch rider from the border came rushing in with the message. The report include that Chang kingdom has amassed an army of a million by estimate to attack Shu.

"Your Majesty, you must seek peace and amity, give them what they want your majesty" says the State Finance Minister "We are in no condition to go to war against Chang, famine has drained last year's harvest, for the sake of our people we must stop the war at all means."


King Xue Meng is leading the war himself, he sent a letter, the border messenger delivered.

bring it forward the chief eunuch ordered and delivered it to the King.


"Your Majesty, what's in the letter" the ministers become concerned.

"He wants me to kneel in front of him and bow 10 times to stop the war, saying that's the only way."

"We shall proceed to prepare for defence, all ministers shall only think about how to survive the war and bring minimum damage to the citizens. According to reports, the country is surrounded as Chang allied with The Southern Xiao Confederacy. All princes, generals and the Prime Minister are ordered to the palace for strategy development and deployment. The State strategist Ji Huang should also return back immediately. Envoys should be sent immediately to the Wei and Xi kingdoms to ask for support, make an imperial edict to that effect and report to the Prime Minister." The King ordered.