
The Shu Kingdom

Located amidst mountains, the Shu kingdom is a small countries with valiant economy and agricultural development. It's people are prosperous and the country was in order, it's an advantageous region and country would dream of.

"Your majesty, Chang kingdom's envoy are on their way here" the chief eunuch rushed in and announced to the king. The reigning king Shu Bo is known to be virtuous and talented since childhood, he already envisaged the meaning to the visit of the envoys from the known tyrannical Kingdom of Chang. Welcome them well he said.

At the Court Reception

"Your majesty, their request is absurd. Sending gifts and paying tribute is the same as becoming a feudal nation." the prime minister Ma Rui said furiously.

"Then war can't be prevented" the chief envoy replied.

The king after a long contemplation wrote a letter to be delivered to the King of Chang, it reads;

"Oh brother from Chang, Neither you are superior nor I am inferior, let settle our woes amicably through marriage."

The King of Chang Xue Meng was rather furious about the reply and therefore declared war.