
Swordmasters Descent Onto The World [Rewrite Soon]

A legend born transcending the concept of strength challenges the mortal shell, in his failure of an attempt he is reborn under God to live in another world.

ReidFlare · Fantasía
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37 Chs

Disciplinary Committee (03)

Sitting in front of Gareth we just stared at each other, we didn't have much to talk about besides possible ways of dealing with Edmund, since we were in the cafeteria time was ripe but he hadn't made any moves yet. We were kind of just sitting there conversation would spark ever so often but it was lame topics.

"So uhh if Edmund pulls any strange moves I'll confront him, and since my reputation and my noble status is high albeit not higher than his... It should be a good enough warning now that I'm a part of the committee." I asked looking at Gareth neatly eat his food

"Yeah... That should be fi-" Stopping mid-sentence Gareth tapped my shoulder and pointed behind me, "Edmunds making his move." Gareth cautioned.

I moved over to Gareth's side of the table to not look weird while staring at Edmund. Approaching a table with a bunch of girls was a boy with dark brown hair and purple eyes, Edmund stopped in front of Winter Haedron, one of the girls who had greeted me when I first arrived at this school.

Their conversation seemed simple at first I couldn't hear them over the loud cafeteria but I could see their body language, and it started to take a drastic turn...'Is Edmund really harassing girls from nobility? Is this motherfucker crazy... His father is the prime minister does he just not care about reputation?'

Soon Edmund tilted a cup he had been holding over top of Winter's head, the cafeteria had been loud but after that everyone's attention was on Edmund and it was dead silent. Winters from Leia stood up from her seat and was about to cast a spell.

'I should probably consider this my signal.'

"Stop," I demanded, walking towards the two.

"Another Disciplinary Committee dog?" Edmund snorted.

"I think it's wise to call it a day Edmund... I don't think your father supports this behavior."

"What do you know," Edmund yelled, after yelling he began smiling.

"Rei Ven-August... Out of all people to lecture me you? Didn't you propose to the Princess of Reyn at her birthday party? You have quite a bit of ball."

My eyeball twitched after his statements the scandal was a part of forgotten history that I did not want to be remembered in the slightest.

"Hahahaha. Stop harassing women, Edmund I don't want this problem to escalate to a higher level."

I had laughed to cope with what he said but I could see everyone in the background have a slight change in facial expression when looking at me, not everyone knew about what I did back then but that was just the tip of the iceberg.

"Who are you to judge me Ven-August." Edmund walked towards me, and he then grabbed my collar. "Maybe harassing you might be better than these stupid bitches."

My veins began visibly bulging on my neck, and I reached out for his arm but before I could he released his grip and took a few steps back. I tried my best to keep my smile, I really did but the current situation was fucking me over in many ways.

"Showing your true colors are you?" Edmund broadcasted, he then took off one of his gloves and threw it at my face. "Tomorrow after school I'll put you in your place fodder."

'I'm going to kill this bastard.' I began playing out scenarios in my head of brutally beating him down in front of the entire school, but soon I was dragged out of my fantasy remembering that I was currently in a state where I could hardly control mana.

A frown appeared on my face as Edmund walked away from me.


"I underestimated you Rei, you best slaughter that asshole tomorrow," Mongar said with a proud smile."

"I told you guys I wanted to avoid conflict..."

"Who cares you'll be fine, I heard rumors you got a powerful bond plus you're quite talented to get transferred here personally by Malkeith... Edmund won't hold a candle to you, he ranks low even when you compare the Academy to lower-ranked schools." Laigar boasted

"Yeah... But still."

"G-good luck Rei," Phiesa whispered beside me, she then swallowed and spoke again in a louder voice. "I believe you can easily outclass Edmund."

Gareth and Arcadia both sat silent they both were probably realistic thinkers and based on my warnings they were preparing for the worst...' I don't plan to lose to Edmund, judging by everyone's attitude towards him I can gain an edge with my swordsmanship... And even without mana my Draconic Physqiue has improved and is vastly superior to it was prior."

"I will do my best everyone!" I proclaimed with a smile on my face.


'This is the place right?' I looked up the sign above the building, it read Valencia with fancy letters. I had agreed to meet up with Dawn after school to discuss the incident that occurred the other day and tie some loose ends with it.

Walking in I looked around for black hair, I eventually spotted Dawn's head, she had been sitting down in the corner enjoying her meal in a fancy dress that was blue and white with a beautiful pattern on it that a noble would probably wear to a ball or formal event.

"So uhhhh... Why are you dressed so nicely on?"

"We agreed to meet up so I had to dress formally, am I wrong?"

I had come in my Disciplinary Committee outfit while it had an air of Nobility and freshness to it, her dress was on another level.

"Ummmm... Uhhh... I guess it's okay if you like dressing up, it's just a little embarrassing for me since I'm underdressed."

The cafe's atmosphere was relaxing. The cafe's walls were a nice red color, the floor was a very expensive wood and the tables were made out of the same material. The chairs were booths that were lined up in an orderly fashion, it was very modern.

"No, you look quite handsome in that outfit," Dawn said with a smirk on her face, she began leaning onto her arm.

"I love that you think so, but you are very stunning in that dress that my appearance does not compare... At least in my opinion." I added with a cocky face while sitting down.

Dawn's face turned red and she seemed a little flustered by my comment, "W-we didn't come here to compliment each other." Putting her hand on her heart she took a few breaths and then continued. " Anyway, let's go over what we need to and get this over with." Dawn stuttered.

'Honestly, though, she's probably not wrong ever since I took on my dragon lineage everywhere I go the opposite gender seems to blatantly sneak peeks at me like I'm some kind of monument... But it doesn't bother me as much as it used to so I tend to ignore them now.'

"Okay, so what did you have to tell me." I inquired.

Her mood turned slightly gloomy at my words, "The two kids... They probably sold me out and I apologize for forcing you to come with me, I was acting selfish and I didn't expect such a situation to occur. I went to confront them after the incident, but they were just gone, the house they lived in was abandoned they probably got a check and fled after selling us out."

I could tell she was distressed saying this, after all, it seemed like she had a deep-rooted relationship with those two kids.

"Greed is a downfall for you humans," I said with an unreadable expression.

"Indeed." Dawn looked down into her lap. She then looked up and raised her pointer finger. "Moving on, the demon we met was a Demon General, the fact a Demon General was in the human domain beats me but, he probably won't make any more risky moves like that and I'll be more careful with who I make contact with... After all, if you weren't with me I wouldn't have been able to survive that encounter."

"I'm glad I could help."

"I have a question." Dawn looked at me with a glimmer in her eyes.

"What is it?"

"How did you manage to defeat the higher demon that attacked us, no how did you even manage to break mana restraints and kill that man? I don't see how you were able to attack with such powers and cut through the mana restraints we had."

"I used the power of my bond." I lied

"A dragon huh... I have hardly managed to make use of my bond, I've maybe gained some heightened senses. Maybe? I don't know but to be able to use your bond abilities to that degree is impressive, to defeat a higher demon at 15 years old, you're talent may surpass mine but I won't lose again in the future."

"Perhaps if I'm stronger than you when we're adults you'll let me join the Hero's party?" I laughed

"There is a big if there." Dawn giggled a bit and then had a sweet smile.

"So if we're done here I guess ill meet you back at home?"


"I can sit here for 15 more minutes... And you can go ahead in leave if you want, just leave me money to pay for your food." Dawn said with her face a bit red

"I was gonna suggest the same thing, but I'll take up your offer and leave first." Giving her a peace sign I started walking away.

"What does that gesture mean?" Dawn's voice echoed behind me.

"What gesture?" I answered turning around, after a few moments of pure silence I left.

'Thinking back I did do something with my hands... But why?'

I shrugged after my thoughts ran their course.

'Tomorrow I'll cripple that bastard, Edmund.'

My expression turned sinister as I walked back to the dorm house.