
Swordmaster's Daughter is the Reincarnation of the Strongest Archmage

Magia, the Mightiest Archmage in history, liberated the world from an otherworldly invasion. However, betrayed by her own family for possessing unrivaled power, she faced exile after peace was declared. As death loomed near, Magia cast a world-class spell to send her soul far into another timeline. "Oh, void of emptiness, cleave the fabric of existence and forge a gateway to a realm untethered by time. Let my soul transcend this mortal plane and soar through the cosmic expanse, untangling the threads of fate." As the incantations echoed, a strange disturbance swept through the surroundings. Reality twisted, defying its laws. Colors danced and blended, the ground trembled, and the air crackled with an eerie energy. It was a fleeting moment where the world embraced whimsical chaos, a surreal symphony. Magia reincarnated as Elina Aslan, the daughter of a low-ranking aristocratic swordsman family. She now resided in a world where magic held paramount importance, overshadowing sword techniques. The story begins with Elina on the brink of death, trapped in a coma. Desperate prayers from her parents reached Magia's transcendent soul within the otherworldy space. Responding to their plea, Magia descended and infused Elina's lifeless body, bringing her back to life. In an instant, the rampaging monster crumbled into a cloud of dust, vanishing without a trace. To the astonishment of the injured knights and villagers, their wounds healed, and their pain subsided as if under the touch of divine intervention. However, the souls devoured by the dreaded soul eater faced a dire fate—they were condemned to an eternal slumber, trapped within an inescapable abyss of perpetual coma. And so, the adventure of the strongest Archmage begins. I'll be publishing in Royal Road too ~

Gani_Sigit · Fantasía
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8 Chs

The Magic Tutor Alessia Von Valhalla

"Hahh, Hahh!" I quickly ran to my father's office.


I opened the door with force.

"I am sorry, Dad. I was late."

After arriving at the scene, surprisingly, I didn't see anyone in the office. I thought Dad had mentioned for me to come here this morning.

"So you have arrived, Elina."

How come all this time he was behind me with a strange-looking woman? She is quite a beauty, though. She waved her hand to me as if she already knew me. Instantly, I hid behind Dad. I wasn't scared; I didn't like Dad being with other women, especially if they were this beautiful.

"Ara~ why so shy? Come here, play with sister."

My mouth pouted, and I groaned like a cat. Dad patted me as he instructed me to introduce myself. I am correctly introducing myself so Dad won't be ashamed of me.

"Hello, My name is Elina. Elina Aslan."

She smiled and aggressively hugged me as if I was like a doll.

"My my, you're so cute, Elina. Why don't you come to play at My home?"

I pushed her hard, hoping to release her grip, which was so strong.

"No, my Dad won't permit me. Even if I want to, I can't come. I have a magic tutor waiting for me."

She loses her grip and lets go of me.

"Well, let me introduce myself then. I am Alessia Von Valhalla, and I have been instructed by your father to be your tutor for 5 years. Please cooperate for 5 years."

She again aggressively runs towards me, looking like she wants to hug me again. I ran as hard as I could. This is my current condition, being chased like cats and mice.

Luckily Dad caught me and carried me over her hand.

"Come on, blade! Let me touch that squishy-pushy cheek of hers."

Dad walked and put me down on the sofa.

"We need to talk about her circumstances. What do you think about her?"

Alessia mood changes, and she starts to get into the topic.

"Hmm, I understand now why Rika, the healer I sent here, says something strange about her mana despite her innate talent. I must say, she is quite strange."

Dad was curious about what she was talking about. I am curious too. Is it because of my second heart?

"Did she pass on talent from his mother?"

Alessia shakes her head.

"Beyond that, her mana quality surpasses expectations despite her youth, but her mana path is extraordinary. Normally, mana paths have several types that affect how individuals use magic. However, with her current mana path, it's almost impossible for her to cast magic because her mana is concentrated in her right chest."

Confusion filled the room as everyone tried to comprehend the concept. Naturally, there was no existing theory on how to wield magic with such a fractured mana path. The principle I had developed stemmed solely from my experiences with a broken mana path in my past life. This approach became the only viable option for individuals with similar conditions to become accomplished magicians. Creating a second heart and manipulating the flow of mana was undeniably risky. Losing focus on the trajectory of mana flow could leave one crippled. Nevertheless, for individuals with a broken mana path, the associated risks were minimal, causing it a relatively straightforward endeavor.

Alessia walked toward my position, and she lowered his position to the height of my head.

"I know you have your own way, Elina. You didn't have to tell anyone because knowledge is the most important for mages. "Your dad told me that you were the one who destroyed his training ground."

She smiled and walked back to Dad.

"Blade, I've made my decision. I will teach her how to wield magic. And for the next 5 years, she'll be under my care. Don't worry."

Dad smiled. I think what he wants is to make me happy and secure.

That happy moment didn't last long as the earth shook, and with ominous energy cracking the sky, the gate of destruction was opened.

"Masterrr!!! Emergency, we need to evacuate civilians and protect the city."

The knight commander orders the knight around to hurry to help evacuate the townspeople. Strangely, it's as if Dad knew this day would happen, and he appears extremely angry.

"Blade, you must go! Trust me, I will protect Yurika and Elina with my life!"

This gate is peculiarly strange. The energy pressure is overwhelmingly intense as if a high-level monster is about to appear. Dad sheath his sword, and in an instant, I saw him outside fighting with the knight to exterminate the monster coming out from the gate. It just looks like teleportation magic. Is he using aura? I heard he cannot use magic due to unknown circumstances.

Suddenly, I felt tremendous pressure. My body shivered because of my frailty. Alessia wrapped her mana around me to calm me down.

From the depths of the gate emerged a formidable, high-leveled monster—a soul eater, the epitome of darkness itself. I realized the futility of my situation, knowing that my current state rendered me utterly helpless. With malicious intent, the monstrous creature sprinted towards me as though a magnetic force surrounded me, irresistibly drawing its attention.

Suddenly I remembered. Soul Eater was attracted to My Mom because her soul was not completely swallowed up.

"Master, let me go! I must hurry to Mom's room. She's in danger."

I refused to let this mere Soul Eater tarnish my second life. Quickly I wrapped mana around my feet and dashed to Mom's room, leaving Alessia.

My prediction was correct. The Soul Eater is in front of Mom's room, trying to swallow her final essence. In the blink of an eye, Dad slashed its head with all his might. It was futile. The regeneration of a high-leveled monster is extraordinary.

"What are you doing here!! It's dangerous, runnn Elinaa!!" Dad's voice echoed with urgency and desperation.

I see my master cast high-leveled barrier magic to protect me and Mom from highly toxic blood splash. The impact of barrier magic on its caster is exceedingly high, particularly when faced with an enemy capable of inflicting significant damage. She is holding quite well despite spitting blood from her mouth. In the past, I didn't slaughter Soul Eater because of its toxic blood. I just removed its existence with my spatial magic.

"Runn!! I can't hold them back for much longer!" Dad's voice trembled with urgency and desperation as the imminent threat loomed closer.

Not too long Dad lost consciousness. Alessia passed out because of the barrier fallback damage. There is no other option.

In this state, the most I can do is summon a spirit that matches Soul Eater's power. It is a gamble, but despite my meager magic power, I trust my magic control and I will channel every last ounce of it into this summoning circle.

"Oh, majestic power of the light, witness the summoning of this mighty force! Summonn!!" The words reverberated with a commanding tone as if resonating with the ancient high-level magic spells.

My mana was rapidly being devoured, causing excruciating pain as its essence was violently ripped away from me.

As my vision blurred, I clung to my consciousness with every ounce of strength. Once again, the earth trembled beneath my feet. I had summoned something into this world, but its strength and power overwhelmed me, leaving me uncertain and filled with wonder.

To my surprise, I witnessed an extraordinary sight unfold before my eyes. I had summoned a luminous fragment of light, a manifestation of myself infused with an immense surge of mana. It took on the form of the last holder of a radiant shard of light, resembling my previous physical self.

I'm not surprised. It used to be a part of me, in my past life. The tremendous power radiating from It left Me trembling with wonder and unease. Not only that, but It also created a protective space that confined us, ensuring that the overwhelming magnitude of its mana remained hidden from the perception of others.

How was the story, guys?(>﹏<) Let me know what you guys think about how I execute the story. Hope you like it!

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