
Sword of Fate: The Holy Grail War in Aincrad

Emiya Shirou is a young man who dreams of becoming a hero of justice. He finds himself in the middle of a secret war for the Holy Grail, a powerful artifact that can grant any wish. He is a sword, shaped by a tragic past and a burning desire to save others. He expects to summon a mighty blade as his servant, a partner in the war. But instead, he summons a mysterious swordsman in black, who claims to be a Saber. A sword cannot change its nature, but it can learn from its wielder. Together, they will face their enemies and their own fates…

sKyarcsc · Cómic
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40 Chs

Sword of Fate | Chapter 16

Title: Day after: Explanations

It had been five years. Five years since his father died. Five years since his vow to become a defender of justice. He swore to become a superhero that would save everyone, that would carve the path to the utopia where everyone remained happy.

Where sadness didn't exist.

It was a childish dream that most people considered, but one that they gave up on as they realized its impossibility.

When one is saved, another must take their place.

You can only save those you side with.

Thus, a contradiction, and the reason why the ideal is discarded. A paradox that could not be resolved, no matter how much effort is put into its path. Despite that, Emiya Kiritsugu chose to pursue the naive dream his entire life. Even though he knew that it was impossible to save everyone, as long as a majority could be saved, he was willing to pursue the blighted path.

It led to his death. Shirou knew that. Despite the happy times they spent together, the red-headed boy noticed the small signs his adopted father tried to hide. The blood Kiritsugu brushed away when he coughed. The long glances off into the distance accompanied by a long sigh. The weary look the elder Emiya held when he thought Shirou wasn't looking.

Yes, Shirou knew the trials that would wait him along that path. Even so, he thought it was beautiful. If, someday, everyone could be happy, it would be worth it. So, on Kiritsugu's deathbed, the younger Emiya embraced the ideal to create that place: to become a defender of justice.

It had been five years. Five years that were filled with pain, determination and hard work as Shirou strove towards the ideal. He honed his body and magic in a single-minded pursuit, embracing every challenge before him to test his limits. Unnecessary things were forgotten and dropped so that he could reach it, accomplish the impossible ideal he vowed to fulfill.

But now that the Holy Grail War was in Fuyuki city, could he do it? Could he become the superhero that would save everyone?

Shirou didn't know. He didn't know if he would be able to save everyone. Kirito was his ally, but as strong as he was, the black swordsman was fallible. The battle with Berserker served as proof of that. Although he was able to fend off Berserker, it had been a close thing. Only after Shirou had reinforced that connection could Kirito truly fight back. But even then, Berserker could have killed him after his regeneration. If the other Servants were even a fraction of what Berserker was...

Would they be able to protect everyone? Or would there be another disaster, like that fire ten years ago? A catastrophe that would cause the deaths of everyone in Fuyuki? Innocent people like Taiga, Issei, his classmates, Sakura... they would all perish.

Shirou shook his head and leaned down against his bed. His mind raced with doubts, worries, and questions that had no answers. Because they had no answer, dwelling on them served no purpose. It would only weaken him, and he needed to be in optimal condition if he was to win the Holy Grail War.

He turned on his side and closed his eyes, forcing his thoughts away in favor of sleep. Then, waking worries were replaced with slumbering thoughts.

An iron fortress soared in the sky. It drifted above beside the clouds, a floating castle home to creatures and areas that existed nowhere in reality. A dream as awe-inspiring as it was unbelievable. That place; it was a realm where untold adventures waited for those that would venture into its depths. A vision, promising fulfillment of the greatest fantasy. A dream, meant to grant a reprieve of joy and fleeting excitement before its visitors returned to the real world.

Painted with false promises, it was a delusional dream that turned into an inescapable nightmare.

Bells tolled and azure light filled the plaza. Thousands of travelers gathered against their wills for a message. Above, a figure robed in crimson descended, as a god would from his domain. He stated that the fortress had become their reality. Despite being fake, a mere simulacrum of the true world, by eliminating interference from the outside world, this had become their 'reality'. Now, until every floor had been cleared, until the greatest heights of the iron fortress had been ascended, until every fearsome foe before them was felled, all that the travelers would see was this continuation of a dream.



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Chapters 1 - 50 🔥