
Sword in the Stone

“A story where a fake reality slowly turns into a real delusion” Join Aaron, a troubled boy with a troubled past, as he enters the world of Eternia. A realm of dragons and magic, love and despair, heros and villains. Slowly uncover the truth of Aaron’s past, and stand up for the morals that you wish to protect. Enjoy reading. ~ Daylight

Daylight_Official · Fantasía
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5 Chs

Episode 1.5 The Boy who slew the shroom

My hands ache from restlessly picking from these roses, the thornes prick blood from my fingertips. But yet I find them so beautiful, the red petals catch my alore each day I venture deeper into the elderwood. They are not what i'm looking for, yet I pick them.

The beauty of things in life do this to us, as people we get distracted with things of beauty. And even when it hurts, like the thornes at the stems of these roses, I still pick from them ignoring the pain.

"Why must I fall for beauty so easily." I sighed while mumbling under my breath.


The subtle sound of a trees fallen hand being cracked in two, I looked back with a gasp. The shaded woods whispered with silence, the sun shining through the cracks in the leaves above. Nothing before me was nothing.

It was nothing that scared me.

Looking out even more, I stood myself up. My eyes sharpened and my heart was beating faster than before, so much so my hands trembled.

I was weak, I have always been weak. Going into these forsaken woods, was as if I was entering another woman's kitchen, as I was the one going to be cooked.

A gruesome, gross, growling echoed from behind a tree. I was startled, gasping for air, I lost my footing. My bottom hit the ground, it was sharper than usual, and I was stuck. No.. I cant be stuck, for whatever that is.

It will eat me.

I can't see what it is, the beautiful red from the roses consumed my body. The thorns stabbed deep into my skin, it restrained me, like beautiful chains I was stuck with. It was a perfect meal for whatever was coming closer.

I squirmed and fought with the vines, battling with the roses. I refused to succumb to whatever it was that was that drooled for my flesh.

Finally I was able to tear the thorns from my skin. It hurt, it hurt so much. I flew myself forward, I was on the ground before the beast, unable to open my eyes. I was petrified. Petrified of dying weak.


I am weak, and always will be weak. I might as well die, knowing that.

A tear ran down her cheek, as she opened her eyes looking upwards.

A blur of dark brown, and black was before me. It made up the back of a man, a man holding his blade high above his head. He was standing tall, his arms flexed and with quick hands he swung down his sword at the monster.


I was saved. Words refused to leave my mouth as I gasped for air looking before this warrior. His wavy dark brown hair represented a damp chestnut, his soft golden white skin contrasted with his beautiful silver white eyes. He was tall, standing around 6 feet or so, but yet he was so slim, so slight.

He turned around getting to his knee reaching his hand out for mine, what a stunning warrior he was.

"I'm here for you."

His words flew from his mouth, as if he had an angel's tongue.

I'm in love..

The Pov of Aaron

Is this girl alright? She's bleeding from her arms and legs, the thorn bush must've really hurt. The apparent warrior thought.

His hands trembled, he was afraid that entire time. His heart raced with fear, no, excitement. The sword he was holding flew like a bird from his hands and into the soil of the woods. He did not know how to wield a sword.

The girl took his hand, and slowly stood herself up. She stumbled a bit on the way up, but soon she caught her balance. She held onto his hand for an awkward amount of time.

After the girl was fine standing up on her own, he didn't say any other words. Maybe it was because he was nervous, embarrassed maybe, or something else caught his interest.

He walked over towards his sword that flung from his hands, looking down at it, before gripping the handle and pulling it from the ground. There was no blood on it he thought, he was intrigued with what kind of monster that he encountered was. And even more interested with the world around him.

He looked towards the remains of the beast, only to find out it really was no beast at all. But a 4 foot tall walking mushroom, that was now cut in two. Aaron was disappointed, he thought he woulda killed something cooler. He was now seeing how weak it was, now that his adrenaline had faded.

Its face wasn't nasty, and you could barely see its eyes from how large its cap was. It in all honesty was a cute little creature, just with the taste of human flesh. He was certain with this, with the remains of a humane finger inside the area he assumed to be its stomach. It also had 2 pots covering each of its shoulders, it was like it was trying to mimic a knight.

Aaron in the most simplest terms was amazed with this weak mushroom man.

"..Thank you for saving me" The girl spoke, as she was at last able to catch her breath.

"Of course. You were in danger after all, I'm sorry if I scared you." Aaron responded, his voice was tight.

"No no, don't be sorry. I truly am grateful for your efforts. My name is Alice, I'm from Norville. Because we have never met before I'm assuming you're not from this area, are you an adventurer? Where are you from? Are you from " Her voice was high pitched, and happy.

Aaron was flustered with the swarm of questions, the girl who went by the name of Alice got closer to him seemingly excited.

"I'm Aaron. And in all honesty, I'm not from anywhere."

The end of his sentence was slightly sharp, It made Alice go silent as Aaron looked down at the ground. He was still trying to understand what was happening, he seriously had no choice but to just go with what was happening in the world around him.

"Nowhere huh… Are you from the far east." She pondered

"Yes, I am, well at least I believe so.." He didn't understand why he said yes. No, he did, he didn't want to get lost in her swarm of questions. Lying came easy to him after all.

"Oh that's incredible! I've never met anyone from the far east, I heard you guys were savages. But I guess some of them can be gentlemen." She flirted.

Aaron stood there in an awkward silence for a moment, unsure how to respond.


He wasn't the best with girls on earth, but he wasn't the worst. He just couldn't flirt at this time. He thought it was vile.