
Chapter 586 – So Interesting

Shang slowly scraped off a long piece of flesh from his left arm and looked at it with his Spirit Sense.

He moved the bloody piece of flesh around in his right hand.

It looked normal.

But as soon as his Spirit Sense looked at the individual components of this piece of flesh, it stopped making sense again.

Shing ripped the piece apart again and looked at the two smaller components.

They still made sense.

He held them together, and they still made sense.

Eventually, Shang dumped one of the pieces since he only needed one.

He ripped it apart and dumped one of the pieces again.

It still made sense.

He did the same thing again.

And again.

And again.

After multiple times, the piece of flesh had become so small that Shang could barely rip it apart anymore.

But it still made sense!