

Which made all three of them surprised to hear.

So Natasha asked what he mean by saying that

' The sword lives with the life of its heir and what you mean by the Zombie soul being in it or being the sword itself. '

To which Shin elaborated ahead saying

' When i was lying there under the ground after Riya put the sword one me.

The sword was able to connect to me and give its life to me.'

Hearing which they got amazed and wanted to know more

As Shin kept telling them

' The sword select its heir and every person have their life expectancy.

Means a time interval which is set they are suppose to die according to their health or normal circumstances.

Even uncertain mishaps.

But after the sword goes to its heir it changes their way of life in one way just by existing in their life.

So if the person who is the heir selected by the sword dies, it takes part of what life was left ahead of that person which would have been his expected life interval.

But due to the sword changing that, it may be less or more.

The sword lives on that life of its heir.

So as i was dead, it also took my part of life which was to be expected of me to live.

But due to it not being able to reach out to its new heir as the result of the rule of the sword which states -

Any heir dying exactly after 4 month of possessing the sword in the interval of 10 min, the sword will be kept in the state which it was left by the former heir and anyone can use it.

Due to which it wasn't going to go anywhere and would always be at my grave on my body.

But the sword having a soul had realised all that and wanted to do something for me as it witnessed me killing the Zombie king and giving my life too.

So it started reviving me, during which it healed my soul which took about 4 years time to do.

I was not even conscious at that time nor i came to life even after the 4 year time.

The sword healed my mortal wounds which took about 8 months.

After that it took about 3 months to connect my soul to my body and make me alive again.

During the time when i was being healed by the sword, all the memories connected to sword were swirling in my unconscious mind, which after i woke up i was able to understand.

As i woke up, i didn't understood first what was happening.

I found myself not being able to move even a single inch.

I tried so hard but no luck, what i was expecting.

I didn't moved a single muscle in about 5 years.

I was struggling so much and not being able to move, see, hear or even feel anything.

But the sword was with me, i realised that if i am alive and if it is my body then i would habe swords power so tried using them.

I tried to use some water splash but unfortunately it didn't happened.

So i thought it might not work.

Or maybe i was not the heir of the sword anymore because i died.

But i didn't knew the sword was lying on my chest as i couldn't see anything.

I kept thinking and thinking and thinking.

But no nothing was crossing my mind.

I was getting hungry and thirsty.

I was so frustrated not being able to do anything.

I tried to scream aloud but as i tried that so much soil just got in my mouth.

I couldn't even spit it out.

I thought it was my end.

Though i have died once and now i will die again.

But something just glowed in front of my eyes.

As i tried to look toward it but still couldn't move my head i was not able to figure out what that was.

But having a small hope was fine for me at that time.

I tried my best to move there and see what that was.

As struggling through so much pressure under the pressed high weight soil bed.

I was able to get just a glimpse of it as it pushed my head down again.

It was my sword as i saw it glowing.

I was so happy to see that i had my sword with me.

But being all excited i realised that i was not able use the powers before so even the sword is her will i be able to do it now.

But this was it for me.

I had enough, took all the strength there was left of me and grabbed the sword.

As soon as i touched it i didn't thought of anything but just getting out of there.

So just used the power of sword to use the lightning fast speed and wind to cut through the soil and just went right through it.

As the other second i was in a car parking, but luckily i was not under a car and there was no one around.

But hearing that big noise sure alerted the guard as he running toward me yelling

' who is there ? '

He will found me standing there and i won't have a single clue of saying anything to him how i end up there and how i dig up that massive hole.

Not just in the soil but in the concrete too.

So before i knew hearing him running toward me i ran away from there.

I reached a quite place as i figured out that it was night time and that was the reason of anyone not being in the parking lot and not many cars either.

I was so hungry and thirsty.

But have no money on me nor i had the much energy or i would have caught a fish or something and ate that.

But then i remembered something i did.

You might not know that Riya but do you remember there was a jewellery shop near where we use to go for the supplies at the time we were living alone.

I took some of the most beautiful looking diamonds and other jewellery items from there and hid them underground digging a hole in a box.

I know it was childish of me but i though i might just take them out after the crisis and will become rich.

So coming back to main topic.

I remembered that box and the place where i dug it.

So i tried to get there but yes i was not able to do so.

Because i didn't knew where it was anymore.

The whole locality just changed enormously.

I couldn't even tell if there was even a road or a river there before.

I thought i could never be able to find it.

So i thought to exchange the sword some some money and i will just call the sword back to me.

That way i will have money and the sword.

But that didn't go well to because i remembered i was naked.

My clothes would have gotten decomposed in the soil.

So i had to drop that too for now and found something to wear.

Which didn't took me while as i just found some clothes by the garbage bin around the corner. '

Hearing which all of three just made a disgusted face looking at Shin.

As he said

' what don't give me that look.

Being naked is not better then wearing something even if it is from the garbage. '

As he started telling them what he did after that

' i wore the clothes and got to the restaurant.

I asked them if i could eat there in exchange of the sword but they refused as they looked at my torn up clothes and i was also stinking so much.

They didn't even let me in and just told me go away.

I though i should get my self cleaned in water but that was the worst decision i would have made.

Just as i was going toward the river, all energy just got consumed like noodles.

One slurp and gone.

I just dropped half way and i don't even know where i was now as i just passed out. '

Now what will happen to Shin ?

Read next....