
Swift Gravity: Iwagakure

A guy reincarnated as a Iwagakure ninja with some unique abilities and doesn't believe Naruto's peace nonsense.

DarthSA · Cómic
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1 Chs

Chapter 1


[Word]=Author's note

'Word'=Internal dialogue

"Word"=External dialogue

{Word}=Setting,place and time


[A/N:Here goes nothing]


Shinobi academy

13:00 pm}

In a quiet room a young boy with black spiky hair,black eyes and wearing a black long sleeve top with grey pants stands before four adults,three men and one meaning looking women with a scar on her face.

"So your the kid who wanted to graduate early yey?"asks the women with a scrutinizing look

"Yes principal Akako"answers the boy

"Well then the requirements to graduate early are that you must successfully perform the transformation technique,clone technique and we'll have to inspect your academy report"-principal Akako

"Yes ma'am"-the boy

"Well then start"-says one of the men sitting next to principal Akako

The boy immediately starts by doing the necessary hand signs for the transformation technique Dog,Boar,Ram then a puff of smoke consumes the body and a few seconds later an exact copy of principal Akako comes out.

"Mhmm good"-principal Akako

"Yes it's very good he even has your scar"-the man sitting next to principal Akako

"Next is the clone technique"-principal Akako

The boy performs the technique,Ram,Snake,Tiger then four perfect copies of him appear.

"Good,now let's look at your academy report"-principal Akako

And after a few minutes of going over his report principal Akako and the rest of the other teachers discuss it a bit and they give their response.

"Well Kazuya you didn't just pass you aced the test and the academy"-male teacher

"Yeah you got straight A's for all of your subjects so it's only right we allow you to graduate but your talent will be wasted if become a genin"-principal Akako

"If I won't be a genin then what will I be?"-Kazuya

"A anbu"-principal Akako

'Anbu ay,I was planning on joining the anbu but I didn't know how but it seems showing my talent and skill worked'-Kazuya

"I'm in"-reply's a smiling Kazuya

"Good,our nation needs skilled ninja"-says a smiling principal Akako

"So how am I supposed to contact the anbu or will they come to me?"-Kazuya

"Don't worry about that just go and say goodbye to your friends and meet me at here in an hour and I'll take you to them"-principal Akako

"Okay principal Akako"-Kazuya

The now graduated and soon to be anbu Kazuya go's to his classroom to say goodbye to his friends leaving principal Akako and the rest of the teachers in the room.And after Kazuya left the room one of the male teachers turns to look at principal Akako and asks.

"Do you think he is ready for the anbu?"-male teacher

"He is more then ready"-principal Akako

"Yeah his academy report is amazing but does he have the right mentality and abilities to succeed in the anbu?"-male teacher

"It terms of skill he is ready and it seems he has not only but two kekkei genkai"-principal Akako

"What two kekkei genkai!?!"-asks the shocked second male teacher

"It's not confirmed but from my observation he has a kekkei genkai that makes him and another one that can somehow increase or decrease the weight of an object"-principal Akako

"Increased speed and increasing and decreasing weight that reminds me of lor-"-male teacher

"Lord tsuchikage's earth release jutsu's"-principal Akako

"Yes"-male teacher

"That's why I'm not sure either but I'll find out today when I bring him to the anbu recruitment base"-principal Akako

"I see,but either way he will be a great asset to our village"-male teacher


Shinobi academy

13:20 pm}

In a classroom filled with children who are surrounding one child.

"What you really graduated!?!"-asks one of the children

"What kind of question is that Kazuya is the top student in our class and academy"-retorts another children

"I know that I'm just shocked they allowed him to pass cause he his only 10 years old"-reply's the first child

While the children discuss how Kazuya graduated so early,Kazuya silently works towards two children,a boy and a girl.

"So you really did it mhmm"-the boy

"Yes now it means I won't have to listen to your art nonsense anymore"-Kazuya

"What!?! Art is not nonsense you idiot!"-reply's the now angry boy

"I didn't say art is nonsense,I said your blabbering about art is nonsense"-Kazuya reply's with a slight smirk

"It's the same thing idiot,but I'm not surprised cause not everyone understands art not even you Kazuya"-the boy

"Maybe and maybe that's the only thing your better then me"-Kazuya

"It's not maybe it's a fact!"-the boy

"So this is goodbye"-the girl

"More like a temporary goodbye"-Kazuya

"Yeah but we will only see each other when your not on missions and when I don't have academy work to do"-the girl

"Yeah that's the life of a ninja,so I'm looking forward to seeing my little Kurotsuchi graduate cause it means we'll spend more time together"-Kazuya ends his sentence by blowing a kiss towards Kurotsuchi

"I can't wait"-reply's a blushing Kurotsuchi

"Arghh can someone get a room for these love birds"-the boy

"Don't be jealous Deidara"-Kurotsuchi

"Why would I be jealous when I have better things to do"-Deidara

"Better things such as?"-Kurotsuchi

"Art of course"-Deidara

At his response Kurotsuchi and Kazuya deadpan.

"Well I should get going guys"-Kazuya

"Bye Kazuya"-Kurotsuchi



Anbu recruitment base

14:20 pm}

At the anbu recruitment base Kazuya is escorted by principal Akako as they head towards a group of anbu waiting for them.

'Its kinda hard to believe that the world and people I was watching on tv are now real but I've gotten used to it and something unexpected happened,I developed feelings for Kurotsuchi though I didn't plan for this.The only reason why I became friends with her, Deidara is because they are the only Iwagakure ninja shown in the show who are my age and personally if I had a choice of which girl in Naruto I would go for it's Ino but I'm not complaining'-Kazuya

'Well enough of that it's time see the anbu of Iwagakure who to my knowledge where never shown.Its seems they wear black cloaks and masks that remind me of hollows from bleach.'-Kazuya

"So this is the talented boy you told us about"-anbu recruiter

"Yes he is"-principal Akako

"Well then boy since your here I take it you want to join the anbu?"-anbu recruiter


"Okay then but we will have to test you to see tho if your ready"-anbu recruiter

"No problem"-Kazuya

"Good so you will fight against this anbu here and during your fight I want to see you go all out so we can properly gage your abilities and see if your ready"-anbu recruiter


Kazuya and the previously stated anbu towards the arena and get into positions and wait for the signal to start.

"The person able to incapacitate or force their opponent to give is the winner, alright start"-anbu recruiter

As soon as the match started Kazuya runs towards the anbu while performing the clone technique (Dog,Boar,Ram-clone jutsu) and creating four copies of himself which all start to switch places and take out their kunai.As soon as they reach the anbu they disappear leaving Kazuya who is on the right flank of the anbu attacking him but his attack is blocked by the anbu's knunai.

'As expected from an anbu,a rudimentary deception like that wouldn't work on him but that's apart of the plan,let him lower his guard then strike'-Kazuya

With his attack failed Kazuya jumps back and attacks again only to be blocked at every attack but after the fifth attack the anbu starts having trouble in blocking the incoming attacks.

'Perferct is working,the anbu is having a had time blocking my attacks cause I'm increasing my speed with every attack thanks to my swift release'-Kazuya

On the tenth attack Kazuya finally got the anbu by slashing his arm only to see his opponent turn into mudd.

'I knew the whole time you where a clone cause I sensed the same chakra signature from from the clone underground and I sure he will pop out of the ground any moment now and surprise attack'-Kazuya

And on que the anbu immerge's from the ground behind Kazuya and thrusts his kunai at the back of his head only to see him disappear and see him appearing behind getting ready to stab him so he quickly performs a jutsu.

(Boar,Bird,Bat, Snake=Earth style erupt)

The anbu finishes his jutsu by slamming his hand on the ground causing eight stone pillars to erupt around him in a defense shield.

'Mhmm childs play'-Kazuya

Kazuya responds by quickly putting back his kunai and using both hands uses one of the stone pillars to propel him into the air where he quickly performs some hand signs.

(Ram, Monkey,Horse,Ram=Earth style:Stone clone jutsu)

Causing the eight tone pillars created by the anbu to transform into eight copies of himself which immediately restrain him by holding his legs and arms.With his opponent restrained Kazuya takes out his kunai and let's gravity do it's job making him fall towards the anbu and slashes him across his chest drawing blood.

"It seems I've won"-states a smiling Kazuya while also releasing his clone jutsu

"Like hell I would loose to some kid!"-shouts the previously restrained anbu who takes his tanto and slashes at Kazuya's head

Kazuya sensing the killing intent and having lowered his guard activates his swift release to dodge the incoming attack which he barely avoided with the tanto cutting his hair.

'This bastard all most killed me,if it weren't for my swift release I would be dead!'-Kazuya

'So it seems I will have to use this guy's corpse as my entry ticket into the anbu'-Kazuya

Kazuya immediately counters by out speeding the anbu and delivering a gravity enhanced punch on both on the anbu's elbows and knees breaking them both.Now with the anbu immobilized Kazuya uses his gravity release.

(Gravity release: Gravitational down force)

Crashing the anbu on the ground a d causing a crater to form.

'Now it's time to end this'-Kazuya thinks to himself while readying his kunai to kill the down anbu

Before he can reach the down anbu the anbu recruiter appears in front of him.

"The match is over you won"-anbu recruiter

"It's not over until is kill that bastard"-Kazuya retorts angrily

"No it's over and he will be punished for his actions"-the anbu recruiter reply's in tone that says this conversation is over

"Tch fine,so am I an anbu now?"-Kazuya

"Yes but you won't be immediately sent out on missions instead you will go through training for the next two months then you will get your gear and be sent on missions"-anbu recruiter

"Will I be paid during that time?"-Kazuya

"Yes,you'll be paid the equivalent of a D rank mission"-anbu recruiter


"Now go with principal Akako who will show you around"-anbu recruiter








Nature release:

Earth release

Kekkei genkai:

Swift release

Gravity release


Transformation jutsu(Dog,Boar,Ram)(Picture here)

Clone jutsu(Ram,Snake,Tiger)(Picture here)

Earth style:stone clone jutsu(Ram, Monkey,Horse,Ram)(Picture here)

Gravity release: Gravitational down force (No hand signs)(Picture here)

Swift release (No hand signs)(Picture here)

Jutsu in chapter:

Earth style erupt(Picture here)

Iwagakure anbu picture here.
