
Choco Dog

In a decent neighborhood, on the eve of Halloween, a slim and petite figure was walking down the street under the moonlight. They had muted silver hair and deep caramel eyes that seemed to shimmer in excitement as they walked into a electronics store.

Taffy was really looking forward to the new VRMMO that was going to come out soon as he bought the chip for it. It would come out tonight at 12 pm. The creators of this brand new game were hinting that it was Halloween themed and Taffy was hoping that meant a bunch of monsters in a really creepy setting. He had played VR games before, mostly fantasy settings and a few shooting ones, nothing really special. He was decent at playing them and was actually making a bit of a living off of them, besides his real job.

He was actually a chocolatier in a shop down the street from where he lived. His friend had always told him that he would end up in the candy business and well they were right. Taffy had always thought it was ironic how his name went so well with the career he had chosen and he was partially thankful for it because that's part of what got him the job. Taffy still loves playing VRMMO's in his free time and making money while doing it felt good too.

As he walked out of the store holding the bag as if it was a baby, he hoped that this would be the start of a great new adventure. What Taffy didn't know was that what happened in this game would change his life and his relationship with sweets forever.
