
Sweeter than Money

It's easy to find a sugar daddy when you have a face like mine. The hardest part is when you managed to entangle yourself with a married man. Am I despicable? Maybe, but before you say anything, read my story first.

unlikablepatatas · Ciudad
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1 Chs


I'm not being narcissist, but I'm someone who can figure out right away when someone likes me. It's not that I can see it in their eyes nor in their actions, because some people were really good at hiding their emotions. I just, know it. I can feel it. A single glance at me can help me decide if you're someone I should avoid or not.

Again, I'm not being narcissist. But I know what kind of appearance I have. With the kind of lifestyle I have, it's best to stay away from trouble if I desired to graduate peacefully.

But there are some trouble that you can't avoid even if you wanted to. For example, this guy…

"Will you stop being lazy and just start taking down notes?" Genuine concern was present in his tone. But the unconcerned me flatly said "No."

"Then I will stop giving you mine."

"Fine by me." I said without any hesitation. I then shifted my attention from my phone to someone who was busy arranging the contents of his bag and pointed at him using my puckered lips.

No words are needed to say. Giov knew already that I can use that guy through exploiting his feelings towards me or use that guy's scholar status and lure him with money.

And as someone who's been holding a torch for me, he's going to prevent that to happen.

The thought of his affection towards me made my eyes dim.

I looked at him straight in the eyes.

"Quit crushing on me, you already know that you can't get out from the friend zone."

He knew I'm not joking, yet he just smiled and ruffled my hair. "Silly."

I slapped his hand away, stood up and grabbed my tote bag.

"I'm fucking serious. You'll get hurt"

"I don't care." He said.

I know. Only a blind person can't tell how crazy you are to me. Crazy to the point that won't stop showing it so you won't have any regrets.

But the heartless me just rolled her eyes and went out of the lecture room without giving him or anyone else a glance.

Showing him this kind of attitude is my only futile attempt to shake him off. Because when I said that if he keep on having those feelings to me he will get hurt, again, I'm being fucking serious.

The phone that was clasped in my hand vibrated. I turned it on and saw a text from 'that' someone.

I let out a deep sigh.

Giov is so my type. Tall, RICH, and handsome. But unfortunately, he already lost the battle even before he met me. I'm already in a relationship, a fucked up relationship that I initiated but has no means of cutting off.

The text written as:


Hotel del Fuego, flr. 21, rm. 2108

6 p.m.


A poor lazy college girl with a pretty face having a patron is nothing new. Sweet cash in exchange for sex seems fair to me. Especially if the sex was insanely good.

But things were much more complicated than I thought it would be. But what should I do, if the one who seduced me to jump into this hell has a scorching body, a face of a demon and a bottomless pocket. After all, I'm just a weak willed woman who can't fight this kind temptation--or maybe I'm just being sarcastic. Who knows.

The plot is complete but the author is pretty inconsistent so the previous and current chapter may subject to change.

Thank you for reading! <3

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