

"What the hell do you think you're doing?"

My heart stopped and my entire being froze upon hearing that. I recognized that voice. That was Blair Westwood's voice.

"O-Oh my G- I am so s-sorry, Blair. I didn't mean to do that. I should've watched where I was going." I gulped the large lump that formed in the back of my throat and my eyes casted down on the floor.

Silence filled the air between us, and as the minutes passed, the antsier I got to leave. I wanted to walk out, but I knew the second-in-command was hot on my trail. Wait.

I was stuck in the bathroom with the HBIC of all people, while Delilah Santiago was also after me. Realization hitting, I looked up to meet the piercing green eyes of the she-devil herself.


From a young age, Blair Westwood had been wired to thrive on pain and destruction. She was the queen bee, the head cheerleader that striked fear into the hearts of many. However, when her eyes capture the gaze of a certain volleyball captain, all that she's ever known suddenly becomes a lie. Her empire is threatened as she battles against the norms forced on her by society along with finding out the truth about her sexuality.

©givenchytearss 2018