
The Catastrophe

The Next Day...

I raise my head to look at the tall building in front of me. So this is the Seven Seasons office. I've come here to give Jason back the pendant I broke yesterday.... and also because this place is close to the bank.

I walk inside and ask the receptionist if I can meet him. She calls him on the office intercom and waits. The line connects and she greets him and then gets down to business.

Receptionist: There's a woman who claims that she's your acquaintance and wants to meet you..... Her name is..

She signals me to tell her my name and I whisper to her.

Mia: Mia Cox.

Receptionist:.. Mia Cox... Yes... Okay, understood.

She hangs up the phone and sizes me up and down.


Receptionist: He's coming down to meet you. Take a seat there.

She points towards the waiting area, her voice slightly impolite this time.

Mia: Okay, thank you.

I turn around and start walking away.

Receptionist: Seriously?

I hear the receptionist whispering this to herself in a very despising tone, she's referring to me. I don't why but, it feels like she holds a grudge against me.

I take a seat and pull out my phone. Looks like Naomi sent me text.

Naomi: 'You lucky girl!'

She pairs her message with a crying baby sticker. Pfft, it's so cute. Looks like she's working again today. I open my browser to pass time. It's only late September and yet all pages are filled with Halloween theme ideas. I wonder what we're going to be doing here at Sweet Treats this time.

The brainstorming and experimenting sessions will start soon. Hey, I think I have an idea! What about a meringue made in the shape of a witch's hat?! That should sell!

As I'm musing over new ideas, a familiar voice calls out to me.

???: Mia!

I look up to see Jason walking towards me with a gentle smile on his face. I stand up and put my phone in my pocket.

Mia: Hey.

I smile back.

Jason: What brings you here?

Mia: Well, I forgot to give this back to you.

I take out the pendant charm and a small bundle of cookies from my purse and hand them to him. He tilts his head in confusion.

Jason: This is..?

Mia: Salted chocolate cookies. I made them for you as an apology gift.

They're one of the only types of cookies that I can make without messing anything up.

Jason:.. Pfft.

He gives out a soft chuckle and pats my head.


Jason: Apology accepted.

His gesture warms my heart a little but then I suddenly feel a gust of cold wind pass. All the women in the lobby are looking at us and glaring at me.... Why do I feel like I'm in danger?

My genuine smile turns into a nervous one. Then suddenly..

Staff 1: Sir! Something terrible had happened! We need you here immediately!

A staff member calls out to Jason. This must be important.

Mia: I should get going.

I'm about to turn around and leave but he grabs a hold of my hand.

Jason: Wait!

Mia:..! H-Hey!

He starts walking towards the staff member briskly, dragging me behind him. Why is he taking me with him?! But on second thought, I'd more likely be alive if I didn't stay alone right now.

We walk away, well aware of the malicious stares on me. He leads us to one of the higher floors of the building. The elevator door opens with a 'ding'. The moment we step outside, my eyes go wide in surprise.

Everyone is running around in panic, there's chaos everywhere. What in the world happened?

Staff 2: The model that was supposed be doing the photoshoot burnt herself with boiling water!

Staff 3: Ugh, I never liked her. She made us push our deadline and then burnt herself on the last day.

Staff 4: Stop complaining and think of a solution!

What I gathered is that today is their deadline and the person who was supposed to pose for their magazine's photos has injured herself and cannot do it. That's terrible, what are they going to do?

I peer at Jason's face to see that he's at a loss, his eyebrows are furred and his lips are pursed together. He wracks his brains to find a solution.

Jason: Have you tried contacting other models?

Staff 3: Yes! But they have a very tight schedule and are unavailable!

Staff 5: We're done for, there's nothing that we can do!

Jason: Calm down, we can still do something.

His voice is filled with determination which makes the others calm down a bit.

Staff 6: That's true but, how are we supposed to do the photoshoot without a model?

Staff 7: Yeah, where are we going to find another woman who has the same build as... her...


Mia: Uh...

....... Okay, why is everyone staring at me?!

Jason: Mia..


Jason takes my hands in his and looks at me earnestly. W-What?

Jason: Will you model for us?

Mia: What?!