
Pursue You Again

Mia:.. Mmm..

Is it morning already? The morning sunlight falls on my eyes, waking me up. I slowly open my eyes to see an unfamiliar ceiling. Huh? Where am I? I try to get up but a throbbing pain in my head stops me. Ugh, it hurts. I touch my forehead and feel something over it. What is this? I take it in my hand. A wet cloth? Who would...

Wait, yesterday I fainted in the alley way and I think Jason helped me. Is this his house? I look the room. Wait, are those my clothes hanging over there?! I look down at my body. I'm wearing pajamas... Girl's pajamas to be exact. Hold up, Jason has a sister, are these her's? But who changed my clothes for me? Was it Jason?!

Just then, the door opens and in steps Jason, with a blue bruise on his right cheekbone. Did he get that when the thug hit him yesterday? For some reason I don't feel bad at all even though he got that while trying to protect me. It serves him right for what he's done.

Jason: Ah, you're awake. Don't push yourself too much, your body is drained of all it's energy.


Jason:... I brought you here because it was near the place you passed out. It's my sister's apartment. But I guess you already know each other.

Mia: Uh huh.

Cindy must've told him that she met me that day. He sets a tray down on the table beside the bed.

Jason: I never knew you were so strong, you're so thin.

Mia: Mmhmm.

I reply, still not making eye contact. I didn't really need his help back then when I had to carry the shopping bags, I was only worried because there were so many.

Jason:... If you're wondering who helped you change your clothes, it was Cindy.


That's a relief. I finally turn to look at him.

Jason: Anyway, about your temperature...

He goes to touch my forehead but stops. He holds out a thermometer to me instead. I take it and place it under my tongue.

Jason: About yesterday, I'm really sorry. I didn't mean to hurt you, really.


I only nod in response.

Jason: So do I take that as 'I forgive you'?

I take the thermometer out of my mouth and hand it to him.

Mia: No.

Jason:.. I see. Well, at least your fever's going down.

He looks at the thermometer before keeping it back on the tray.


Jason: Take these pills after you have breakfast or you'll faint again. We don't want that happening, do we?

He points towards the pills and glass of water keep in the tray.

Mia: Okay.

Jason: Good, then I'll get going.

He turns to leave.

Mia: You're gonna show up to work looking like that?

Jason: I guess that'll raise a lot of eyebrows, huh. I'll just use some of Cindy's make-up.

Mia: Okay, then I'll leave after breakfast too.

Jason: What? You're still weak. Your body will collapse if you don't get enough rest.

Mia: I'm fine.

Jason: No, you're not.

I frown. Why is he so persistent?

Mia: Why are you so stubborn?

Jason: You're stubborn.

What's with him?!

Mia: Listen, I know my body, and you are nobody to order me around, okay?

Jason: That's not true, I'm your fiance, aren't I?

That promise again!

Mia:..! I'm already past that! And I don't like you anymore!

How dare he call himself that after hurting me?!

Jason:.. Is that so...?

Mia: Yes! I don't want to-

Jason: Then, can I pursue you again?

Mia: Huh..?

He looks into my eyes earnestly and I feel as though I'm being sucked into those big, blue eyes of his....

~ To be continued~

~Hey everyone! This chapter will mark the ending of Sweet Treats Vol.1! Stay tuned for new volumes! Vol.2 is coming soon~

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