

Adeline wrapped her arms around his neck, going in for a warm hug. She sat down on his lap, making herself comfortable.

Caesar was again surprised. He couldn't understand her behavior because her entire reaction was completely contradictory to his expectations. But nonetheless, he responded with a hug, retracting his furs once again to appear human.

"Are those what you bite me with?" Adeline asked, resting her jaw against his shoulder. She'd glimpsed the two sharp canines.

Caesar replied, saying, "It is."

"Do you just bite me with it, or does it do more?" Adeline furthered her question.

"It does more." Caesar was honest. "All those times, I didn't bite you only because I enjoyed it, I did the majority of the time to scent mark you."

Adeline was perplexed. "Scent…mark?"