
suspicious reincarnation

The story follows the journey of Rusius Abarai, a reincarnated individual who finds himself in the world of Elysium after a tragic accident in his previous life. Starting as a baby, Rusius grows up in a medieval-like world with magic and swords. He learns about his surroundings, discovers his magical abilities, and hones his swordsmanship. Rusius embarks on adventures, encounters various creatures, and faces challenges, including a dungeon raid where he encounters a powerful monster. Along the way, he forms bonds with others, like Alina Latin, and seeks to uncover the mysteries of his new world.

unknown_creation · Fantasía
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11 Chs

chapter 8

Once we regained our composure, we realized the gravity of our situation. The Eldritch Shrieker's presence in the dungeon was an ominous sign, hinting at dark forces stirring beneath the surface of Elysium. We knew we had to warn the others and alert the authorities before it was too late.

With grim determination, we set out to find our companions and relay the dire news. As we traversed the labyrinthine corridors of the dungeon, we encountered more monstrous creatures lurking in the shadows. Each encounter tested our resolve and pushed us to our limits, but we pressed on, fueled by the urgency of our mission.

Finally, after what felt like an eternity, we reunited with the rest of the raid team. Their faces paled as we recounted our harrowing encounter with the Eldritch Shrieker. We implored them to evacuate the dungeon immediately and seek help from the Elysium authorities.

With no time to spare, we led the way out of the dungeon, navigating the treacherous passages with caution. Our hearts raced with every step, fearing that the Eldritch Shrieker might emerge from the depths to pursue us once more.

At last, we emerged into the light of day, greeted by the sight of the Emberglade Forest stretching out before us. We wasted no time in making our way back to Sunhaven, where we could report our findings and ensure that the necessary measures were taken to confront the threat.

As we journeyed back to the city, I couldn't shake the feeling of unease that lingered in the back of my mind. The Eldritch Shrieker's presence was a portent of darker days ahead, and I knew that our ordeal was far from over.

But amidst the uncertainty and danger, one thing remained clear – Alina and I had faced the horrors of the dungeon together, and our bond had only grown stronger in the face of adversity. Together, we would stand against whatever challenges awaited. After arriving in the village and speak to the adventure guild and the village chief, they decided to contact the Elysium main branch and tell them about the Eldritch Shrieker and the findings to show that it was placed in the dungeon by the insect tribe. The adventure guild told us that the main magic forces were setting off to come and defeat the Eldritch Shrieker, and we should leave it to them. We continued to talk and then left. Me and Alina parted ways, and I headed to the inn with Miss Isadora. After reaching the inn, I wanted to wash up and change out of my armor. After washing up, I had a talk with Miss Isadora, and she started to apologize for bringing me into it. I told her not to worry about it and just thanked the gods we were okay. We went to our rooms after the conversation, and I wrote a letter to my family telling them what happened in the dungeon and that we made it out safe but I lost an arm. The next day we got ready to head out to the academy. We visited Alina, and I asked her to come along. She turned me down but said she would come to the academy next year because she wanted to train some more and get stronger. I said my goodbyes and headed off to the city of Evercrest, the last destination before reaching Shadowfen.