
Sus???????? (no title yet lol)

"As the end of a millennium draws to a near, darkness veils humanity once again." The middle ages has for all we know, the most violent and brutal part of human history recorded. This story will be set in the view point of Benedict, as he tells his story from the past of being a templar serving the Christian church. Completely lost in life at the time due to the death of his wife and daughter which he thinks it's his fault, he pleaded allegiance to the Christian Church to become a crusader, in order to repent for his "sin". Along the way, he meets a brooding and menacing man called Eron Bartolomeo, one of the fiercest and most violent unit in the cavalry. He slowly learns that there is much more to him than his stoic appearance, changing his view on the world he once thought was cruel and unfair. Along the way, Benedict learns to find his own path and meaning in life. AUTHOR'S NOTE: Yo majorku here, I don't really expect to update this story much considering I'm only doing this for fun (and seeing if Im good at story telling, meaning I can make better novels in the future haha). Especially school is shit right now, so I'm probably gonna suck at this or never finishing it. So don't really expect much from this first novel of mine. (BUT if you did like it or anything, please give me ur honest thoughts! I might get better in the future if so and thanks in advance if you do!) P.S - The story will be revolving heavily around religious things. I'm not pressing beliefs, this is just part of the story and everything is fictional, so please no hate.

majorku · Fantasía
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3 Chs


"And God will wipe away every tear from their eyes. There shall be no more death, nor sorrow, nor crying. There shall be no more pain, for the former things have passed away." - Revelation 21:4


For all my life, I have been living in guilt. From the time I accidentally broke my mother's porcelain figure, to the time the only light in my life has died. My wife, my daughter, my family. They're gone, and it was all because of my incompetence and recklessness.

But onwards into my life, I have learned to overcome the guilt I built inside of me, learning that both the past and future does not exist, meaning what's important, is what's happening in the now. Learning to appreciate the little things in life, and overcoming flaws and accepting it. But as I grow older, I realize that now, the only guilt I have, is watching an old friend of mine die, right before my eyes, like I did when my wife passed away.

I am old now, and there's really no point in building up and piling my mistakes in my thoughts, knowing I'll die with a burden in my heart. But even so, it has been so long, so long I couldn't remember anything that has happened in the last hundreds of years. Believe me or not, I have been roaming this earth far more than you have been alive. I've watched kingdoms rise and fall, I've seen many noblemen and people die. It's a real burden. Seeing your peers pass away while you go about and move on in life, the denial, the rage, the regret, then acceptance. It's an endless cycle.

It was long long ago, when I was still living in the great land of Bel Paese. I was in the allegiance of Knights Templar in my homeland. Serving the Christian church in order to repent to the time I watch my family get slaughtered. I can say that it was pretty egotistical, since I only caught up in religion for my own gains.

"Benedict, have you finished your quotas?" The priest called out to me. I was never really fond of him, he gives me a very disturbing aura. Father Constantine looks very odd for a priest, growing strange, messy, silver shine hair, reminiscent to that of a freshly made sword, along side his elf-like ears, you will probably wonder if he's even human.

"I have, I already had a talk with the king on expanding our influences." I said, keeping my guard up. God forgive me, but I hate this man so much. I can't even tell where this anger is welling from. "Good. You really are reliable." He praised. I don't know if he was serious, but I won't let no single compliment cut through me.

"If I may ask, can you do me another favor? A personal one, not from the pope this time." He says in a sincere way, much like talking to a friend. Does he even see me as one? That'll be terrible. "Of course, what is it?" I ask, but I wasn't really willing. "Right now, I want you to travel to the next town and look for my friend there. He's part of the Templars as well, and it's been awhile since I've seen him, something must've happened." He describes. "Alright, what's his name so I can get a clue?"

"Eron Bartolomeo, it's better if you refer to him as Eron Of Lazarus, he's more identifiable that way." I unexpectedly swallow in slight disbelief. People knew Eron, the last resort of the cavalry when things get out of hand. He'll finish the task right away, along with a lot of casualties. He's burning with rage deep in him, resulting of him committing slaughter upon slaughter of enemies. People fear him, not wanting to cross his path. His intimidating appearance makes it so that you can't read what's in his mind, making you fear on not knowing what he'll do next. I broke a sweat just by thinking about this.

"Well, can you do it?" Father Constantine makes sure. "W-Well I'll try, if I still come back in one piece.." I nervously say. "Oh don't be too nervous, you're a templar like him, he's not gonna do anything." He reassures.

After a nap, I decided to gear up and go to Verona to look for... him. Remembering that monster gives me shivers. I grabbed my sword just in case. Arriving there was pretty easy, it was only a few walks away. After asking a few people to find him, it led me to this weird, run down house. I expected him to be in a forest fighting off make-believe goblins like a moron.

I entered the house. The loud creak of the door unsettled me. I tried not to make too much noise. From here I saw a faint light coming down from the hole on the roof. It was dusty, particles are flying everywhere, and the shimmer of the summer light, shone on a menacing and dark silhouette of a heavily armored man. I already know it was him, Eron. He was crouched down, and darted his bright lilac eyes to me. My heart was racing. He looked like he can brutally murder someone.

He continued to sharply stare at me, then got up. He slowly walked towards to me. I began to panic. Every footstep and creak of the old floorboards made me question my safety, especially the way he walked. It was eerie. As he draws near, I could only close my eyes.


This kinda didn't stand too strong for me idk. Also for people asking, Bel Paese is a nickname for Italy, meaning "beautiful country". Lazarus is a fictional town in Venice I thought of, Eron was born in Lazarus, Italy.Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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