

Shuichi Nakamura and his class go on a vacation trip to and inland belonging to their friends father Yuuichi sato, the class gets consent from the parents and will be watched by teachers but the boat takes them to the wrong island and leaves them all alone on a vacation island, days later students start dying slowly. Suichi and his classmates have to find the killer before they are killed.

Daoist9Sq5lo · Real
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2 Chs

Yuuichi sato

"Humans are claimed to be the perfect images of the representation of God, the bible tells us he made us in his image,"… "basically we are of God having his nature, his control, his thinking and we worship God for his works, people go around preaching that God loves all and he wants what's good for us, the problem in their actions is trying to save all souls". The school bell rings and the teacher walks into the class to start class "get ready for class everyone" the teacher turns to board… "not all men are to be saved some are not an image of God but a failed project and society does nothing about it but ignores it, this class is full of students but only eighty – five percent will be beneficial to society the rest are waste letting them live on is destroying the society rather than chasing or separating or helping we should redeem them by killing off their useless life to be reborn and have a second chance, yet no one will do that preaching morals sanity and salvation because they do not let their through potentials out but I the perfection of the lord is willing to take this stand and clean society"…

As the bell rings the speaker exists the school walking down a quiet street with quite few people around, a middle school age girl walks up to him begging for money "can I please get some money sir"… the speaker looks at her and smile "where are you from, where are your parents" she looks at him "they left me to survive on my own" the speaker looking at her in warmth "how could they leave an angel like you all alone, that's just bad they're neglecting you and not thinking of you" the girl in confusion replies "yes" "they're trying to kill you, ignoring your health feelings and making you beg and they should not be doing so, don't you agree" "yes, I've been begging all day getting little to eat and I don't know what to do anymore" the speaker speaks with assertiveness "you're soon going to die, why not head home" the girl face fills up with anxiety "wh… what do you mean" the speaker face suddenly seem cold and serious "go home before you die on the streets begging I'm sure your parents have food to give you" the girl filled with fear I can't they won't get me anything to eat" "if someone was trying to kill you what would you do" the girl looking confused " what do you mean" the speaker looks around for a while "let's head for your house" the speaker starts moving and she follows him "child abuse is a felony but the court won't do much about it" the girl still confused "I don't understand what you're saying" "your parents ignore you, let you beg for food and allow you to starve slowly the insults and the court simply puts them in prisons or perhaps rehabilitate them but what if they come back and try to kill you would you run or would you kill them back" the girl looks at him in fear "I wouldn…" "would you run go back to the officers and let people who try to harm you go free knowing they don't regret it and forever live with the fear they could come back or finish them off completely, would you rather complain about a deadly spider and have it locked up than kill it assuring it never comes back" the girl looking at him with no response "think, a young girl like you being traumatized for the rest of life living with the fear of deadly parents… it's only a matter of time before they try to kill you, in their eyes you're a mistake that should be killed and you should view them as poisonous spiders that should be completely eliminated" the girl panicking with anxiety "kill your parents, you'd be a hero ending the danger, the queen who took her stance, or you'll be killed, don't worry I'll support you if anything happens after all it's an instinct of self-defense" the girl face lights up with an evil smile "I'll kill them I'll…" "burn, burn them". The speaker hands the girl a gas for her to drop in her parents room "find a way to lock all the doors and window get me a key for the back door ill lock it from the outside so your parents can't escape and when you come by ill unlock it. Few seconds later the speakers leaves the house and the news records th whole family died from the fire including the girl.

(inner thought)… after the fire settled down I went in as one of the people in the community and unlocked some windows to make it seem like they weren't locked in then I locked the doors leading to the open rooms making it seem like they couldn't get out because of the doors to open places where locked I then let some few gas out and turn the dials of the gas cooker then destroyed some parts to make it seem like it exploded, killing the parents was my way of cleaning society and the girl death was mainly to hide any suspicions, The word is filled with more people like this and as the perfection of God ill cleanse it completely I Yuuichi Sato the perfection of God