
Survivors: Twenty Years Of Biohazard

Jason wakes up to the sound of a biological bomb exploding and finds himself in a dark basement. He discovers that the Earth world has been destroyed outside and its atmosphere has become toxic and deadly. So how did he end up in the basement? How will he get out of there? What awaits him outside?

Fadi_Beghdaoui15 · Ciencia y ficción
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4 Chs


At one time.. and with a spray and rapid bullets like flashes of lightning and the rumble of thunder.. the soldiers with their heavy machine guns killed all the villagers including Andres and Amigo, and the fiery ritual area turned into a theater of rotting corpses.. Jason and Benny were captured while unconscious and taken to the car. Jason asked: Why didn't you kill us in the first place? And where is my sister and the others?

Adrian replied by saying: We need you, Jace, all of this was planned in advance, you are our lab rats in our secret experiment "X-humanity" to test the efficiency of humans under conditions, and we were really surprised by the results, we concluded that you are risking your lives or the lives of others just to satisfy your hunger! Or hurt those who want to help you, but the experiment is not over yet, we will take you to our secret laboratory now, come on the journey is long

Then Jason and Benny entered the armored vehicle and met with Paul, Jennifer, Catherine and Lisa, and they hugged each other to express their longing for each other

Paul said with great anger: That old man is the one who deliberately imprisoned us and made us part of their dirty experiment

Jason replied: He will get his pay later

But before the army vehicles, which numbered seven armored vehicles equipped with machine guns and cannons, set off, everyone heard rustling in the dry trees behind the broken gate.

- Do you hear that? - The soldier who was holding the surface machine gun in the first armored vehicle that was ahead of all the other vehicles asked -

Adrian issued his orders over the radio: Be careful.. and stay in your places and the vehi...

Before he could finish his words, a huge tiguan with its red eyes shining in the darkness of the night attacked the soldier who was holding the first machine gun by jumping on the armored vehicle, causing him to scream in terror and split him in half, taking the upper half from above his rooster to the rest of his upper body and holding it between its huge fangs, then retreating to the trees and disappearing among them, and the bullets and cannons of the armored vehicles failed to kill it.

Adrian shouted: You motherfuckers! go, for Christ's sake get out of here!

The vehicles took off in the middle of the road between the dark burning branches, and the tiguans hit the sides of the armored vehicles, causing three of them to fall, and those black monsters pounced on them, tearing the flesh of their soldiers and cutting them in half.

A soldier said to Adrian: Sir, we can't control it with the electronic chip!

Adrian: How can't you, we are the ones who cloned it!

Then the tiguan attacked the soldier, he died and Adrian fled in terror and shock. As for the armored vehicle that the comrades were in, the tiguan also attacked it, flipped it over and tried to penetrate it! ...

Amidst the tiguan's brutal attacks on the car and the teenagers' terror, the sound of those monsters suddenly stopped. Then a person opened the car door and asked the young men to follow him. They had no choice but to do so. They followed him and found the tiguan's bodies piled up on top of the car, but surprisingly, they did not hear the sound of gunfire at it. How did it die, I wonder?!

The soldiers' bodies were also piled up and were the remains of that fierce war between the American army and the giant panthers after losing control over them. Then that person took them to a secret hideout in the village. After they entered the basement, they took off their uniforms and masks and saw that person's face. He was an old, gray-haired man with a white beard that reached his chest.

Lisa: Who are you?! And why did you save us?! Especially since you are wearing the uniform of an army scientist

He replied saying: My name is "Louis" and I am actually a scientist in the American army

Paul: So you are luring us like Adrian did

Louis: No, I saved you, and I'm not like Adrian, who exploits others for his own benefit. I'm working secretly without the knowledge of the military to invent ways to eliminate the virus and the Teguar after the military refused to grant me a lab permit. I will help you get out of here. Don't worry, this is my own hideout in the village. You were part of the secret X-Humanity experiment.

Jennifer: We know.. They did this to see how efficient we are.

Louis: Not only that.. but to clone you as well. They implanted a memory-distorting chip in your heads, which is why you can't remember what happened to you in the past very well, including that they kidnapped you and then locked you in the basement.

Catherine: Can you tell us what's really going on in the country?

Louis: The Teguar have gone out of line with the regular code, which is why the military can't control them. This is the harm of cloning. These monsters have literally colonized the entire western part of America, all the way to Los Angeles.

Jason whispered and asked everyone to calm down after Jennifer fell asleep in his arms: But how did you kill the tigguar?!

Louis took out a small laboratory tube with a solution and said: With this, poison X, kills the tigguar, you just have to feed it into a gun and shoot it at her

Paul: This is interesting, it reminds me of steroids huh, but what do we do now?!

Louis: We have to go to my lab to continue developing the poison and find the vaccine, it's about 30 kilometers away, let's go tomorrow it's late now, sleep and I will guard the hideout from the tigguar, they are monsters that colonize the lands, and they have already colonized the village.

While Benny was lying on the bed in that dark secret basement they were in, Catherine wondered: Did they colonize the village?

Louis answered her while sitting on a rubber chair: They roam secretly and quietly, sneaking until they cut your throat.

At the same moment, a meter and a half away, Jason said to Paul and Lisa: When they wanted to eat us in that square.. I saw their leader without a mask! While all his followers were wearing suits.

Paul said while rubbing his hair: So he wasn't affected by the toxic air.

Lisa assumed: Maybe the air isn't toxic here.. Anyway, let's sleep a little and we'll tell Louis about this tomorrow.

The guys took a break, but Louis woke them up at night asking them to be quiet and not talk, and when they asked him why, he told them that the tiguan had entered the house!...

To be continued...

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