
Titan vs Titan

The Chinook helicopter lifted off the ground and flew at an altitude not too high for them to not miss out on any details. 

"Okay, radio check," Richard spoke through his radio. "Do you hear me, Graves, Titan?"

Clear as day, Sir," Graves responded, his voice coming through the radio crisp and focused. 

Titan, in his usual stoic manner, simply replied with a firm "Affirmative."

Richard nodded, satisfied with the communication check. 

"Remember, this is about testing your limits, not going overboard," Richard reiterated. 

Graves activated his suit and immediately was wrapped in nanotech armor. Meanwhile, the Titan simply stood at a distance, staring menacingly at Graves. Even though this is just a friendly bout to find out the capabilities of the super soldier, Graves could feel the intensity of the situation. The knowledge that he was about to engage in a combat simulation with a super soldier of Titan's caliber was daunting yet exhilarating.