
The Prelude to Something Greater

Graves wore his Titan's Guard Mark II and quickly activated it. However, he noticed that Richard was not doing anything.

"Sir…I thought we were going to join the frontlines. Don't tell me you are going out there naked," Graves said jokingly.

Richard chuckled at the remark. "Don't worry, I have something up my sleeve."

Richard opened his system's inventory and clicked the icon of the Model: Titan's Defender - Level 1 Mecha.

[Specs: Height: 8 meters

Weight: 30 tons

Armor: Nano-composite armor plating with reactive armor capabilities. Provides high resistance to ballistic, energy, and explosive damage.

Power Source: Dual-core fusion reactor, providing extended operational capability and high energy output.

Propulsion: Hybrid system consisting of legged mobility for ground operations and jet propulsion for short-range flight and enhanced mobility.
